Israel Destroys Peace...

They already have UN recognition, and a government, and a capital in East Jerusalem. They only thing they don't have is a border as they refuse to negotiate one, instead they demand that the world gives in to them and takes the land away from the Jews.
Wrong! The only thing they demand, are the same rights everyone in the rest of the world enjoys.

Their rockets are indiscriminant weapons, they can't target schools, playgrounds or kindergartens.

Those people are psychotic, biased, pieces of shit.

So why are the applying for UN recognition, if not to force the UN to invade Israel and wipe out the Jews so they can steal all the land.
Because that's not what they're applying to the UN for.

They're applying to the UN, to get the Israeli's off Palestinian land.

The problem with that is Israel and ONLY Israel will decide if and when they leave the West Bank and how much of it they will allow the Palestinians to have a state in.

I'm surprised people haven't realized that yet.

Under the terms of the Geneva conventions that Abbas has just signed the Palestinians have to stop all belligerence for a period of 1 year before Israel is forced to vacate the occupied territory. It has been 47 years and the Palestinians are still being belligerent.
The problem with that is Israel and ONLY Israel will decide if and when they leave the West Bank and how much of it they will allow the Palestinians to have a state in.

I'm surprised people haven't realized that yet.
Hitler felt the same way about Poland and we all know how that turned out.

Hitler did not have International Law on his side, or the Geneva conventions.
The problem with that is Israel and ONLY Israel will decide if and when they leave the West Bank and how much of it they will allow the Palestinians to have a state in.

I'm surprised people haven't realized that yet.
Hitler felt the same way about Poland and we all know how that turned out.

Hitler did not have International Law on his side, or the Geneva conventions.

Actually, neither does Israel.

UN Security Council Resolution 446

".... the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East..."
Can somebody give a good reason why the US still helps Israel when they have caused trouble again?
It was not Jews that flew the planes into the WTC or who attacked American citizens in Kuwait was it ?
Yes, you're right. But, what you're saying is that we should defend Israel, because we were attacked by terrorists? You're just not making a point.
Israel should fight their war with Palestina on its own.
Can somebody give a good reason why the US still helps Israel when they have caused trouble again?
It was not Jews that flew the planes into the WTC or who attacked American citizens in Kuwait was it ?
Yes, you're right. But, what you're saying is that we should defend Israel, because we were attacked by terrorists? You're just not making a point.
Israel should fight their war with Palestina on its own.
The point is this: Islamic terrorists are bullies. Bullies won't attack someone who can whip their ass so they take it out on a little guy. Whenever the US lays a scunion on the terrorists the cowards blame and attack Israel.
It was not Jews that flew the planes into the WTC or who attacked American citizens in Kuwait was it ?
Yes, you're right. But, what you're saying is that we should defend Israel, because we were attacked by terrorists? You're just not making a point.
Israel should fight their war with Palestina on its own.
The point is this: Islamic terrorists are bullies. Bullies won't attack someone who can whip their ass so they take it out on a little guy. Whenever the US lays a scunion on the terrorists the cowards blame and attack Israel.
Like I said, in the case Israel would be attacked, they should defend themselves without help of the US. They can easily beat Jordania and Palestina (the only countries that attack Israel).
Hitler felt the same way about Poland and we all know how that turned out.

Hitler did not have International Law on his side, or the Geneva conventions.

Actually, neither does Israel.

UN Security Council Resolution 446

".... the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East..."

OSLO 2 The Oslo II Accord (1995). Division of the West Bank into Areas, in effect fragmenting it into numerous enclaves and banning the Palestinians from some 60% of the West Bank. Redeployment of Israeli troops from Area A and from other areas through "Further Redeployments". Election of the Palestinian Legislative Council (Palestinian parlement, PLC), replacing the PA upon its inauguration. Deployment of Palestinian Police replacing Israeli military forces in Area A. Safe passage between West Bank and Gaza. Most importantly, start of negotiations on a final settlement of remaining issues, to be concluded before 4 May 1999.

UN res 242 calls for a negotiated solution based on “secure and recognized boundaries” – recognizing the flaws in Israel’s previous temporary borders – the 1948 Armistice lines or the “Green Line”1 – by not calling upon Israel to withdraw from ‘all occupied territories,’ but rather “from territories occupied.”

Yet contrary to Arab contentions, a careful examination of the resolution will show that it does not require Israel to return to the June 4, 1967 Armistice lines or “Green Line

The wording of UN Resolution 242 clearly reflects the contention that none of the territories were occupied territories taken by force in an unjust war.
Because the Arabs were clearly the aggressors, nowhere in UN Security Council Resolutions 242 is Israel branded as an invader or unlawful occupier of the territories.
Political figures and international jurists have discussed the existence of “permissible” or “legal occupations.” In a seminal article on this question, entitled What Weight to Conquest, Professor, Judge Schwebel wrote:
“A state [Israel] acting in lawful exercise of its right of self-defense may seize and occupy foreign territory as long as such seizure and occupation are necessary to its self-defense. … Where the prior holder of territory had seized that territory unlawfully, the state which subsequently takes that territory in the lawful exercise of self-defense has, against that prior holder, better title.
“As between Israel, acting defensively in 1948 and 1967, on the one hand, and her Arab neighbors, acting aggressively, in 1948 and 1967, on the other, Israel has the better title in the territory of what was Palestine, including the whole of Jerusalem, than do Jordan and Egypt

Lastly, Resolution 242 speaks of “a just settlement of the refugee problem,” not ‘the Palestinian or Arab refugee problem.’ The history of the resolution shows that it was intentional and reflected recognition that the Arab-Israeli conflict created two refugee populations, not one. Parallel to the estimated 600,000 Arabs who left Israel, more than 899,00012 Jews fled from Arab countries in the aftermath of the 1948 war – 650,000 of them finding asylum in Israel.
Yes, you're right. But, what you're saying is that we should defend Israel, because we were attacked by terrorists? You're just not making a point.
Israel should fight their war with Palestina on its own.
The point is this: Islamic terrorists are bullies. Bullies won't attack someone who can whip their ass so they take it out on a little guy. Whenever the US lays a scunion on the terrorists the cowards blame and attack Israel.
Like I said, in the case Israel would be attacked, they should defend themselves without help of the US. They can easily beat Jordania and Palestina (the only countries that attack Israel).
Can you tell us when the US has helped Israel when it's been attacked? With the exception of the Patriot missiles we gave Israel when Saddam sent Scuds to Israel. Even then the US only used missile crews to train the IDF crews and then removed them. Doesn't your little brain realize that Israel is our ally? You have no beef whatsoever except for your Jew-hate. Now move along.
Can somebody give a good reason why the US still helps Israel when they have caused trouble again?
It was not Jews that flew the planes into the WTC or who attacked American citizens in Kuwait was it ?
Yes, you're right. But, what you're saying is that we should defend Israel, because we were attacked by terrorists? You're just not making a point.
Israel should fight their war with Palestina on its own.

I agree we should stay out of it and let the two side pound each other into dust, and the victor to take all the spoils. We should only become involved if the arab nations decide to interfere and then only as a deterrent to attack.

But you have to remember that Israel is in a strategic position for staging troops, and it increases the US economy by employing thousands of people in the defence industry on Israeli technological inventions.
The point is this: Islamic terrorists are bullies. Bullies won't attack someone who can whip their ass so they take it out on a little guy. Whenever the US lays a scunion on the terrorists the cowards blame and attack Israel.
Like I said, in the case Israel would be attacked, they should defend themselves without help of the US. They can easily beat Jordania and Palestina (the only countries that attack Israel).
Can you tell us when the US has helped Israel when it's been attacked? With the exception of the Patriot missiles we gave Israel when Saddam sent Scuds to Israel. Even then the US only used missile crews to train the IDF crews and then removed them. Doesn't your little brain realize that Israel is our ally? You have no beef whatsoever except for your Jew-hate. Now move along.

Jew-hate? I am talking about Israel, not particularly Jews. I'm just saying that Israel should fix it's own problems.
Like I said, in the case Israel would be attacked, they should defend themselves without help of the US. They can easily beat Jordania and Palestina (the only countries that attack Israel).
Can you tell us when the US has helped Israel when it's been attacked? With the exception of the Patriot missiles we gave Israel when Saddam sent Scuds to Israel. Even then the US only used missile crews to train the IDF crews and then removed them. Doesn't your little brain realize that Israel is our ally? You have no beef whatsoever except for your Jew-hate. Now move along.

Jew-hate? I am talking about Israel, not particularly Jews. I'm just saying that Israel should fix it's own problems.
Israel does solve their problems and they are our allys. Does that fact harelip you?
Can you tell us when the US has helped Israel when it's been attacked? With the exception of the Patriot missiles we gave Israel when Saddam sent Scuds to Israel. Even then the US only used missile crews to train the IDF crews and then removed them. Doesn't your little brain realize that Israel is our ally? You have no beef whatsoever except for your Jew-hate. Now move along.

Jew-hate? I am talking about Israel, not particularly Jews. I'm just saying that Israel should fix it's own problems.
Israel does solve their problems and they are our allys. Does that fact harelip you?
Israel doesn't solve it's problem themselves. Without the US, Israel would have been defeated 30 years ago already.
Jew-hate? I am talking about Israel, not particularly Jews. I'm just saying that Israel should fix it's own problems.
Israel does solve their problems and they are our allys. Does that fact harelip you?
Israel doesn't solve it's problem themselves. Without the US, Israel would have been defeated 30 years ago already.
Nah, that's just whiskey talk. What army would have defeated Israel? It's been tried before.
Israel does solve their problems and they are our allys. Does that fact harelip you?
Israel doesn't solve it's problem themselves. Without the US, Israel would have been defeated 30 years ago already.
Nah, that's just whiskey talk. What army would have defeated Israel? It's been tried before.
Jordania, Syria, Palestina, maybe some oil state or Iran. Almost all muslim neighbouring countries.
@CC: Well, at least you didn't over-rate the Egyptians......

Am I right in understanding that you're not American? That'd explain your lack of understanding about the 'US aid' to Israel......
Israel doesn't solve it's problem themselves. Without the US, Israel would have been defeated 30 years ago already.
Nah, that's just whiskey talk. What army would have defeated Israel? It's been tried before.
Jordania, Syria, Palestina, maybe some oil state or Iran. Almost all muslim neighbouring countries.
You've been eating too much baba ganoush. You had better lay off that stuff for a while.
I doubt if those countries want another go around with Israel after the ass whippings they got before.
Israel doesn't solve it's problem themselves. Without the US, Israel would have been defeated 30 years ago already.
Nah, that's just whiskey talk. What army would have defeated Israel? It's been tried before.
Jordania, Syria, Palestina, maybe some oil state or Iran. Almost all muslim neighbouring countries.

Five armies vastly out armed and out maned Israel yet not only could not wipe out Israel but lost land each time as well.

No one fought Israel's battles.

Without russia egypt and syria would have been defeated. Without the UK Jordan would have been defeated. Without illegal arms Israel would not be under attack today.
Without arab interference there would be no refugees and there would have been a palestinian state back in 1947.
Nah, that's just whiskey talk. What army would have defeated Israel? It's been tried before.
Jordania, Syria, Palestina, maybe some oil state or Iran. Almost all muslim neighbouring countries.

Five armies vastly out armed and out maned Israel yet not only could not wipe out Israel but lost land each time as well.

No one fought Israel's battles.

Without russia egypt and syria would have been defeated. Without the UK Jordan would have been defeated. Without illegal arms Israel would not be under attack today.
Without arab interference there would be no refugees and there would have been a palestinian state back in 1947.

You are full of shit.

"As far as the military balance is concerned, it was always assumed that the Arabs enjoyed overwhelming numerical superiority. The war was accordingly depicted as one between the few against the many, as a desperate, tenacious, and heroic struggle for survival against horrifyingly heavy odds. The desperate plight and the heroism of the Jewish fighters are not in question. Nor is the fact that they had inferior military hardware at their disposal, at least until the first truce, when illicit arms supplies from Czechoslovakia decisively tipped the scales in their favour. But in mid-May 1948 the total number of Arab troops, both regular and irregular, operating in the Palestine theatre was under 25,000, whereas the Israel Defence Force (IDF) fielded over 35,000 troops. By mid-July the IDF mobilized 65,000 men under arms, and be December its numbers had reached a peak of 96,441. The Arab states also reinforced their armies, but they could not match this rate of increase. Thus, at each stage of the war, the IDF outnumbered all the Arab forces arrayed against it, and, after the first round of fighting, it outgunned them too. The final outcome of the war was therefore not a miracle but a faithful reflection of the underlying military balance in the Palestine theatre. In this war, as in most wars, the stronger side prevailed.[3]

Israel and the Arab Coalition in 1948
Nah, that's just whiskey talk. What army would have defeated Israel? It's been tried before.
Jordania, Syria, Palestina, maybe some oil state or Iran. Almost all muslim neighbouring countries.
You've been eating too much baba ganoush. You had better lay off that stuff for a while.
I doubt if those countries want another go around with Israel after the ass whippings they got before.

good food even if it is from the nightshade family.


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