Israel Responds By Air-120 Dead


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Israel launches air strikes on Gaza, 145 dead - Yahoo! News

Israel launches air strikes on Gaza, 145 dead

By IBRAHIM BARZAK, Associated Press Writer
3 mins ago

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip – Israeli warplanes destroyed dozens of security compounds across Hamas-ruled Gaza on Saturday in unprecedented waves of air strikes, killing at least 145 people and wounding more than 310 in the single deadliest day in Gaza fighting in recent memory, Palestinian medical officials said.

The strikes came in response to renewed rocket fire from Gaza on Israeli border towns. Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said "the operation will last as long as necessary" but it was not clear if it would include a ground offensive.

Asked if Hamas political leaders might be targeted next, military spokeswoman Maj. Avital Leibovitch said "Any Hamas target is a target."...
The cycle of violence keeps a turning.

What else can anyone say?

The warmongers on both sides are winning
The cycle of violence keeps a turning.

What else can anyone say?

The warmongers on both sides are winning

Here's where we differ, I don't see a response to being attacked, warmongering or a basis to hit the diplomatic tables.
Israel attacks Gaza, more than 155 reported killed | Reuters

Read this article by Reuters. The death toll has risen to 155 and Hamas is claiming 170 have died. For the past... gosh, I dunno how many years, ever since Israel left Gaza strip and allowed the Arabs there to fend for themselves, they started launching rockets and artillery at Israel. Their rockets have killed dozens of people. In the past few months, while this truce has been going on between Hamas and Israel, Hamas has been firing rockets and artillery at Israel. And Israel has responded with barely a pin prick.

Now the "truce" is finally over and what happens? In the past week or so, southern Israel has been bombarded with rockets. Hundreds. Not a few. Not a dozen, not even a few dozen. HUNDREDS.

So my question is, why doesn't this story talk about it? The bias in the media against Israel is absolutely astounding. This has been an issue of mine for a long, long time. Yes, talk about Hamas and the dead Arabs. Yes, talk about the air strikes. But don't limit the reason for the Israeli airstrikes to: "The air strikes followed a decision by Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's security cabinet to widen reprisals for cross-border Palestinian rocket attacks following the collapse of a six-month-old, Egyptian-brokered ceasefire a week ago."

The article makes it sound like there have only been a few rocket attacks, no one has died or been injured and everything is fine and dandy until this big, bad Israel comes along and destroys everything and kills nearly 200 people.

It goes beyond that, though. Now there's this huge meeting of Arab leaders to take a position on the attack. Abbas calls these actions criminal. European Union Foreign Policy Chief Javier Solana said "We are very concerned at the events in Gaza. We call for an immediate ceasefire and urge everybody to exert maximum restraint," his spokesman said. Where was he a week ago, or even earlier this week when southern israel was being bombarded by rockets?

The world community chooses to ignore when Israel is attacked and when Israelis are killed, yet when Israel takes a step to defend itself, the world community unilaritarily condemns Israel. It's a sad state of affairs to be honest.

Now about the actual attack itself. It's horrible that Israel has to, once again, resort to this to defend itself. I pray that not one innocent Arab who has had nothing to do with these attacks on Sothern Israel is killed or even hurt. But I also pray that every single member of Hamas is wiped out. Wiped out for good. Once and for all. Destroyed. Anihilated. There can be no peace while Hamas continues to exist.
David, I think it's because when Israel responds, it's effective. All those missiles lobbed and all Hamas manages to do is kill two little girls and more than a few of the 'militants' who cannot fire straight, or sometimes even manage to get them fired at all.

In fact, this illustrates the weird mindset of 'many' from both sides of the spectrum. While it's not nice to overrun other's borders or lob missiles or make pronouncements of death and destruction if the 'not nice' happen to be ineffective or just blowhards, the recipient is expected to just 'take it.' Most successful countries are just that because at one time they learned to not just protect themselves, but prevent attacks. Now any effective response is called 'disproportionate or even aggressive.'

It would be easier to understand your position if you were equally defensive about other countries as well.
David, I think it's because when Israel responds, it's effective. All those missiles lobbed and all Hamas manages to do is kill two little girls and more than a few of the 'militants' who cannot fire straight, or sometimes even manage to get them fired at all.

In fact, this illustrates the weird mindset of 'many' from both sides of the spectrum. While it's not nice to overrun other's borders or lob missiles or make pronouncements of death and destruction if the 'not nice' happen to be ineffective or just blowhards, the recipient is expected to just 'take it.' Most successful countries are just that because at one time they learned to not just protect themselves, but prevent attacks. Now any effective response is called 'disproportionate or even aggressive.'

It would be easier to understand your position if you were equally defensive about other countries as well.

I've supported India's right to respond to the attacks, I supported the Afghanistan war when the US responded to 9/11, uhhmmm... let's see... give me an example of another conflict where a country is attacked by an opposing government.

And I must say, I need you to provide me with some examples of when countries have just sat there and taken it. Besides France in World War 2, can you name any other country?
The so called rockets that Hamas shots into Israel are no more that glorified bottle rockets.

They are home made rockets with no guidance systems and very little explosives packed inside.

Only a very small number of Isralies have been harmed by these inefective weapons.

When Israel responds, it is with massive amounts of high expolsives that kills large numbers of civilians.

Of course any Palestinians that are murdered are declaired to be Hamas or Hamas Leadership. No matter if they are women, children, or even dead babies.
I've supported India's right to respond to the attacks, I supported the Afghanistan war when the US responded to 9/11, uhhmmm... let's see... give me an example of another conflict where a country is attacked by an opposing government.

And I must say, I need you to provide me with some examples of when countries have just sat there and taken it. Besides France in World War 2, can you name any other country?

Sure the US prior to 9/11, with the exceptions of lobbing a few missiles against useless targets. The US allowing uncontrolled illegal immigration for years and implying those that saw that as both security and cost issues being xenophobic and anti-immigration.

European countries allowing ghettos of angry, young immigrants, (ssshhh, Muslim), to riot and destroy property at will.
The so called rockets that Hamas shots into Israel are no more that glorified bottle rockets.

They are home made rockets with no guidance systems and very little explosives packed inside.

Only a very small number of Isralies have been harmed by these inefective weapons.

When Israel responds, it is with massive amounts of high expolsives that kills large numbers of civilians.

Of course any Palestinians that are murdered are declaired to be Hamas or Hamas Leadership. No matter if they are women, children, or even dead babies.

What you are saying is not true, these are more than 'bottle rockets'. What you are saying is that a country should respond with the same incompetence as it's lowest, most ineffective enemy?

In actuality, it would be evolutionary for Israel to annex the Gaza and Palestinian ghettos, control them, and bring some semblance of civilization there.
Frantically looking for children

Plumes of black smoke rose over Gaza City, sirens wailed through the streets and women frantically looked for their children.
One man sat in the middle of a Gaza City street, close to a security compound, alternately slapping his face and covering his head with dust from the bombed-out building. "My son is gone, my son is gone," wailed Sadi Masri, 57.
The shopkeeper said he sent his son out to purchase cigarettes minutes before the airstrikes began and now could not find him. "May I burn like the cigarettes, may Israel burn," Masri moaned.
Civilians rushed to the targeted areas, trying to move the wounded in their cars to hospitals.
Television footage showed Gaza City hospitals crowded with people, civilians rushing in wounded people in cars, vans and ambulances.
"We are treating people on the floor, in the corridors. We have no more space. We don't know who is here and what the priority is to treat," said one doctor who hung up the phone before identifying himself at Shifa Hosptial, Gaza's main treatment center.
In the West Bank, Hamas' rival, moderate Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, said in a statement that he "condemns this aggression" and calls for restraint, according to an aide, Nabil Abu Rdeneh.
Israel has targeted Gaza in the past, but the number of simultaneous attacks was unprecedented.

Reports: 120 killed in strikes on Gaza - Israel-Palestinians-
Where was your posts the other day when these wonderful 'freedom fighters' killed two little Palestinian girls? Ah, I suppose somehow they were just unknowingly martyrs for the 'cause.' Uncivilized doesn't begin to address the behavior or pronouncements from and for these people.
So take people. Force then all into one small area. Build a prison wall around them. Not let them leave or travel freely. Restrict their food, water and cooking fuel. And then drop bombs on them whenever you feel they are misbehaving.

That is civilized behavior?? :confused:

Which came first, the chicken or the egg?

Which brings me back to annexation and imposition of rule of law.
The so called rockets that Hamas shots into Israel are no more that glorified bottle rockets.

They are home made rockets with no guidance systems and very little explosives packed inside.

Only a very small number of Isralies have been harmed by these inefective weapons.

When Israel responds, it is with massive amounts of high expolsives that kills large numbers of civilians.

Of course any Palestinians that are murdered are declaired to be Hamas or Hamas Leadership. No matter if they are women, children, or even dead babies.

There ya go again defending the murderers of women and children, cowards that hide in houses and buildings with uninvolved civilians. Ya your religion is peaceful alright. You make me sick when you spout this garbage.
The so called rockets that Hamas shots into Israel are no more that glorified bottle rockets.

They are home made rockets with no guidance systems and very little explosives packed inside.

Only a very small number of Isralies have been harmed by these inefective weapons.

When Israel responds, it is with massive amounts of high expolsives that kills large numbers of civilians.

Of course any Palestinians that are murdered are declaired to be Hamas or Hamas Leadership. No matter if they are women, children, or even dead babies.

Bottle rockets, eh?

I'm willing to bet the parents of the two children killed yesterday by a stray rocket in Gaza don't think these rockets are harmless.

Now look at the pictures in this link, Sunni and tell me the rockets Hamas has been firing at Israel have been harmless.

Photos of victims of Hamas rocket attacks on Sderot, Israel - The Israel Project

This day is long overdue.
Sure the US prior to 9/11, with the exceptions of lobbing a few missiles against useless targets. The US allowing uncontrolled illegal immigration for years and implying those that saw that as both security and cost issues being xenophobic and anti-immigration.

I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. The original question to me was if I felt that all countries had a right to respond to attacks and then you said that the countries that best survive are the ones that don't respond to attacks. Al Queda was inspired by our lack of response. A few cruise missiles here and there. Do you know how many Al Queda terrorists were killed in response to the bombing of the USS Cole?


It's no wonder they attacked us on 9/11. What are we going to do? Lob a few cruise missiles at them?

European countries allowing ghettos of angry, young immigrants, (ssshhh, Muslim), to riot and destroy property at will.

Do you really think that's a good idea? To let them do whatever they want? There hasn't been a race riot in the US since the LA riots in the early 1990s. That's almost 20 years since the last race riot. You can be sure that if they do it again, there will be hell to pay.

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