Israel must be careful.

Neither Hamas nor hezbollah existed before the mid 1980s. Israel funded Hamas and hezbollah was founded to keep Israel out of Lebanon.
You keep repeating the same mantra like a broken record as if it makes a difference now. It doesn’t.

Truth is Palestinians supposedly voted for these savage animals that call themselves Hamas. And now nobody not even fellow Arabs want to have anything to do with the so called Palestinians. .
You keep repeating the same mantra like a broken record as if it makes a difference now. It doesn’t.

Truth is Palestinians supposedly voted for these savage animals that call themselves Hamas. And now nobody not even fellow Arabs want to have anything to do with the so called Palestinians. .
Do you know prince Turki ?

The horrific attack by HAMAS was intended to get the very response that Israel is about to launch. Such a response, committing such a large force for the invasion of Gaza, leaves Israel vulnerable to a second front, which Hezbollah is now probing. If Israel's defenses are stretched too thin other players in the region might take advantage. This might even be part of a greater plan. Israel should exact a 'suitable response' upon Gaza via artillery bombardment followed by continuing sanctions and not invade with ground troops. Doing so would mean a bloodbath of civilian deaths, which would turn the global community against them. I hope their anger doesn't blind them to these dangers.

You keep repeating the same mantra like a broken record as if it makes a difference now. It doesn’t.

Truth is Palestinians supposedly voted for these savage animals that call themselves Hamas. And now nobody not even fellow Arabs want to have anything to do with the so called Palestinians. .

Hamas works for Israel!
Israel funnels money to Hamas through Qatar.
Ha ha ha you are a joke. Why don’t you nutjobs make up your minds. You hit the street with your stupid slogans in support of Hamas, and then from the other side of the mouth you make the absurd, outlandish claim that Israel supports Hamas through Qatar.
It is possible that hamas wants the IDF to enter Gaza. It's not easy terrain for them. And tanks make good targets. All the conventional responses they've used before don't really fit the magnitude of hamas's attack .... unless they go REALLY big, and casualties could enter the ten thousand range.

They are quite good at assassination. But that's a slow game.

I thought this was informative .... AND NON-POLITICAL.

IF the Palestinian civilians begin dying in hospitals .... all Hamas has to do to restore see power food and water is .... Let the hostages go. But they won't, at least now. So, who's holding Gaza hostage? Hamas or Israel.

Hamas is the suicide bomber and the suicide vest

". . . . But to the outsider Hamas’s actions in launching such a suicidal attack appear irrational. Why would it do such a thing when it was sitting in a commanding position of power in Gaza? It had funds flowing in from Qatar, and from the increasing number of day laborers allowed to work in Israel. It was also winning support in the West Bank as the PA became ever more irrelevant by the day.

But that was all a distraction from its overarching strategy of destroying Israel. Its updated (and moderated) charter of 2017 clearly states, ‘Hamas rejects any alternative to the full and complete liberation of Palestine, from the river to the sea.’

Everyone underestimated and misread Hamas, thinking its words were distant aspirations, rather than a direct plan of action. Many in the West thought it could be moderated, and Israel believed it could be contained so long as it allowed Hamas to maintain power in Gaza. Both calculations were fatally flawed. Hamas outwitted everyone, and has succeeded in sowing chaos and death in many multiples beyond the action of a single suicide bomber.

The question now is what comes next? Even if (and when) Hamas’s leadership is killed and its infrastructure in Gaza destroyed, the organization believes its message and ideology will live on, and flourish, in its wake, in the minds of millions throughout the Middle East.

As such, Hamas is using the atrocity in Southern Israel as an attempt to light a fuse and detonate a larger explosion of violence, potentially with the involvement of Hezbollah. Its hope is to ignite the whole Middle East, convulsing restive populations in Egypt, Jordan and elsewhere.

Hezbollah along with its masters in Iran shares Hamas’s ideology of death and destruction towards Israel. The calculation in Tehran and in the southern suburbs of Beirut is not – if to attack – but when. They will be carefully weighing their options if this is the time to use Hezbollah’s hidden arsenal of missiles. The arrival of American warships in the Eastern Mediterranean is an effort to warn Iran and try to ensure the conflict does not spread. . . . "

Hezbollah Defeated Israel in 2006 — Can It Again?​

October 16, 2023
The welter of analyses by pro-Israel think tanks across the West on the coming conflict between the Shia resistance movement and the IDF has missed a crucial factor, writes John Wight.

". . . In a 2014 report compiled by Washington think tank, Institute for the Study of War, Marisa Sullivan makes the cogent point that

“Hezbollah now has a cadre of fighters that has experience conducting offensive operations in urban environments. And the rotation of fighters into Syria has given its newer recruits or reservists experience on the battlefield. Moreover, Hezbollah units have also gained experience coordinating with allied forces in combat, as well as logistical sustainment over longer periods.”

In the wake of the 2006 conflict against Hezbollah in southern Lebanon, the Israelis established the Winograd Commission to investigate the inability of the Israeli military to achieve its strategic objectives. In its final report, published in 2008, the commission concluded that

“All in all, the IDF failed, especially because of the conduct of the high command and the ground forces, to provide an effective military response to the challenge posed to it by the war in Lebanon, and thus failed to provide the political echelon with a military achievement that could have served as the basis for political and diplomatic action. Responsibility for this outcomes lies mainly with the IDF, but the misfit between the mode of action and the goals determined by the political echelon share responsibility.”

Hezbollah’s ability to enter into another full scale conflict with Israel is of course hampered to a large degree by the fractious character of wider Lebanese society. The devastating 2020 explosion in Beirut Harbour exposed the parlous state of the country’s governance and weak political institutions hollowed out by years of corruption and mismanagement.

Hezbollah in this context has been regarded with hostility by a significant section of the Lebanese people — less guardian of the country’s sovereignty and more sectarian menace. However public opinion is a fluid entity, and never more so when it comes to war and conflict.

In 2006, for example, Israel’s decision to bomb targets in Lebanon up to and including Beirut’s Rafiq Hariri International Airport succeeded in cultivating widespread support for Hezbollah in the country in places and from sectors of the population where before it had been absent. . . "
Ha ha ha you are a joke. Why don’t you nutjobs make up your minds. You hit the street with your stupid slogans in support of Hamas, and then from the other side of the mouth you make the absurd, outlandish claim that Israel supports Hamas through Qatar.

Your FANTASY map - dated 1922 - is showing the occupied Golan Heights as a supposed part of Jewish State.

The site from which you got this "Fantasy" map is called "" owned by David Lange:

David Lange, is a well known Anti-Palestinian Extremist and Islamophobic racist...

It's site scribbler:
Varda Epstein:
A third-generation-born Pittsburgher on her mother’s mother’s side, Varda moved to Israel 36 years ago and is a crazy political animal who spams people with right wing political articles on Facebook.

“An obscure extremist website” – Roger Waters

“..a racist site” – rapper Talib Kweli Greene

“IsraellyCool is not a reliable source for anything but Islamophobia. Hasbara.” – former CNN journalist Jim Clancy

“..right-wing blogger” – Ben Ehrenreich, NY Times

“..prominent blog which has close ties to the Israeli army and functions as an outlet for its anti-Palestinian propaganda” – Ali Abuminah, The Electronic Intifada

“..the notorious, which gently skips between right-wing rants against Islam, posts about science fiction and – what else? – blogs about the Eurovision song contest.” –
Tim Jonze, The Guardian

You are a confirmed idiotic Zionist - therefore logically only spreading Zionist bull and lies.
Thanks for your confirmation
As such, Hamas is using the atrocity in Southern Israel as an attempt to light a fuse and detonate a larger explosion of violence, potentially with the involvement of Hezbollah. Its hope is to ignite the whole Middle East, convulsing restive populations in Egypt, Jordan and elsewhere.
Hamas is using the exact same approach and tactic as the Zionist and settler faction in Israel used against them since latest 1948.

Create terror and atrocities in order to make the other populace flee - aka run for their lives.

Presently around 250,000 Israelis have already fled their homes, out of which around 100,000 are from the Gaza Envelop. Half of these 250,000 left on their own initiative the other 50% due to the Israeli government asking them to evacuate.

Hamas hopes that Israels usual "reprisals" will garner additional support by Hezbollah and e.g. the PLO/Fatah. The political & economic damage Hamas & Co. hope to inflict onto Israel, via e.g. 500,000+ Israeli's "on the run" supports their "goals" far more then killing murdering 1000 or 3000 Israelis. Those present Israeli casualties (atrocities by Hamas) only served the purpose, to get the "run" started.

As such Hamas has presently manged to cause a situation that all these countless individual terror-acts in the past 55 years, had never managed to do before.
Just my 2 cents.

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