Israel police challenge US 'terror' findings

José;9036986 said:
Originally posted by RoccoR
Palestinians most often target purely civilian targets that are not engaged. Thus are terrorist actions.

For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree! Israel should go back to the 67 Armistice Lines and have the UN finally create a Jewish and Arab States and the healing and good things will happen.
It wasn't Jews who shot the Athletes in Munich, or flew the planes into the WTC. Nor was it the Jews that went on a murder spree at the same time as the Hotel was bombed and mass murdered 20 million Hindu's. So what is your point
That Jewish terrorists bombed the Star of David hotel and took innocent lives.

Star of David hotel?

Dafuq is dat?!:eek:
Right next to the Mezuzah Hotel. Great view.
José;9036986 said:
Originally posted by RoccoR
Palestinians most often target purely civilian targets that are not engaged. Thus are terrorist actions.

For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree with you, toastman.

If you ask PF Tinmore, Billo, pbel, montelatici and I, I'm sure we will all unanimously agree that the best course of action for the palestinian people to follow is end their armed struggle UNILATERALLY without any recognition by Israel of their right to live in western palestine and start a civil right struggle for equal rights in their homeland taking the american civil rights movement as a guide.

But what's the fundamental difference between José and you and Rocco, toastman?

The difference is that I HAVE THE MORAL AUTHORITY to give this friendly advice to the palestinian people while you and Rocco have absolutely no moral right to even open your mouths to verbalise the slightest criticism of their armed struggle.

I have this moral authority to ask them to end their armed struggle because I do not dehumanize the palestinian people. I recognize and support their right to live in their homeland.

You and Rocco are dehumanizers who support the "right" of the jewish racial dictatorship to keep the palestinian people corraled in Gaza and the West Bank in order to provide a safe haven for the jewish people murdering them when they try to leave.

The moment you support this kind of moral depravation you immediately lose any right to criticise even the most horrendous suicide bombing, toastman.

Stop using the palestinian armed struggle as an excuse for jewish supremacism in Palestine and only then you'll have the right to join my advice to the palestinian people.

The dehumanizer cannot demand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes.

Rocco: "Palestinians most often target purely civilian targets that are not engaged. Thus are terrorist actions."

José;9036986 said:
"For the umpteenth time:

- All the jewish supremacist state has to do……

- A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

We all know how much *that annoys* you…

An all Jewish Country.

… ? there’s plenty of countries ‘to each his own

what's wrong with me wanting to ..."live with & AROUND all American-PAESANS?"

José;9036986 said:
" end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they
exercise their right to
move about their homeland.”

You know:

ciao !
Hotel serving as military HQ? Even after they were called in advance? Ha ha ha.


Regardless, still has ZERO to do with the Munich Massacre, ignoramus.
There's a military HQ in Boston, Mass.

So according to your logic, the Boston Marathon bombing, was not an act of terrorism.
The bombers bombed a marathon. And we are not in the middle of a civil war.

What a moron!
José;9037228 said:
José;9036986 said:
For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree with you, toastman.

If you ask PF Tinmore, Billo, pbel, montelatici and I, I'm sure we will all unanimously agree that the best course of action for the palestinian people to follow is end their armed struggle UNILATERALLY without any recognition by Israel of their right to live in western palestine and start a civil right struggle for equal rights in their homeland taking the american civil rights movement as a guide.

But what's the fundamental difference between José and you and Rocco, toastman?

The difference is that I HAVE THE MORAL AUTHORITY to give this friendly advice to the palestinian people while you and Rocco have absolutely no moral right to even open your mouths to verbalise the slightest criticism of their armed struggle.

I have this moral authority to ask them to end their armed struggle because I do not dehumanize the palestinian people. I recognize and support their right to live in their homeland.

You and Rocco are dehumanizers who support the "right" of the jewish racial dictatorship to keep the palestinian people corraled in Gaza and the West Bank in order to provide a safe haven for the jewish people murdering them when they try to leave.

The moment you support this kind of moral depravation you immediately lose any right to criticise even the most horrendous suicide bombing, toastman.

Stop using the palestinian armed struggle as an excuse for jewish supremacism in Palestine and only then you'll have the right to join my advice to the palestinian people.

The dehumanizer cannot demand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes.
The difference is you support Islamic supremacism. Palestinians are Arab offshoots of the Nazis, hence the term all about it, this conflict is all about Muslim intolerance and inability to coexist. Period, end of story.
Hotel serving as military HQ? Even after they were called in advance? Ha ha ha.


Regardless, still has ZERO to do with the Munich Massacre, ignoramus.
There's a military HQ in Boston, Mass.

So according to your logic, the Boston Marathon bombing, was not an act of terrorism.
The bombers bombed a marathon. And we are not in the middle of a civil war.

What a moron!

Oh, Oh, the Shah of Sunset point with his Roman Legionnaire Avatar chimes in, always entertaining and nonsensical...

Sure you have a point that leads to the future...America getting involved on the side of Israel's obviously injustice of settlement stealing the Palestinian' birthright, and arming their Israeli oppressors have made Americans targets of world-wide terrorism.

Its time to leave this quagmire to its own devices, and stop arming anyone.
This is confusing. The answer here is both yes and no.
I agree with that.

This has to do with both strategy and intent.

"Most" Resistance Movements have inherent within them the intent of "impressing" an element of fear. To that extent, the answer is yes - there is an element of terrorism.
I agree with that.

The purpose of impressing an element of fear is to amplify the cost to counter the terror through IDAD (Internal Defense and Development) Programs. (Related to the Posting #35 Cutting US Aid). The difference between a full blown terrorist effort and a pure Resistance Movement is in the strategy and targeting. Terrorism targeting of purely civilian entities that are not engaged in direct participation to the conflict is distinctly different than targeting activities that are militarily engaged.
I agree with that.

Palestinians most often target purely civilian targets that are not engaged. Thus are terrorist actions.
I agree only to the extent that purely civilian targets in Israel proper, are acts of terrorism, everything else, is resistance.

So targeting American civilians in America is not terrorism but resistance ?

Shows just how mentally unbalanced you are when you say things like this. Any act against a civilian by a terrorist group is terrorism, even acts against armed forces using certain tactics are seen as terrorism by the International Courts.
Hotel serving as military HQ? Even after they were called in advance? Ha ha ha.


Regardless, still has ZERO to do with the Munich Massacre, ignoramus.
There's a military HQ in Boston, Mass.

So according to your logic, the Boston Marathon bombing, was not an act of terrorism.

No according to your criteria as long as the act is outside of Israel it is lawful resistance. Now how far away from the Military HQ was the finishing post, any further than 1 foot and it was an act of terrorism in support of Islamic world domination.
Palestinian actions are terrorism as clearly labeled by US dept. of state and many Western govt's. Soweee.
What does street improvements have to do with terrorism?
When Hamas cleaned the streets, Israeli bulldozers and tanks destroyed them, and when Hamas erected streetlights, Israeli soldiers shot them out.
Those actions are as fucked as you are; which, BTW, can be seen in each (and every one) of your posts.

So says a pro Palestinian group with no corroborative evidence to back them up.
terrorizing million civilians is not resistance.

Unless those are Jews which probably makes it ok in your opinion:cuckoo::cuckoo:
You think it's okay to bulldoze down entire neighborhoods of Palestinian's, so what does that make you?

Covered by the Geneva conventions to stop them being used as military installations, or did you ignore those parts that say Israel is within INTERNATIONAL LAW
José;9036986 said:
Originally posted by RoccoR
Palestinians most often target purely civilian targets that are not engaged. Thus are terrorist actions.

For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Then get the Palestinians to denounce all violence and belligerence and to stop acting suspiciously and they wont be killed. Wave a gun towards troops and they will shoot first and ask questions later.
José;9036986 said:
For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree! Israel should go back to the 67 Armistice Lines and have the UN finally create a Jewish and Arab States and the healing and good things will happen.

Yes the 67 armistice lines that they are at currently which include all of Jerusalem
Originally posted by roudy
read all about it, this conflict is all about Muslim intolerance and inability to coexist. Period, end of story.

Your definition of coexistance is seriously fucked up, Roudy.

If you want to see real coexistence look no further than America herself.

Whites, blacks and hispanics are allowed to REALLY coexist in America because there are no walls, electric fences, minefields, machine gun nests preventing any of these three ethnic groups from moving freely in their american homeland, from let's say, Miami to NYC.

Palestinians are not allowed to "coexist" with the jewish people in what is now their shared homeland in any meaningful way.

How can you "coexist" with the citizens of a racial dictatorship that doesn't even allow you to get near the border of the racial enclaves assigned to you?

Originally posted by roudy
The difference is you support Islamic supremacism.

Tinmore is often called "Hamas' spokesman, Hamas' representative in the US but I seriously doubt he (or pbel, monte, billo) wants to see Palestine being ruled by a theocratic government after the peaceful dismanting of Israel.

What's the point in replacing a murderous jewish racial dictatorship that herds and kills the native arab people of the land with an equally abhorrent, totalitarian islamic dictatorship imposing religious laws on a multicultural society.

We all want to see the jewish racial dictatorship being replaced by a democratic, secular state not a religious dictatorship.

Now you are quite right that the PARTIAL islamization of the palestinian cause (the creation of Hamas, IJ, etc) in the 80's was indeed a catastrophic trend.

It represented a tremendous setback to the peaceful dismantlement of Israel... I'd go further and say that as long as Hamas or any other islamic movement reamains a force in Palestine, the dismantlement of Israel will have to be indefinitely postponed.

But after making a fantastic argument, roudy, you simply cannot resist the temptation of taking it too far and reduce it to a childish caricature in the process.

Palestinians (or arabs for that matter) cannot be reduced to theocrats, roudy. You have millions upon millions of secular arabs (and muslims) who want nothing to do with totalitarian ideologies like theocracies of any kind.

Answer me this simple question:

If palestinians and other arabs are all islamic theocrats, as you say, how do you explain Egypt's massive protests against Mursi?

Millions of Egypts went to the streets to say outloud they didn't want to be governed by Islam.

Stop blowing the REAL, SERIOUS PROBLEM of islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East totally out of proportion in order to "justify" a racist, murderous state that assassinate the very people it should be taking care of.

You remind me of Sally, roudy...

You take a perfectly good, legitimate argument (the big problem of the rise in popularity of islamic theocracies from the 70's on) but then you throw your argument out the window by making too much of it, by turning it into a grotesque caricature of reality.

Let's do our best to neutralize the influence of islamic fundamentalism in Palestine so that we can then proceed with the peaceful dismantlement of the equally nasty jewish racial dictatorship.
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José;9037228 said:
José;9036986 said:
For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree with you, toastman.

If you ask PF Tinmore, Billo, pbel, montelatici and I, I'm sure we will all unanimously agree that the best course of action for the palestinian people to follow is end their armed struggle UNILATERALLY without any recognition by Israel of their right to live in western palestine and start a civil right struggle for equal rights in their homeland taking the american civil rights movement as a guide.

But what's the fundamental difference between José and you and Rocco, toastman?

The difference is that I HAVE THE MORAL AUTHORITY to give this friendly advice to the palestinian people while you and Rocco have absolutely no moral right to even open your mouths to verbalise the slightest criticism of their armed struggle.

I have this moral authority to ask them to end their armed struggle because I do not dehumanize the palestinian people. I recognize and support their right to live in their homeland.

You and Rocco are dehumanizers who support the "right" of the jewish racial dictatorship to keep the palestinian people corraled in Gaza and the West Bank in order to provide a safe haven for the jewish people murdering them when they try to leave.

The moment you support this kind of moral depravation you immediately lose any right to criticise even the most horrendous suicide bombing, toastman.

Stop using the palestinian armed struggle as an excuse for jewish supremacism in Palestine and only then you'll have the right to join my advice to the palestinian people.

The dehumanizer cannot demand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes.

Now why would they take a civil rights movement against their own government, because that is what you have just said. Their rights in Palestine have nothing to do with the Israelis, unless you are demanding the Palestinians renounce their state and declare it now part of Israel proper.
Which homeland would that be as many state when the troubles are over they will return to their homes in Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Saudi etc
The gazan muslims do not have any legal right to enter Israel, just as they have no legal right to enter Egypt and they have corralled themselves by their acts of violence, aggression and terrorism towards Israeli children.
Whilst psychopaths like yourself and the others wash the terrorist acts of the Palestinians under the carpet the violence will go on and Palestinians will get themselves killed. The worlds governments are now starting to take action because of the Palestinians terrorism and are severing the aid going to Palestine until they stop the terrorism and force them to the peace table without any pre conditions.
José;9037228 said:
José;9036986 said:
For the umpteenth time:

All the jewish supremacist state has to do to end the palestinian armed struggle is stop murdering the palestinian people when they exercise their right to move about their homeland.

A state that routinely engages in this brutal supremacist practice immediately loses any moral authority to demand the end of a people's armed struggle.

Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree with you, toastman.

If you ask PF Tinmore, Billo, pbel, montelatici and I, I'm sure we will all unanimously agree that the best course of action for the palestinian people to follow is end their armed struggle UNILATERALLY without any recognition by Israel of their right to live in western palestine and start a civil right struggle for equal rights in their homeland taking the american civil rights movement as a guide.

But what's the fundamental difference between José and you and Rocco, toastman?

The difference is that I HAVE THE MORAL AUTHORITY to give this friendly advice to the palestinian people while you and Rocco have absolutely no moral right to even open your mouths to verbalise the slightest criticism of their armed struggle.

I have this moral authority to ask them to end their armed struggle because I do not dehumanize the palestinian people. I recognize and support their right to live in their homeland.

You and Rocco are dehumanizers who support the "right" of the jewish racial dictatorship to keep the palestinian people corraled in Gaza and the West Bank in order to provide a safe haven for the jewish people murdering them when they try to leave.

The moment you support this kind of moral depravation you immediately lose any right to criticise even the most horrendous suicide bombing, toastman.

Stop using the palestinian armed struggle as an excuse for jewish supremacism in Palestine and only then you'll have the right to join my advice to the palestinian people.

The dehumanizer cannot demand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes.

Rocco and I are dehumanizers?

Why, because we don't kiss Palestinian ass?? Please Jose, spare me the drivel, but I'm not falling for it.
José;9037228 said:
Armed struggle?? Oh please.

You people just don't get it do you. Palestinian hostilities against Israel only make the hole that they are in deeper.
Palestinians need to Stop the attacks, renounce terrorism and good things will happen..

I agree with you, toastman.

If you ask PF Tinmore, Billo, pbel, montelatici and I, I'm sure we will all unanimously agree that the best course of action for the palestinian people to follow is end their armed struggle UNILATERALLY without any recognition by Israel of their right to live in western palestine and start a civil right struggle for equal rights in their homeland taking the american civil rights movement as a guide.

But what's the fundamental difference between José and you and Rocco, toastman?

The difference is that I HAVE THE MORAL AUTHORITY to give this friendly advice to the palestinian people while you and Rocco have absolutely no moral right to even open your mouths to verbalise the slightest criticism of their armed struggle.

I have this moral authority to ask them to end their armed struggle because I do not dehumanize the palestinian people. I recognize and support their right to live in their homeland.

You and Rocco are dehumanizers who support the "right" of the jewish racial dictatorship to keep the palestinian people corraled in Gaza and the West Bank in order to provide a safe haven for the jewish people murdering them when they try to leave.

The moment you support this kind of moral depravation you immediately lose any right to criticise even the most horrendous suicide bombing, toastman.

Stop using the palestinian armed struggle as an excuse for jewish supremacism in Palestine and only then you'll have the right to join my advice to the palestinian people.

The dehumanizer cannot demand humane behavior from the very same people he dehumanizes.
The difference is you support Islamic supremacism. Palestinians are Arab offshoots of the Nazis, hence the term all about it, this conflict is all about Muslim intolerance and inability to coexist. Period, end of story.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage

And there was no talk of Palestine for the muslims before the muslim NAZI husseini stuck his stick in the hornets nest and twirled it around. The British should have taken him for a walk in the desert and then lost him to the snakes and scorpions. If they had we would not have had the problems we have today.
terrorizing million civilians is not resistance.

Unless those are Jews which probably makes it ok in your opinion:cuckoo::cuckoo:
You think it's okay to bulldoze down entire neighborhoods of Palestinian's, so what does that make you?

I never said it ok, that's a conclusion you jumped in when I explain a certain aspect of the IDF.

It's not my fault that you're a retard sometimes:doubt:
Origally posted by Phoenall
they have corralled themselves by their acts of violence, aggression and terrorism towards Israeli children.

From 48 to 51 there wasn't a single palestinian attack on israeli forces preventing their return to their homes in western palestine but the jewish racial dictatorship killed more than 1000 unarmed palestinian civilians entering western Palestine in the same period.

All historians are in perfect agreement that the "corraling" and murder of unarmed palestinians civilians clearly preceded the beginning of the palestinian armed struggle by at least 3 years.

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