Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

It is good to see a parasite like Israel pitching in :) I just hope that they will not start exploiting Africans the way they exploit us.

And what is India doing, apart from demanding more money to line the leaders Swiss bank accounts. It is you and your fellow slugs that are the parasites, and all you need do is look at the poverty in India while it lavishes wealth on its leaders.

This thread is about Israel's supposed contribution towards humanity but I guess parasite Israel does not have much to show for in that area so you low life Jews are dragging India into it. Since you asked:

a. Indian volunteer soldiers fought in World War II to dislodge Nazis and Fascists.

b. India was a major part of UN mandated peace corpse in S Korea.

c. India liberated Bangladesh against all odds.

d. Indian peace keeping soldiers brought peace and stability to Sierra Leone, what used to be a war torn African country before Indian help.

e. Indian soldiers helped Maldives when they were over taken by mercenaries.

f. India played a major role in bringing sanctions against S Africa's apartheid regime.


I can go all day long but this thread is an Israeli parade so I do not want to steal your thunder. Now start listing what Israel has done for the people of the world. We are all waiting.

How about half of the technology in your houses, Hospitals and job places or keeping fuckers like you breathing by teaching your governments security measures...not to mention being among the (if no THE) first to respond and help people on the ground during crisis.

But I guess you knew all that, you racist low life just tried to look SMART in your buddies' eyes and derail the thread.

You sound like a reincarnation of iRosie because you make about as much sense as she does. In her defense though, I think she hits hashish before posting on this forum. What is your excuse?

Do you slash yourself with a knife until the blood runs freely and you are soaked in it. Then indulge in a bout of khat abuse to lead you closer to Hell

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

What free money as your own link shows that it was tied to certain conditions, this means that the money is not free. And when you refuse to accept anymore free money to India then you might be taken seriously. How much do you get again and what is it used for ?
Not making that much if they have to deliver it at cost to US Hospitals and clinics is it, unlike shoddy medical knock offs produced in India that have a failure rate of over 50%

And when will India do the same, as at the moment 99% is spent on bribes to line Swiss bank accounts

Plenty has already been given, it is you that has posted nothing about the much more populous India and its benefits to the world at large. The only thing I have seen in the last 10 years was when India mobilised its troops along the border with pakistan and started the process of getting its nuclear weapons ready when pakistan threatened Israel with its nuclear weapons.

I am not interested in a who can piss further contest between India and Israel. I am just doing my humble duty of educating your people on this forum who are acting like racist douche-bags on threads after threads. If you find my people acting like douche-bags anywhere on this forum, feel free to educate them. I will not stop you.

Scientific and medical breakthroughs are mostly beneficial to the country and people who undertake them. For example, India sent spacecraft to Mars. The technological know-hows gained through such exercise primarily helped India not other countries. Although, I was reading in the news that India did provided some of that data to US and European universities. Still I would not call that helping the world. Similarly, Israeli scientific breakthroughs are patented and mainly help Israel not others and therefore cannot be counted as acts of altruism.

To be an educator you first need to be educated yourself. You are too stuck in your NAZISM and Jew hatred to ever be educated

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.

And then you woke up and realised it was all a dream. You need to provide evidence as your word is worth nothing after all the LIES you have been caught telling.
If you find my people acting like douche-bags anywhere on this forum, feel free to educate them. I will not stop you.

YOU are acting like a racist douche-bag by calling Israel a parasite and commenting that Jews only help other Jews. Are you educated now?

This thread is not about establishing Israel as a parasite but suit yourself if that is what you want to discuss.

And you have yet to prove that Israel is a parasite, like we have proven that islam is a parasite and a virulent cancer.

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

The way it works is you make the claim so you have to introduce the evidence to support your claim. All you have done is repeat the claim without proving it. We have shown that Israel is working for the benefit of ALL mankind by going public with many of its breakthroughs. But looking at the size of India and its population compared to Israel you would expect India to be producing 1000 times more breakthroughs, and yet it has none to its name. That tells its own story.....................
Hard to figure. Israel does so much good for so many people all over the world & yet look at the harm Israel has caused themselves & Palestinians with their Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain in Israel rather than helping the Palestinians by finding some incentive for some surrounding Arab country to grant them a right of return back to their native homelands.
It is good to see a parasite like Israel pitching in :) I just hope that they will not start exploiting Africans the way they exploit us.

And what is India doing, apart from demanding more money to line the leaders Swiss bank accounts. It is you and your fellow slugs that are the parasites, and all you need do is look at the poverty in India while it lavishes wealth on its leaders.

This thread is about Israel's supposed contribution towards humanity but I guess parasite Israel does not have much to show for in that area so you low life Jews are dragging India into it. Since you asked:

a. Indian volunteer soldiers fought in World War II to dislodge Nazis and Fascists.

b. India was a major part of UN mandated peace corpse in S Korea.

c. India liberated Bangladesh against all odds.

d. Indian peace keeping soldiers brought peace and stability to Sierra Leone, what used to be a war torn African country before Indian help.

e. Indian soldiers helped Maldives when they were over taken by mercenaries.

f. India played a major role in bringing sanctions against S Africa's apartheid regime.


I can go all day long but this thread is an Israeli parade so I do not want to steal your thunder. Now start listing what Israel has done for the people of the world. We are all waiting.

But thanks for the opportunity to spread the truth once more:

Israel's next contribution to mankind: A breakthrough in cancer reaserch
Israeli Contributions To Rio Olympics

Israeli Contributions To The World

Another Israeli Zionist contribution to peace and humanity

Another great Zionist contribution to humanity and science: exoskeletons for the crippled

Helping the blind see again, yet another Zionist Israeli contribution to humanity and peace

Great Breaking News For Israel

Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Provided By Israel

**Btw compared to the billions of Indians and their contribution, we the Jews and Israelis are doing just fine...

Want to see some more? :whip:

So we no longer have to send you 3.8 billion , good. All you jews and Israelis care about is well jews and Israelis, glad you understand the difference.
Hard to figure. Israel does so much good for so many people all over the world & yet look at the harm Israel has caused themselves & Palestinians with their Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain in Israel rather than helping the Palestinians by finding some incentive for some surrounding Arab country to grant them a right of return back to their native homelands.

A jew only helps another jew, and sometimes a jew will jew another jew.
A jew only helps another jew, and sometimes a jew will jew another jew.

Nope. No antisemitism going on here.

I sure do love Penelope for all the laughs she gives me. Oh how I wish she would post here more often. Not easy just having to deal with the reality of radical Islamist terrorists devoted to killing us Americans & all other peace loving people in other civilized nations.
It is good to see a parasite like Israel pitching in :) I just hope that they will not start exploiting Africans the way they exploit us.

And what is India doing, apart from demanding more money to line the leaders Swiss bank accounts. It is you and your fellow slugs that are the parasites, and all you need do is look at the poverty in India while it lavishes wealth on its leaders.

This thread is about Israel's supposed contribution towards humanity but I guess parasite Israel does not have much to show for in that area so you low life Jews are dragging India into it. Since you asked:

a. Indian volunteer soldiers fought in World War II to dislodge Nazis and Fascists.

b. India was a major part of UN mandated peace corpse in S Korea.

c. India liberated Bangladesh against all odds.

d. Indian peace keeping soldiers brought peace and stability to Sierra Leone, what used to be a war torn African country before Indian help.

e. Indian soldiers helped Maldives when they were over taken by mercenaries.

f. India played a major role in bringing sanctions against S Africa's apartheid regime.


I can go all day long but this thread is an Israeli parade so I do not want to steal your thunder. Now start listing what Israel has done for the people of the world. We are all waiting.

But thanks for the opportunity to spread the truth once more:

Israel's next contribution to mankind: A breakthrough in cancer reaserch
Israeli Contributions To Rio Olympics

Israeli Contributions To The World

Another Israeli Zionist contribution to peace and humanity

Another great Zionist contribution to humanity and science: exoskeletons for the crippled

Helping the blind see again, yet another Zionist Israeli contribution to humanity and peace

Great Breaking News For Israel

Worldwide Humanitarian Aid Provided By Israel

**Btw compared to the billions of Indians and their contribution, we the Jews and Israelis are doing just fine...

Want to see some more? :whip:

So we no longer have to send you 3.8 billion , good. All you jews and Israelis care about is well jews and Israelis, glad you understand the difference.

Does this mean the Jews dont have to help you out any more and give you warnings of Iran's missile testing. Or that Syria is killing American citizens because they want to. How about helping you weather the next recession and keeping you on an even keel. Nearly forgot treating you for all the modern ailments that are self inflicted in the Jewish funded hospitals.
Hard to figure. Israel does so much good for so many people all over the world & yet look at the harm Israel has caused themselves & Palestinians with their Zionist agenda of peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians so they can remain in Israel rather than helping the Palestinians by finding some incentive for some surrounding Arab country to grant them a right of return back to their native homelands.

A jew only helps another jew, and sometimes a jew will jew another jew.

And if this was true you would have died of a disease many years ago, but because you were treated by a Jew who used Jewish medicine you lived.
The only thing the Jews are doing with Africans is shipping them to Europe and America to let the hated white race deal with them.
The only thing the Jews are doing with Africans is shipping them to Europe and America to let the hated white race deal with them.

That would be the arab muslims of course, but the hate sites you visit dont tell you that do they

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

The way it works is you make the claim so you have to introduce the evidence to support your claim. All you have done is repeat the claim without proving it. We have shown that Israel is working for the benefit of ALL mankind by going public with many of its breakthroughs. But looking at the size of India and its population compared to Israel you would expect India to be producing 1000 times more breakthroughs, and yet it has none to its name. That tells its own story.....................

The way it works is that you open up a browser. Go to and do some search yourself. Nobody has time to educate your illiterate ass. As far as India's aid to Afghanistan and Nepal is concerned, it has already been posted by me in Afghanistan and Asia forums. The reason you do not know anything is because you are one lazy cucumber sucker.
Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

The way it works is you make the claim so you have to introduce the evidence to support your claim. All you have done is repeat the claim without proving it. We have shown that Israel is working for the benefit of ALL mankind by going public with many of its breakthroughs. But looking at the size of India and its population compared to Israel you would expect India to be producing 1000 times more breakthroughs, and yet it has none to its name. That tells its own story.....................

The way it works is that you open up a browser. Go to and do some search yourself. Nobody has time to educate your illiterate ass. As far as India's aid to Afghanistan and Nepal is concerned, it has already been posted by me in Afghanistan and Asia forums. The reason you do not know anything is because you are one lazy cucumber sucker.

NO The way it works is you make a claim and you produce the evidence to support that claim. If you cant or dont then you are ridiculed and laughed at for blindly following the orders of your leader. This is the action of a brainwashed islamonazi propagandist stooge who cant see that evidence is needed to support their many false claims
This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

The way it works is you make the claim so you have to introduce the evidence to support your claim. All you have done is repeat the claim without proving it. We have shown that Israel is working for the benefit of ALL mankind by going public with many of its breakthroughs. But looking at the size of India and its population compared to Israel you would expect India to be producing 1000 times more breakthroughs, and yet it has none to its name. That tells its own story.....................

The way it works is that you open up a browser. Go to and do some search yourself. Nobody has time to educate your illiterate ass. As far as India's aid to Afghanistan and Nepal is concerned, it has already been posted by me in Afghanistan and Asia forums. The reason you do not know anything is because you are one lazy cucumber sucker.

NO The way it works is you make a claim and you produce the evidence to support that claim. If you cant or dont then you are ridiculed and laughed at for blindly following the orders of your leader. This is the action of a brainwashed islamonazi propagandist stooge who cant see that evidence is needed to support their many false claims

You are a free loader. You want to benefit from the labors of others. You want other people to do Google for you. What is funny is that you are asking for links about the topics that have already been posted with links on this forum.

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