Israel doesn't belong to the Jews

What's yours is what you can defend and hold.

This is how animals act and once you make this statement then you invite car bombs and suicide attacks. You can't tell people "we are going to hold this land with all due force and kill you if you try to take it" then get high and mighty when your opposition says the same and violence commences.

Its a simple fact, the Palestinians HAVE to have their own country. Once that is established most of the arguments coming from arab countries will be quashed and over time the area will calm down. Once Palestinians are able to build a society and have some security and upward mobility where their children can succeed the desire for conflict will recede.

Until then all get what they get.
There was never a country called Palestine. Therefore there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. You might want to learn a little history.

So, because there was never a country called Corsica there are no Corsican people. You are a genius.
But there was. Or at least an island. The population was not homogenous either. It consisted of several tribe from different areas. The "Palestinians" were never a people of one geographical area or culture.

In recent history the area called Palestine includes the territories of present day Israel and Jordan (see map above. For earlier history of the term see article). From 1517 to 1917 most of this area remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire.

Ottoman Empire was dissolved at the end of World War I. Its successor, modern republic of Turkey, transferred Palestine to British Empire control under the Lausanne agreement that followed WW I.

In 1917 Great Britain issued the Balfour Declaration for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people". In 1922 Britain allocated nearly 80% of Palestine to Transjordan. Thus, Jordan covers the majority of the land of Palestine under British Mandate. Jordan also includes the majority of the Arabs who lived there. In other words, Jordan is the Arab portion of Palestine.

The residents of Palestine are called "Palestinians". Since Palestine includes both modern day Israel and Jordan both Arab and Jewish residents of this area were referred to as "Palestinians".

It was only after the Jews re-inhabited their historic homeland of Judea and Samaria, that the myth of an Arab Palestinian nation was created and marketed worldwide. Jews come from Judea, not Palestinians. There is no language known as Palestinian, or any Palestinian culture distinct from that of all the Arabs in the area. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. "Palestinians" are Arabs indistinguishable from Arabs throughout the Middle East. The great majority of Arabs in greater Palestine and Israel share the same culture, language and religion.

Much of the Arab population in this area actually migrated into Israel and Judea and Samaria from the surrounding Arab countries in the past 100 years. The rebirth of Israel was accompanied by economic prosperity for the region. Arabs migrated to this area to find employment and enjoy the higher standard of living. In documents not more than hundred years, the area is described as a scarcely populated region. Jews by far were the majority in Jerusalem over the small Arab minority. Until the Oslo agreement the major source of income for Arab residents was employment in the Israeli sector. To this day, many Arabs try to migrate into Israel with various deceptions to become a citizen of Israel.

Even the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Arafat himself, is not a "Palestinian". He was born in Egypt. The famous "Palestinian covenant" states that Palestinians are "an integral part of the Arab nation" -- a nation which is blessed with a sparsely populated land mass 660 times the size of tiny Israel (Judea, Samaria and Gaza included).

All attempts to claim Arab sovereignty over Israel of today, should be seen with their real intention: The destruction of Israel as a Jewish state and the only bulwark of the Judeo-Christian Western civilization in the Middle East.

You'd better quit now.
There was never a Kurdish nation, does that mean that Kurds do not exist?
There was never an Aborigine nation, does that mean that Aborigines do not exist?
There was never a Gypsy nation does that mean that Gypsies do not exist?
There was never a Catalan nation, does that mean Catalans do not exist?

You better quit now.
There was never a Kurdish nation, does that mean that Kurds do not exist?
There was never an Aborigine nation, does that mean that Aborigines do not exist?
There was never a Gypsy nation does that mean that Gypsies do not exist?
There was never a Catalan nation, does that mean Catalans do not exist?

You better quit now.
There was never a Kurdish nation, does that mean that Kurds do not exist?
There was never an Aborigine nation, does that mean that Aborigines do not exist?
There was never a Gypsy nation does that mean that Gypsies do not exist?
There was never a Catalan nation, does that mean Catalans do not exist?

You better quit now.

No, you have just been humiliated.
There was never a Kurdish nation, does that mean that Kurds do not exist?
There was never an Aborigine nation, does that mean that Aborigines do not exist?
There was never a Gypsy nation does that mean that Gypsies do not exist?
There was never a Catalan nation, does that mean Catalans do not exist?

You better quit now.

No, you have just been humiliated.
Says who? You? Sorry. Not good enough. You can't declare yourself the winner. Doesn't work that way.
There was never a Kurdish nation, does that mean that Kurds do not exist?
There was never an Aborigine nation, does that mean that Aborigines do not exist?
There was never a Gypsy nation does that mean that Gypsies do not exist?
There was never a Catalan nation, does that mean Catalans do not exist?
Neither of them are settlers-squatter from the hood without a national identity, of course.
What's yours is what you can defend and hold.

This is how animals act and once you make this statement then you invite car bombs and suicide attacks. You can't tell people "we are going to hold this land with all due force and kill you if you try to take it" then get high and mighty when your opposition says the same and violence commences.

Its a simple fact, the Palestinians HAVE to have their own country. Once that is established most of the arguments coming from arab countries will be quashed and over time the area will calm down. Once Palestinians are able to build a society and have some security and upward mobility where their children can succeed the desire for conflict will recede.

Until then all get what they get.
There was never a country called Palestine. Therefore there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. You might want to learn a little history.

There has been a country called "Palestine"; there has never been an independant nation state called Palestine until 1948 when it first decared it's independance, you might want to take your own advice.
There has been a country called "Palestine"; there has never been an independant nation state called Palestine until 1948 when it first decared it's independance, you might want to take your own advice.
Yeah, inhabited by montelatici's palistanian "saudi sheikhs", who owned 99% of it, of course.
Yeah and there wasn't ever a country called Cherokee, Apache, Inuit, or Yokut, but I'm relatively sure they were here first. By maybe 30,000 years. No one is bending over backwards to give them what is theirs.
Or the Arabs, or anyone else.

Qesem Cave - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Qesem Cave is a Lower Paleolithic archeological site 12 km east of Tel Aviv in Israel. Early humans were occupying the site by 382,000 until c. 200,000 years ago."

You're all squatters so quit pretending it's your's.
When find a lower Paleolithic man let him know it's his land.
In the meantime, get off the Indian land you stole.

Wel not me personally, but yes absolutely. But I'm not forcing natives onto reservations or killing them. Best childhood friend was full-blooded Sioux.

Genes from Paleolithic people are in us. They weren't abducted by aliens and homo sapiens dropped in their place.

Yes you have stole the land as you are an accessory to the theft and a receiver of stolen goods, so you are even more guilty that the original settlers and colonists as you know the land is stolen and you are prepared to pay to acquire it.

So when are you going to give your land back to the original inhabitants?

I am one of the original inhabitants so who should I give it back to. I am Celtic by birth on both sides and can trace my lineage back to the 11C when records where being kept. You can trace yours back 250 years at best when your ancestors stole the land from the original inhabitants
There was never a Kurdish nation, does that mean that Kurds do not exist?
There was never an Aborigine nation, does that mean that Aborigines do not exist?
There was never a Gypsy nation does that mean that Gypsies do not exist?
There was never a Catalan nation, does that mean Catalans do not exist?

You better quit now.

Wrong on all counts as there was a nation of Kurds

Aborigine just mean "native of" and is not what they call themselves

The Roma or Gypsy come from Romania where they settled and took the name.

Catalan is like Palestine a place name without borders, but it had a resident population that are Catalans of whatever nationality they chose
What's yours is what you can defend and hold.

This is how animals act and once you make this statement then you invite car bombs and suicide attacks. You can't tell people "we are going to hold this land with all due force and kill you if you try to take it" then get high and mighty when your opposition says the same and violence commences.

Its a simple fact, the Palestinians HAVE to have their own country. Once that is established most of the arguments coming from arab countries will be quashed and over time the area will calm down. Once Palestinians are able to build a society and have some security and upward mobility where their children can succeed the desire for conflict will recede.

Until then all get what they get.
There was never a country called Palestine. Therefore there is no such thing as a Palestinian people. You might want to learn a little history.

There has been a country called "Palestine"; there has never been an independant nation state called Palestine until 1948 when it first decared it's independance, you might want to take your own advice.

When was this country of Palestine in existence then ?

How could they declare independence on Israeli land when they were Egyptians and only had effective control over a small part of gaza. The biggest majority of "Palestinians" did not even recognise them as having the authority.

So maybe you should learn some real history and not your islamonazi propaganda.

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