Israel says Gaza war cost military $2.5 bn

If they were trying, the why aren't they massacring Palestinians everyday like they could?

They are.
No, they're not.

If the Israelis wanted to massacre the Palestinians, they could.

And, by massacre, I mean slaughtering every Muslim man, woman and child living in either Gaza or the West Bank.

From the air, and only sending-in enough ground troops to mop-up the handful who survive the aerial assault.

They could do it so quickly - using conventional weaponry - in a matter of days or a week or two - that the rest of the world would not have time to react and/or intervene.

That would solve their embedded Muslim problem, once and for all.

But they do not do such things, as their sense of Right and Wrong restrain them from such a purge of their enemies.

Unlike the Palestinian Muslims, many of whom swore to drown all the Jews in the Mediterranean, decades ago.

It's the difference between separating one's selves from a hostile population, and fighting them off to an extent sufficient to ensure survival one one's own, versus deliberately calling for the eradication of one's enemies.

That is not what the Israelis do, even though their enemies would do just that to them, given half a chance.

It's the difference between civilized folk and barbarians.

Over 2,000 dead in Gaza.
How civilised Israel isn't.
Israel could have flattened Gaza in a day. That did not happen. You leave out the part where the IDF tries to evacuate people and where Hamas fires rockets from schools and hospitals.
youch said:
Are you being purposefully obtuse??? That you use the term "Zionist" betrays bigotry. Wanna discuss?

My use of the term Zionist is purely descriptive as this so called “Jewish and democratic state” was founded by and is largely inhabited by either ardent Zionists or those who passively subscribe to Zionist ideology.

Bigotry? Perhaps; I am, like most reasonable human beings, inherently predisposed towards being intolerant towards those who routinely imprison, torture and murder another people because they are of a different religion or ethnicity.

youch said:
First of all, basic's 7.5%. But that is unimportant. Do you want your children growing up in a world/land/region constantly bombarded with rockets? Not knowing where they will land? It is a very small nation, after all. Shit, you don't even have children, and can't even do basic math. More to the point, why would any sovereign nation put up with ANY rockets launched at them? And what, prey tell, justifies the rockets? You call the ancient inhabitants of Jerusalem "colonists," and you think that justifies rockets tossed at villages and homes? What colonization? Your illogic is embarrassing and dangerous.

Ouch, you got me, I forgot to multiply by 100 :eusa_doh:(checks to see if civilization has collapsed and they sky has fallen down) but you are right, my mathematical faux-pas is as unimportant as it is irrelevant.

The important point is that only a tiny fraction of the projectiles fired from Gaza fall anywhere close to military targets or population centres.

The world/land/region is not “constantly bombarded” with rockets, this is just a myth propagated by the Zionists for the gullible. Rockets or mortars are normally shot off only after some form of provocation by the Zionist colonisers. When they want to test a new weapon or do some “live fire “exercises, they “poke the monkey cage” until some Palestinian’s patience snaps and they set of a few projectiles in the general direction of enemy territory (that have a 7.5% chance of hitting anything other than sand or rocks). The Zionists were taught this tactic by none other than Orde Wingate and his Special Night Squads in the 1930’s. A small unit would drive through a targeted Palestinian village late at night and shoot it up; this would provoke a retaliatory response against a Jewish settlement. This later attack would be heavily publicised and used to justify a major attack against the targeted Palestinian village.

The justification is simple, just look up the Maquis, or the AK, or any of the myriad of other resistance movements against the Nazi Occupation in Europe during WW2. Every people have a fundamental right to resist oppression and occupation by whatever means they have at their disposal.

The ancient inhabitants of Jerusalem are long dead and so is the temple cult that controlled them. Interesting you mentioned that as Temple Judaism was mainly centred on that city and the Judean hills; there is no evidence that Temple Judaism was ever a universal or official religion in historical Palestine.

Colonisation? Palestine was colonised by Jewish Europeans, but you know that anyway. I regret the embarrassment you feel Mr Spock, but you are right, knowing the truth is dangerous.
Indofred, et al,

There is a certain unreasonableness to this logic.

Over 2,000 dead in Gaza.
How civilised Israel isn't.


In the initiation and conduct of War-like activity (eg HAMAS firing rockets and mortars, infiltrations and kidnappings, armed attacks, etc, into the sovereignty of another nation --- Israel) there is ---- inherent to this dangerous activity --- in which HAMAS was participating at the time casualties were inflicted, an express assumption of risk. And in this assumption of risk, there is NO exemption from liability for the operators of these various dangerous activity. HAMAS cannot be absolved of liability in the aftermath of its reckless conduct if Israel follows the Israel takes all reasonable measures to follow the Customary International Humanitarian Law (IHL).

There is no such thing as fighting a war, and being absolved of the risk inherent in fighting the war. If you don't want to suffer the risk, you don't open hostilities.​


It is well known to HAMAS, that it is Customary Law condemns all forms of propaganda, in whatsoever country conducted, which is either designed or likely to provoke or encourage and threat to the peace, breach of the peace, or act of aggression;

It is well known to HAMAS and the People of Gaza that the UN has moved to criminalize the willful provision or collection, by any means, directly or indirectly, of funds by their nationals or in their territories with the intention that the funds should be used, or in the knowledge that they are to be used, in order to carry out terrorist acts; providing any form of support, active or passive, to entities or persons involved in terrorist acts, including by suppressing recruitment of members of terrorist groups and eliminating the supply of weapons to terrorists;

It is well known to the People of Gaza that HAMAS, a number of it associate element and affiliations are designated as terrorist organizations;

It is well known to the People of Gaza that they should:​
    • Take the necessary steps to prevent the commission of terrorist acts, including by provision of early warning to other States by exchange of information;
    • Deny safe haven to those who finance, plan, support, or commit terrorist acts, or provide safe havens;
It is well known to the People of Gaza that to do otherwise is inherently dangerous.
When you say "civilized" --- and attempt to blame Israel for the deaths --- you are making the argument that the Hostile Arab Palestinians are absolved of all wrong doing and therefore are the victims of some negligent action on the part of Israel. It is exactly the opposite. HAMAS has a responsibility to act in the best interest of its people; defending its sovereignty and citizens from harm. It does not have the inherent right to open a Jihad (Holy War). Instead --- HAMAS --- demonstrated a depraved indifference to the consequences that could reasonably be expected to follow the initiation and conduct of War-like activity.

In a stunning five minute statement read on state television late Friday, Saudi Arabia’s King Abdullah, leader of Israel’s oldest and most implacable foe, called the Hamas-Israel war in Gaza a “collective massacre” caused by Hamas. (Breitbart: by THOMAS ROSE 2 Aug 2014)

While the pro-Gaza/HAMAS elements in the western world might see Israel and the Arab-Palestinian propaganda in a different light, the Arab world sees it through the eyes of the Arab.

Most Respectfully,
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

Maybe they should sue hamas for the money in International courts, and then get legal backing for withholding funds from the palestinians
$1.2million for every dead Palestinian. There you are, yanks, that's where your tax dollars go.

More goes to Saudi if you bother to look, closely followed by other ISLAMONAZI countries. How much does an F16 cost, and why does Saudi have 10, and the fully trained pilots to fly them at Americas expence
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

This is an interesting article, The Zionists claim that the Palestinian resistance movement, fired 8000 assorted projectiles at Zionist Israel, of those 600 were intercepted by Iron Dome. Iron Dome, as we all know only launches when a projectile is likely to strike within a critical area defended by the system. This means that 7400 assorted projectiles fell in areas where there was no risk to the Zionist colonists, that's a hit rate of 0.075%! ...and this makes, 'Hamas rockets an existential threat to Israel' how exactly?

Because it would only take one to land on a school and there would be many dead children, that would result in many more dead Palestinians for this act of war
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

Euros? - I believe Joe American taxpayer paid for the lot, so the Jews don't need to care.

And you would be wrong as Israel pays back more than it receives, you are aware that the majority is in the form of loans that carry interest and have to be paid back.
Actually, 1.5% of 2.5billion.

Why don't these damn Jews just let themselves be killed!

They have more fun murdering children, apparently. As long as they are Christian or Muslim.

You do realise don't you that the Palestinians have ethnically cleansed 10% of their population because they are Christians don't you. Of these half have been murdered by the likes of hamas in the name of allah. so who is it killing Christian children again ?

Maybe they should be sending out hit squads to take out ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDISTS in the USA and setting it up so it looks like a home made bomb exploded in their faces...............
The nosy-envy combo is bad for your health.
The American taxpayers favor Israel, and see it a legitimate and fully necessary to aid Israel in return most of it recycled back to the US, and it is the Israeli taxpayers that fund it, the American aid the Israeli government, but of course the billions sent to Gaza over the years couldn't cure the conflict, because money only breeds their greed, and the erection they get for the thought of the weapons and violence they could promote with it, like a gambler they choose to be violent, and surprised they lost, pathetic.

It is the Israelis that get excited murdering children with F16s, tanks and naval artillery. Disgusting people the Israelis. Israel costs the U.S. trillions in terms of the enemies our support of Israel creates for us. Eventually Americans will come to understand how ridiculous it is to support an invading group of Europeans and their offspring in support of a colonial venture.

et al,

I thought this was interesting.

Just as a side note:

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports [Video]
Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge.

Terrorist Abd Al-Rahman Ba'aloosha confessed that Hamas convene its fighters in key mosques after building a bunker underneath. One terrorist had shared that he was recruited during a meeting held inside the underground bunkers.

Two other terrorists, Afif and Ahmed Jarrah, made the chilling revelation that Hamas had built an attack tunnel within a school playground - from which rockets were being launched. A similar tunnel was also built within hospital premises. As part of its plan, these tunnels shall serve as holding place for kidnapped IDF soldiers.

Samir Abu Luli, another terrorist interrogated by ISF, divulged that Hamas' police officers were deployed in the Al-Najar Hospital of Rafah. They act as bodyguards for operatives of Hamas andPalestinian Islamic Jihad hiding inside. Nafez Shaluf, one of the terrorists, said Hamas usually hurled sick patients out in the streets.
SOURCE: International Business Times (Australia) By Athena Yenko | September 5, 2014

Report: Over a Dozen Hamas Terrorists Admit to Use of Hospitals, Kindergartens and Mosques for Military Activity

A number of Hamas operatives who were arrested and detained by Israel during Operation Protective Edge admitted to the use of civilian establishments, such as mosques, schools and hospitals, as covers for terrorist …The Algemeiner · 8/26/2014

Most Respectfully,

The extremist Zionist Israeli government has killed over two thousand people, all in retaliation for a few dead, most killed whilst the mad IDF were invading Gaza.
This lot cost Joe Taxpayer a fortune, whilst many American ex servicemen are living on the streets.

Get it right in retaliation for terrorist attacks against Israeli children that are in breach of International law and the Geneva conventions. So the UN should be looking at cutting funding to UNRWA and giving the money to Israel.

It cost the American taxpayer nothing and it is the muslim in the white house that has made the American Vets homeless not Israel.
The nosy-envy combo is bad for your health.
The American taxpayers favor Israel, and see it a legitimate and fully necessary to aid Israel in return most of it recycled back to the US, and it is the Israeli taxpayers that fund it, the American aid the Israeli government, but of course the billions sent to Gaza over the years couldn't cure the conflict, because money only breeds their greed, and the erection they get for the thought of the weapons and violence they could promote with it, like a gambler they choose to be violent, and surprised they lost, pathetic.

It is the Israelis that get excited murdering children with F16s, tanks and naval artillery. Disgusting people the Israelis. Israel costs the U.S. trillions in terms of the enemies our support of Israel creates for us. Eventually Americans will come to understand how ridiculous it is to support an invading group of Europeans and their offspring in support of a colonial venture.
and most are not even Semitic,unlike the Palestinians and Shepardic Jews

According to their DNA they are, it is the arab muslims pretending to be Palestinians that aren't Semitic
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News
How many dead Hamas?

How many destroyed rocket-launchers?

How many destroyed munitions bunkers?

How many destroyed terror-commando tunnels?

How much damage to Hamas' ability to wage war?

How much damage to Hamas' credibility amongst the Gazans who so foolishly elevated them to power several years ago?

What lessons taught to Hamas about the futility of attacking (and phukking with) Israel?

How many innocent Israeli civilians will live because the war-making capability of Hamas was degraded?


And, to be sure, some US taxpayer dollars were involved in that, however...

The approximate $3billion in military aid that we grant to the Israelis each year is five (5%) percent of the IDF's annual $58billion defense budget...

Five (5%) percent...

A drop in the bucket...

And, most of that $3billion is in the form of credits, that benefit our own arms industry...

So, whatever they spent, we floated 5% of the total expenditure...

And, the Israelis are more than willing to buy-up some of our Reserve Munitions that are fast approaching their freshness/sell-by date, to replenish their stocks after burning-through some of their inventory in recent weeks.

Dead Hamas?

Well worth the price, to help bitch-slap those savage, stupid little wankers.

The US should stop sending money and arms to Israel.......for your information Wankdor..the Palestinians have one of the highest matriculation rates for University Entrants.....hardly savages you Troll but Wank On

But one of the lowest job prospects in the whole world, because the diplomas are worthless outside Palestine.
youch said:
Are you being purposefully obtuse??? That you use the term "Zionist" betrays bigotry. Wanna discuss?

My use of the term Zionist is purely descriptive as this so called “Jewish and democratic state” was founded by and is largely inhabited by either ardent Zionists or those who passively subscribe to Zionist ideology.

Bigotry? Perhaps; I am, like most reasonable human beings, inherently predisposed towards being intolerant towards those who routinely imprison, torture and murder another people because they are of a different religion or ethnicity.

youch said:
First of all, basic's 7.5%. But that is unimportant. Do you want your children growing up in a world/land/region constantly bombarded with rockets? Not knowing where they will land? It is a very small nation, after all. Shit, you don't even have children, and can't even do basic math. More to the point, why would any sovereign nation put up with ANY rockets launched at them? And what, prey tell, justifies the rockets? You call the ancient inhabitants of Jerusalem "colonists," and you think that justifies rockets tossed at villages and homes? What colonization? Your illogic is embarrassing and dangerous.

Ouch, you got me, I forgot to multiply by 100 :eusa_doh:(checks to see if civilization has collapsed and they sky has fallen down) but you are right, my mathematical faux-pas is as unimportant as it is irrelevant.

The important point is that only a tiny fraction of the projectiles fired from Gaza fall anywhere close to military targets or population centres.

The world/land/region is not “constantly bombarded” with rockets, this is just a myth propagated by the Zionists for the gullible. Rockets or mortars are normally shot off only after some form of provocation by the Zionist colonisers. When they want to test a new weapon or do some “live fire “exercises, they “poke the monkey cage” until some Palestinian’s patience snaps and they set of a few projectiles in the general direction of enemy territory (that have a 7.5% chance of hitting anything other than sand or rocks). The Zionists were taught this tactic by none other than Orde Wingate and his Special Night Squads in the 1930’s. A small unit would drive through a targeted Palestinian village late at night and shoot it up; this would provoke a retaliatory response against a Jewish settlement. This later attack would be heavily publicised and used to justify a major attack against the targeted Palestinian village.

The justification is simple, just look up the Maquis, or the AK, or any of the myriad of other resistance movements against the Nazi Occupation in Europe during WW2. Every people have a fundamental right to resist oppression and occupation by whatever means they have at their disposal.

The ancient inhabitants of Jerusalem are long dead and so is the temple cult that controlled them. Interesting you mentioned that as Temple Judaism was mainly centred on that city and the Judean hills; there is no evidence that Temple Judaism was ever a universal or official religion in historical Palestine.

Colonisation? Palestine was colonised by Jewish Europeans, but you know that anyway. I regret the embarrassment you feel Mr Spock, but you are right, knowing the truth is dangerous.

That is what gets you ISLAMONAZIS isn't it, that the LoN GAVE the land they legally owned to the Jews as their NEW NATIONAL HOME. That the JEWS were SO MUCH BETTER than you could ever be. This has been proven time and time again when you ISLAMONAZIS have attacked the Jews and been soundly beaten. Now the world including Islamic nations is seeing the true Palestinians and are turning against them, the recent exposure of ILLEGAL USE OF CIVILIANS, TARGETTING ISRAELI CHILDREN AND USING UN STRUCTURES has made hamas and Palestine nasty words. Knowing the truth has opened a lot of eyes and shown just how evil and twisted arab muslims can be.
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

*yawn* yes, they should have let the loser terrorist scum continue to send missiles into Israel and go through the tunnels.

worth every penny.
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

*yawn* yes, they should have let the loser terrorist scum continue to send missiles into Israel and go through the tunnels.

worth every penny.

A major VICTORY for Hamas! Over 2000 dead Palestinians, much of Gaza in ruins & no big Palestinian demands granted by Israel. Keep them rocket missiles comin'.
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

*yawn* yes, they should have let the loser terrorist scum continue to send missiles into Israel and go through the tunnels.

worth every penny.

A major VICTORY for Hamas! Over 2000 dead Palestinians, much of Gaza in ruins & no big Palestinian demands granted by Israel. Keep them rocket missiles comin'.

yah. it's amazing what they call victory. but I don't think this one worked out so well for the pals.
$1.2million for every dead Palestinian. There you are, yanks, that's where your tax dollars go.

More goes to Saudi if you bother to look, closely followed by other ISLAMONAZI countries. How much does an F16 cost, and why does Saudi have 10, and the fully trained pilots to fly them at Americas expence
Top 10 Recipients of United States Foreign Aid Listosaur Hungry for Knowledge

NO aid goes to Saudi Arabia if they have F16 it's because they paid for them

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