Israel brings good things to life

We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

I could careless what you think I am, but may I suggest before you open your mouth, to read yourself, read Twains book which was wrote after a war torn civil war in Palestine, and then he has the nerve to compare it to the US. Twain visited the holy sites, and then tell us about these quotes:

“We must expel Arabs and take their places…and, if we have to use force – not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan, but to guarantee our own right to settle in those places – then we have force at our disposal.”
– David Ben Gurion, from Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians, p. 66.

“We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from people inhabiting it”
– Moshe Sharett, from Righteous Victims, p. 91

“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either…There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab Population.”
– Moshe Dayan, from Ha’aretz, April 4, 1969 (this is just what is happening , destroy the history of the people before them, but make sure everyone knows what pagan filth they were, which is how you know why Zionist are never to be trusted, as they destroy every people and country they infest)

A lot can be done as well when one has money like good old Rothschilds who gave the poor farmer jews (the first jews they sent there) to dig wells, build roads and build a wine factory. The jews have always begged for money working on the sympathy of others, anti Semitism is the tool they use and use it to the max. even to this day. As we now are alive they are rewriting history, history books and everything else, they are the destroyers.

Unsubstantiated islamonazi LIES, BLOOD LIBELS and PROPAGANDA.

As Mark Twain wrote Palestine was a barren unpopulated wilderness with few arabs living there. The land was intersperced with harms worked by the Jews who did their best on such scant productive land.

So no arab Palestinians but plenty of Jewish Palestinians

Mark Twain, was anti Christians and also said the Jews were pagans.

Off topic deflection, do try and keep to the subject matter

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
You should be more concerned with black helicopters circling overhead vs. the Owls that haunt your world.
We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

Unsubstantiated islamonazi LIES, BLOOD LIBELS and PROPAGANDA.

As Mark Twain wrote Palestine was a barren unpopulated wilderness with few arabs living there. The land was intersperced with harms worked by the Jews who did their best on such scant productive land.

So no arab Palestinians but plenty of Jewish Palestinians

Mark Twain, was anti Christians and also said the Jews were pagans.

Off topic deflection, do try and keep to the subject matter

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
You should be more concerned with black helicopters circling overhead vs. the Owls that haunt your world.

Oh is this thread about owls then. I thought it was more about how Israel made the desert bloom, cough cough, and the 700 club jerk cherry picking Twains book. Sorry. Back to the cute little owls.
Post something positive about Israel and the Jew hating freaks come crawling out of the woodwork.

Works every time.

I agree!

It's enough for the hater brigade merely to see the word Israel...and inmediately something is triggered inside them



This just isn't true Skye.......People appreciate much that Jews have done....It is
Oh how sad
Post something positive about Israel and the Jew hating freaks come crawling out of the woodwork.

Works every time.
It is annoying. I set up a nice thread about owls and look what happens. The level of hatred that turns a harmless thread about owls into a hate fest is phenomenal and disgusting.
I wish we had an owl that would handle the rats on the message board.

No you didn't. This forum is about the Zionist Israeli-Palestinian conflict in a politics message board. Anything "positive" about Zionist Israel you post here is deliberate Hasbara (unless you are incredibly naive or incredibly stupid) and therefore fair game; just like you Zionuts do to anything positive posted about Palestinians. Get over yourself.
You defend rodents against owls. You are just a mentally ill person. Get help.

Point out to me please, where I have defended rodents against owls.
Thread has been semi cleaned of derailments and flames.

Get back on topic guys - Israel/Arab cooperation in this agricultural endeavor, owls, agriculture. What the topic is not was whether the land was uninhabited earlier, who squatted where and when.
We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

I could careless what you think I am, but may I suggest before you open your mouth, to read yourself, read Twains book which was wrote after a war torn civil war in Palestine, and then he has the nerve to compare it to the US. Twain visited the holy sites, and then tell us about these quotes:

“We must expel Arabs and take their places…and, if we have to use force – not to dispossess the Arabs of the Negev and Transjordan, but to guarantee our own right to settle in those places – then we have force at our disposal.”
– David Ben Gurion, from Nur Masalha, Expulsion of the Palestinians, p. 66.

“We have forgotten that we have not come to an empty land to inherit it, but we have come to conquer a country from people inhabiting it”
– Moshe Sharett, from Righteous Victims, p. 91

“Jewish villages were built in the place of Arab villages. You do not even know the names of these Arab villages, and I do not blame you because geography books no longer exist, not only do the books not exist, the Arab villages are not there either…There is not one single place built in this country that did not have a former Arab Population.”
– Moshe Dayan, from Ha’aretz, April 4, 1969 (this is just what is happening , destroy the history of the people before them, but make sure everyone knows what pagan filth they were, which is how you know why Zionist are never to be trusted, as they destroy every people and country they infest)

A lot can be done as well when one has money like good old Rothschilds who gave the poor farmer jews (the first jews they sent there) to dig wells, build roads and build a wine factory. The jews have always begged for money working on the sympathy of others, anti Semitism is the tool they use and use it to the max. even to this day. As we now are alive they are rewriting history, history books and everything else, they are the destroyers.

Unsubstantiated islamonazi LIES, BLOOD LIBELS and PROPAGANDA.

As Mark Twain wrote Palestine was a barren unpopulated wilderness with few arabs living there. The land was intersperced with harms worked by the Jews who did their best on such scant productive land.

So no arab Palestinians but plenty of Jewish Palestinians

Mark Twain, was anti Christians and also said the Jews were pagans.

Off topic deflection, do try and keep to the subject matter

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates
We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

Unsubstantiated islamonazi LIES, BLOOD LIBELS and PROPAGANDA.

As Mark Twain wrote Palestine was a barren unpopulated wilderness with few arabs living there. The land was intersperced with harms worked by the Jews who did their best on such scant productive land.

So no arab Palestinians but plenty of Jewish Palestinians

Mark Twain, was anti Christians and also said the Jews were pagans.

Off topic deflection, do try and keep to the subject matter

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates

Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?
We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

Mark Twain, was anti Christians and also said the Jews were pagans.

Off topic deflection, do try and keep to the subject matter

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates

Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?

Cats are voracious predators too, and a great way to eliminate rodents.

Actually owls are a sign of good luck and fortune in some eastern cultures, you moron.

Owls in Japan Symbolism and Myth May 2014 Newsletter
Many areas have very ignorant ideas on the importance of natural predators - they kill them off and find themselves overun by rodents - hawks, owls, foxes, wild cats, snakes, coyotes etc all perform very valuable functions. There's a reason why many ancient societies encouraged cats to protect graneries etc.
We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

Off topic deflection, do try and keep to the subject matter

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates

Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?

Cats are voracious predators too, and a great way to eliminate rodents.

Actually owls are a sign of good luck and fortune in some eastern cultures, you moron.

Owls in Japan Symbolism and Myth May 2014 Newsletter
...still not defending rodents.
Sometimes the solutions to problems and diseases can be found in nature. It's the same with bacteria that consumes oil after an oil spill.
Many areas have very ignorant ideas on the importance of natural predators - they kill them off and find themselves overun by rodents - hawks, owls, foxes, wild cats, snakes, coyotes etc all perform very valuable functions. There's a reason why many ancient societies encouraged cats to protect graneries etc.
The 12th and 13th centuries saw dislike of cats. That probably hastend the spread of plague
We were talking OWLS before Penelope hijacked the thread. Cute little owls that cure a problem for both Israeli and Jordanian and Palestinian farmers.

Some people are so gosh darned sick.

We will now return the discussion to cute little owls that make for more food for farmers

"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates

Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?

Cats are voracious predators too, and a great way to eliminate rodents.

Actually owls are a sign of good luck and fortune in some eastern cultures, you moron.

Owls in Japan Symbolism and Myth May 2014 Newsletter
...still not defending rodents.

Keep up. i never said that. You did however say that the owl is a "vicious" predator and considered a bad omen. Like I said post something positive about Israel and freaks like you will come out of the woodwork trying to put a negative twist on it. "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem". What a jerk. Ha ha ha.
Many areas have very ignorant ideas on the importance of natural predators - they kill them off and find themselves overun by rodents - hawks, owls, foxes, wild cats, snakes, coyotes etc all perform very valuable functions. There's a reason why many ancient societies encouraged cats to protect graneries etc.

And why they actively hunted foxes and otters when they competed with man for food. Have you see the destruction and devastation caused by foxes and otters ?
Many areas have very ignorant ideas on the importance of natural predators - they kill them off and find themselves overun by rodents - hawks, owls, foxes, wild cats, snakes, coyotes etc all perform very valuable functions. There's a reason why many ancient societies encouraged cats to protect graneries etc.
The 12th and 13th centuries saw dislike of cats. That probably hastend the spread of plague

Thanks in part to the Catholic pogroms that saw witchcraft and devil worship in everything. So cats, owls, dogs, toads and other helpful animals were "familiars" and proved that old women who knew herbs were witches who worshipped the devil
"Cute" now there's a word you don't often hear relating to owls, one of the world's most viscious predators and in most cultures seen as birds of ill omen, harbingers of doom, etc. Owls have even been known to attack humans-"cute" not no much.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates

Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?

Cats are voracious predators too, and a great way to eliminate rodents.

Actually owls are a sign of good luck and fortune in some eastern cultures, you moron.

Owls in Japan Symbolism and Myth May 2014 Newsletter
...still not defending rodents.

Keep up. i never said that. You did however say that the owl is a "vicious" predator and considered a bad omen. Like I said post something positive about Israel and freaks like you will come out of the woodwork trying to put a negative twist on it. "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem". What a jerk. Ha ha ha.
You are paranoid, truly paranoid. All I said was that owls were not "cute" and that SOME cultures considered them a bad omen/harbinger of doom. The fact you see that as "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem" is bizarre, to say the least. If you want to see a real jerk, go look in a mirror.
Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

The owls will reduce disease and increase crop yeilds by a quarter. The pallies and the Jordanians are loving it. Everybody is on board. It is amazing what happens when everyone cooperates

Post 57, you are defending rodents against owls. You need intervention. Srsly.

So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?

Cats are voracious predators too, and a great way to eliminate rodents.

Actually owls are a sign of good luck and fortune in some eastern cultures, you moron.

Owls in Japan Symbolism and Myth May 2014 Newsletter
...still not defending rodents.

Keep up. i never said that. You did however say that the owl is a "vicious" predator and considered a bad omen. Like I said post something positive about Israel and freaks like you will come out of the woodwork trying to put a negative twist on it. "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem". What a jerk. Ha ha ha.
You are paranoid, truly paranoid. All I said was that owls were not "cute" and that SOME cultures considered them a bad omen/harbinger of doom. The fact you see that as "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem" is bizarre, to say the least. If you want to see a real jerk, go look in a mirror.

What exactly is the point of saying something like "Israel using using a bird considered as a harbinger of doom and not cute." Actually an owl is considered cute and is used in many children's stories in the West.

You can't keep a lid on your Jew hate, can you, Achmed?
Some cultures really do consider owls to be bad omens - like the witches familiars and so forth. In a number of cultures they are associated with death. I find them fascinating and beautiful - magnificent predators and powerful silent flyers. I live on a rural road and one night when I was coming home in the dark, on a gravel road, an owl swept by my windshield intent on catching something. It was literally inches from my windshield and I could see every feather in detail. I'll never forget that. Along with coyotes and crows, I love owls :)
So stating owls are not "cute", are voracious predators, and are seen as birds of ill omen in many cultures, Owl - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia is defending rodents, how, exactly?

Cats are voracious predators too, and a great way to eliminate rodents.

Actually owls are a sign of good luck and fortune in some eastern cultures, you moron.

Owls in Japan Symbolism and Myth May 2014 Newsletter
...still not defending rodents.

Keep up. i never said that. You did however say that the owl is a "vicious" predator and considered a bad omen. Like I said post something positive about Israel and freaks like you will come out of the woodwork trying to put a negative twist on it. "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem". What a jerk. Ha ha ha.
You are paranoid, truly paranoid. All I said was that owls were not "cute" and that SOME cultures considered them a bad omen/harbinger of doom. The fact you see that as "Israel is using an evil bird to fix an agricultural problem" is bizarre, to say the least. If you want to see a real jerk, go look in a mirror.

What exactly is the point of saying something like "Israel using using a bird considered as a harbinger of doom and not cute." Actually an owl is considered cute and is used in many children's stories in the West.

You can't keep a lid on your Jew hate, can you, Achmed?

Favourite children's stories include The Owl and the Pussycat, Tales of the Riverbank, Watership down and many others that include Owls as wise birds that the other animals look up to.
There is an Owl on the Dollar bill

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