Israel Helps Impoverished Africans


I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.
Your last statement here. You have to be either kidding or totally uninformed.
Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Oh look! Old style antisemitism thrown to deflect from the truth.

I am not interested in a who can piss further contest between India and Israel. I am just doing my humble duty of educating your people on this forum who are acting like racist douche-bags on threads after threads. If you find my people acting like douche-bags anywhere on this forum, feel free to educate them. I will not stop you.

Scientific and medical breakthroughs are mostly beneficial to the country and people who undertake them. For example, India sent spacecraft to Mars. The technological know-hows gained through such exercise primarily helped India not other countries. Although, I was reading in the news that India did provided some of that data to US and European universities. Still I would not call that helping the world. Similarly, Israeli scientific breakthroughs are patented and mainly help Israel not others and therefore cannot be counted as acts of altruism.

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

not to mention being among the (if no THE) first to respond and help people on the ground during crisis.

Israel has deliberately and intentionally developed technology and systems which create the conditions for it to be the first to respond to all major catastrophes. She doesn't just respond first -- she developed a fast response system which far outstrips any other nation which allows her to be first on the ground with the necessary equipment, medications, technology and personnel to alleviate the suffering of the people -- regardless of where, which nation, which ethnicity or religious group has faced the disaster. Further, this is a project which was initiated and is kept alive by the people of Israel. They are the ones pioneering this advanced response system.

The people of Israel have also developed fast response teams in their own country -- allowing nearby people with medical training and specialized equipment to respond to medical emergencies much faster than an ambulance service would be able to do.
If you find my people acting like douche-bags anywhere on this forum, feel free to educate them. I will not stop you.

YOU are acting like a racist douche-bag by calling Israel a parasite and commenting that Jews only help other Jews. Are you educated now?

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
If you find my people acting like douche-bags anywhere on this forum, feel free to educate them. I will not stop you.

YOU are acting like a racist douche-bag by calling Israel a parasite and commenting that Jews only help other Jews. Are you educated now?

This thread is not about establishing Israel as a parasite but suit yourself if that is what you want to discuss.

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.
I'm not a Jewish people and Israel is not a parasite. Far from it. Whatever they get is well worth the price of being our ally and their value of being strategically placed in the ME.

I invite you to post more. You do not need to post any links. I am assuming you are an honorable person and will not lie. Given all the free money that you guys get from US tax payers, I am hoping that some of that is going towards the betterment of mankind. However, what you have posted so far is mostly medical breakthrough meant for making money for Israelis patent holders.

Also, I am truly delighted to see that you are passing to others some of the aid money you get from US tax payers.

Now go easy on propaganda and post something where Israel has done something to help other countries or people who were not Jews.

Haiti, Philippines, Turkey, Italy to name a few and wait fort it.....
Israel Helps Impoverished Africans

and for further education:
Israel's humanitarian aid efforts

This is nothing. India gave Afghanistan 1 billion dollars last week. A week before that, India gave Vietnam 1/2 a billion dollars. Couple of months ago India gave Nepal 1 billion dollars. I am not even counting on India's aid to other African and South Asian countries and this alone exceeds the entire alms Israel gets from the US. Boy, it is you who needs to get educated and I will educate each one of you racist Jews.

Once again, look at my original list and post something which matters. You do not need to post links. I will not dispute what you post unless you lie like some of your Jewish people do here.
I heard somewhere that India has a couple hundred thousand more people than Israel. And what alms does Israel get from the US? Israel Defense Minister was here in Ft Worth to buy 21 of our F35s. Alms, you say?

I know that India is a much larger country and has far more industries than Israel. That is why it was stupid for you Jewish people to turn this thread into a pissing contest between India and Israel instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

Now this thread turned into nothing but Vikrant shamelessly showing his RACISM.

30 posts away and you still haven't said ANYTHING related to the that your big contribution?
Last edited:
... instead of pushing forward arguments proving Israel is not a parasite.

Actually, since you put forth the claim that Israel is a parasite, I would suggest the onus is upon you to prove your claim. The OP demonstrates Israel provides beneficial assistance to others. Several people have supported that claim with other evidence of Israel giving to the world's communities.

You have put forth the claim that Israel is a parasite.


  1. an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
    • derogatory
      a person who habitually relies on or exploits others and gives nothing in return.

You have a long hill to climb up out of that hole you made.
Perhaps the Pali supporters would prefer we stop showing Israeli contributions to better our lives throughout the world & discuss Palestinian contributions instead to educate the Zionists.
The Arabs in the Bank, West of Jordan have a homeland.
It's called Jordan.
Jordan joined a military effort and lost.
The Bank, West of Jordan does not belong to Jordan.
It belongs to Israel.
Unless Jordan wants to start another military conflict to conquer the Bank.
All over the world Israeli contributions to better lives are found.

Thanks to Israel, Africa Will Never be the Same
Except in Israel.......

For nearly a year Israel has been offering African migrants cash and the chance to go and live in what is supposed to be a safe haven in a third country - but the BBC has spoken to two men who say that they were abandoned as soon as they got off the plane. One was immediately trafficked, the other left to fend for himself without papers.

Adam was 18 when he arrived in Israel in 2011. Attackers had burned down his home in Darfur at the height of the genocide, and he had spent his teenage years in a UN refugee camp in another part of Sudan. With no prospects in the camp and no sign of an end to the conflict in Darfur, he made his way north through Egypt and the lawless Sinai peninsula to Israel.

But Israel - which has approved fewer than 1% of asylum applications since it signed the UN Refugee Convention six decades ago - has not offered asylum to a single person from Sudan. It turned down Adam's application, and last October, when he went to renew the temporary permit allowing him to stay in the country, he was summoned to a detention centre known as Holot, deep in the Negev desert.
Israel's unwanted African migrants - BBC News
Such a melodramatic turn of tone!
However, Israel accept asylum seekers the problem is with work migrants, do you know the international law regarding these matters fanger?
It is good to see a parasite like Israel pitching in :) I just hope that they will not start exploiting Africans the way they exploit us.

And what is India doing, apart from demanding more money to line the leaders Swiss bank accounts. It is you and your fellow slugs that are the parasites, and all you need do is look at the poverty in India while it lavishes wealth on its leaders.

This thread is about Israel's supposed contribution towards humanity but I guess parasite Israel does not have much to show for in that area so you low life Jews are dragging India into it. Since you asked:

a. Indian volunteer soldiers fought in World War II to dislodge Nazis and Fascists.

b. India was a major part of UN mandated peace corpse in S Korea.

c. India liberated Bangladesh against all odds.

d. Indian peace keeping soldiers brought peace and stability to Sierra Leone, what used to be a war torn African country before Indian help.

e. Indian soldiers helped Maldives when they were over taken by mercenaries.

f. India played a major role in bringing sanctions against S Africa's apartheid regime.


I can go all day long but this thread is an Israeli parade so I do not want to steal your thunder. Now start listing what Israel has done for the people of the world. We are all waiting.

And anything recent that was not paid for. Have you seen the programmes on India and its system of graft, start at the bottom paying pennies and end at the top paying $billions.

You forgot that Indian soldiers turned on their allies and mass murdered them as well. Well documented in the history books. And the way you are talking you would think that only Indian troops have ever done anything when the reality is they have done very little.
All over the world Israeli contributions to better lives are found.

Thanks to Israel, Africa Will Never be the Same
Israel’s abuse of African refugees exposes Zionism’s xenophobia

Israeli Jewish hate rally against Africans in Tel Aviv caught on video as Haaretz deletes article about it
Israeli Jewish hate rally against Africans in Tel Aviv caught on video as Haaretz deletes article about it

And as usual all you have is islamonazi pallywood propaganda that has no basis in reality. Your source is LYING POS MUSLIMS with an axe to grind

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