Zone1 Israel rejects two state solution

Two state solution? Which means, translated, people are demanding that Arabs stuck in the Gaza strip be confined to that area of the world, forever.

Imagine, being forced to live in New York City and never ever being allowed to move one or two miles, let alone a 100 miles, outside of New York.

That is what the World is condemning a specific Arab group to. A ghetto, similar to small areas they confined Jews to before World War 2.

Two State Solution is a solution thought of and created by, RACISTS
Imagine, being forced to live in New York City and never ever being allowed to move one or two miles, let alone a 100 miles, outside of New York.

Actually a lot of people would have zero problem with that. lol same with LA and SF refugees.
A lot of people would like to be confined to the GAZA strip, forever? People in Los Angeles, never want to leave the city limits?

I can't think of a reason why sane people should care what they want. Maybe if we set up a zoo and put them in cages where they belong would be the humane thing to do with them. The tour busses could sell tourists peanuts or something they can toss at them, and maybe pay some illegal aliens to hose them and their cages down once in while.
I can't think of a reason why sane people should care what they want.
for some of us, it does effect us,

Why should a sane person care what a palestinian want? First and foremost, it is pretty sane to think, they do not want to be confined to the Gaza strip.

Sanity? In regards to a culture that is pro-death, so to speak? A culture that is taught a history of the World that is not true. A culture that gives automatic weapons to 10 year olds and teach them that they are surrounded by enemies?

In a world, do to travel and communications is arguably small, why should a sane person care what the palestinians think or want?

I guess after 9/11 I should quit caring what the Moslems want
The United States and other countries are applying pressure on Israel to okay a Palestinian state. Israel rejects that plan.

and they should , it is lazy and immoral, Those folks don't accept what world authority gave to the Jews in the first place, namely Israel. So screw em. They just want to escape all need to chastise Hamas, Islam, killers, suicide bombers and others
Need one state

One military. One people one hand united. All other solutions will inevitably lead to problems.

People of the Middle East could do what they want, but Israel is a Jewish theocracy. It is not a western style democracy. By its immigration law, they only accept Jews. In Israel a Jew cannot marry a non jew. Interfaith marriages have to be performed in turkey, Cyprus, or some other country. They do not allow it in Israel.

Some pro Israel people use BLM tactics, erupting and lashing out like brats with anyone who disagrees with them …. Other pro Israel people act with Dignity and honor.

In the United States we have a western style democracy. Equal rights for everybody. Interfaith marriage allowed. One country 50 states united. We do have left-wing and neocon problems presently …. but the history of the USA is one of western style democracy, Christian values, and beauty.
Like FDR you are blazingly anti-semitic. Took me a while to figure out why you think he isn't TERRIBLE>
Like FDR you are blazingly anti-semitic. Took me a while to figure out why you think he isn't TERRIBLE>


No need for unprovoked personal attacks. I’ve treated you with nothing but respect so you cannot call people racist or anti-Semitic with no evidence to back it up.

Many sources have been posted across-the-board. Roosevelt was the greatest American ever, and FDR in the USA did more to save Jews than any country in the world. The idea that Roosevelt was anti-Semitic, or the American people or the idea that the USA allowed the holocaust to occur is revisionist history. None of those types of dangerous anti American ideologies occurred during the war years or even in the 50s and 60s when we had a better country by the way.

This is a matter of patriotism. All of the World War II veterans I have spoken with praised Roosevelt and America during the time of crisis.

I look forward to being treated with respect by you just as I treat you with respect. People can have a disagreement without the name calling



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US and mostly everyone else very negative towards JEWISH people.
ending in Hitler Germany trying to kill them all.

Why not with a wide buffer zone
can it be done again ? a two state solution?

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