Israel says Gaza war cost military $2.5 bn

Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

This is an interesting article, The Zionists claim that the Palestinian resistance movement, fired 8000 assorted projectiles at Zionist Israel, of those 600 were intercepted by Iron Dome. Iron Dome, as we all know only launches when a projectile is likely to strike within a critical area defended by the system. This means that 7400 assorted projectiles fell in areas where there was no risk to the Zionist colonists, that's a hit rate of 0.075%! ...and this makes, 'Hamas rockets an existential threat to Israel' how exactly?

So you dismiss the real aggressors,because they have shit for equipment? you shoot at me and miss,you think you should get a pass?
Of course there are other economic costs to this assault.
Jerusalem (AFP) - Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that the direct cost of the 50-day military offensive in the Gaza Strip was more than $2.5 billion (1.9 billion euros).

"The expenditure on Operation Protective Edge -- military expenditure, the direct expenditure -- is more than nine billion shekels," Yaalon told an economic conference in Tel Aviv.

Israel says Gaza war cost military 2.5 bn - Yahoo News

I understand that I'm way more tactically inclined than the average Joe, but I'm surprised that so many people don't understand that the very basic tactics of any jihadist group is to whither the enemy's financial institutions above all else. The Twin Towers weren't destroyed because they were tall.
fanger, et al,

I agree with our friend "fanger." Most US Equipment in Saudi Arabia is acquired through the FMS Program.

$1.2million for every dead Palestinian. There you are, yanks, that's where your tax dollars go.
More goes to Saudi if you bother to look, closely followed by other ISLAMONAZI countries. How much does an F16 cost, and why does Saudi have 10, and the fully trained pilots to fly them at Americas expence
Top 10 Recipients of United States Foreign Aid Listosaur Hungry for Knowledge

NO aid goes to Saudi Arabia if they have F16 it's because they paid for them

Generally speaking, the "Foreign Aid" is usually 9 or 10 to 1 in favor of Islamic Countries.

Saudi Arabia – AWACS Modernization Program
WASHINGTON, Aug 12, 2014 – The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to Saudi Arabia for an AWACS modernization program and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support for an estimated cost of $2.0 billion. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency delivered the required certification notifying Congress of this possible sale on August 12, 2014.​

As for the F-16s:

WASHINGTON, October 20, 2010 – The Defense Security Cooperation Agency notified Congress today of a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Saudi Arabia of: 84 F-15SA Aircraft.

F-16 sale to Saudis reportedly in works Lockheed deal would be worth several billion dollars
January 31, 1997|By Greg Schneider | Greg Schneider,SUN STAFF
Lockheed Martin Corp. and federal officials have been talking with Saudi Arabia about selling the desert kingdom several billion dollars' worth of F-16 fighter planes, officials said yesterday.

One source familiar with the arrangement said Saudi Arabia had reached a tentative agreement to buy up to 100 planes.

The Washington Times reported such a deal yesterday and quoted a price of $30 billion, a price that the source questioned, saying it "sounds awfully high."

Most Respectfully,
Last edited:
...Over 2,000 dead in Gaza. How civilised Israel isn't.
There's a way to fix that in future.

1. don't kidnap Israeli teenagers and execute them

2. don't fire rockets at Israel

3. don't embed war-assets amongst your civilian population

4. don't hide behind the skirts of your women and children like pussies

Given that that is exactly what the IDF faced, they did, indeed, conduct their war in a fairly civilized manner.

And, once you strip-out (a) Hamas combatants and support personnel and (b) collateral casualties inflicted during legitimate combat targeting operations, the casualty list is probably in the dozens rather than the hundreds or thousands.

The Palestinians - and Hamas, specifically - made the four (4) mistakes itemized above.

Thereby bringing civilian casualties down upon their own heads, as their own responsibility.

Israel, on the other hand, is far more civilized, when compared to such bottom-feeders.
The extremist Zionist Israeli government has killed over two thousand people, all in retaliation for a few dead, most killed whilst the mad IDF were invading Gaza.
This lot cost Joe Taxpayer a fortune, whilst many American ex servicemen are living on the streets.

Get it right in retaliation for terrorist attacks against Israeli children that are in breach of International law and the Geneva conventions. So the UN should be looking at cutting funding to UNRWA and giving the money to Israel.

It cost the American taxpayer nothing and it is the muslim in the white house that has made the American Vets homeless not Israel.

Tell me, are you a professional moron, or is it just a hobby?
How civilised Israel isn't.
Israel could have flattened Gaza in a day. That did not happen. You leave out the part where the IDF tries to evacuate people and where Hamas fires rockets from schools and hospitals.[/QUOTE]

Nice point - pity you don't mention, there's nowhere to evacuate to.
Pin point operations cost more than carpet bombing..............Is it the ops wish that the IDF resort to more cost effective area bombing instead to save money.................

500 lb bombs are much cheaper than laser guided munitions.
How civilised Israel isn't.
Israel could have flattened Gaza in a day. That did not happen. You leave out the part where the IDF tries to evacuate people and where Hamas fires rockets from schools and hospitals.

Nice point - pity you don't mention, there's nowhere to evacuate to.[/QUOTE]
There is, away from the Hamas missile sites. The only civilian areas Israel attacks are areas used by Hamas ( which are not civilian areas, but military sites).
et al,

I thought this was interesting.

Just as a side note:

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports [Video]
Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge.

Terrorist Abd Al-Rahman Ba'aloosha confessed that Hamas convene its fighters in key mosques after building a bunker underneath. One terrorist had shared that he was recruited during a meeting held inside the underground bunkers.

Two other terrorists, Afif and Ahmed Jarrah, made the chilling revelation that Hamas had built an attack tunnel within a school playground - from which rockets were being launched. A similar tunnel was also built within hospital premises. As part of its plan, these tunnels shall serve as holding place for kidnapped IDF soldiers.

Samir Abu Luli, another terrorist interrogated by ISF, divulged that Hamas' police officers were deployed in the Al-Najar Hospital of Rafah. They act as bodyguards for operatives of Hamas andPalestinian Islamic Jihad hiding inside. Nafez Shaluf, one of the terrorists, said Hamas usually hurled sick patients out in the streets.
SOURCE: International Business Times (Australia) By Athena Yenko | September 5, 2014

Report: Over a Dozen Hamas Terrorists Admit to Use of Hospitals, Kindergartens and Mosques for Military Activity

View attachment 31590
A number of Hamas operatives who were arrested and detained by Israel during Operation Protective Edge admitted to the use of civilian establishments, such as mosques, schools and hospitals, as covers for terrorist …The Algemeiner · 8/26/2014

Most Respectfully,

Well of course they did, people will admit to anything under torture.
et al,

I thought this was interesting.

Just as a side note:

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports [Video]
Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge.

Terrorist Abd Al-Rahman Ba'aloosha confessed that Hamas convene its fighters in key mosques after building a bunker underneath. One terrorist had shared that he was recruited during a meeting held inside the underground bunkers.

Two other terrorists, Afif and Ahmed Jarrah, made the chilling revelation that Hamas had built an attack tunnel within a school playground - from which rockets were being launched. A similar tunnel was also built within hospital premises. As part of its plan, these tunnels shall serve as holding place for kidnapped IDF soldiers.

Samir Abu Luli, another terrorist interrogated by ISF, divulged that Hamas' police officers were deployed in the Al-Najar Hospital of Rafah. They act as bodyguards for operatives of Hamas andPalestinian Islamic Jihad hiding inside. Nafez Shaluf, one of the terrorists, said Hamas usually hurled sick patients out in the streets.
SOURCE: International Business Times (Australia) By Athena Yenko | September 5, 2014

Report: Over a Dozen Hamas Terrorists Admit to Use of Hospitals, Kindergartens and Mosques for Military Activity

View attachment 31590
A number of Hamas operatives who were arrested and detained by Israel during Operation Protective Edge admitted to the use of civilian establishments, such as mosques, schools and hospitals, as covers for terrorist …The Algemeiner · 8/26/2014

Most Respectfully,

Well of course they did, people will admit to anything under torture.

Very pathetic excuse. I'm not even going to bother ti ask you for evidence that the Hamas militants were tortured into saying those things, because deluded pro Palestinians never provide evidence for their claims
et al,

I thought this was interesting.

Just as a side note:

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports [Video]
Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge.

Terrorist Abd Al-Rahman Ba'aloosha confessed that Hamas convene its fighters in key mosques after building a bunker underneath. One terrorist had shared that he was recruited during a meeting held inside the underground bunkers.

Two other terrorists, Afif and Ahmed Jarrah, made the chilling revelation that Hamas had built an attack tunnel within a school playground - from which rockets were being launched. A similar tunnel was also built within hospital premises. As part of its plan, these tunnels shall serve as holding place for kidnapped IDF soldiers.

Samir Abu Luli, another terrorist interrogated by ISF, divulged that Hamas' police officers were deployed in the Al-Najar Hospital of Rafah. They act as bodyguards for operatives of Hamas andPalestinian Islamic Jihad hiding inside. Nafez Shaluf, one of the terrorists, said Hamas usually hurled sick patients out in the streets.
SOURCE: International Business Times (Australia) By Athena Yenko | September 5, 2014

Report: Over a Dozen Hamas Terrorists Admit to Use of Hospitals, Kindergartens and Mosques for Military Activity

View attachment 31590
A number of Hamas operatives who were arrested and detained by Israel during Operation Protective Edge admitted to the use of civilian establishments, such as mosques, schools and hospitals, as covers for terrorist …The Algemeiner · 8/26/2014

Most Respectfully,

Well of course they did, people will admit to anything under torture.

Very pathetic excuse. I'm not even going to bother ti ask you for evidence that the Hamas militants were tortured into saying those things, because deluded pro Palestinians never provide evidence for their claims

No need to ask, just Google "Israeli torture of palestinian prisoners" and you'll get around 1,300,000 results in about 0.35seconds, but you won't 'cos that'll just burst your bubble. here have a free recent example on me.
Israel killed 104 Palestinian prisoners in last two decades
104 / 20 years = 5.2 prisoners killed per year, on the average.

Killed, or simply died while in captivity?

Out of how many prisoners, total?

What condition were these prisoners in, when taken into custody?

Were some of them already wounded, and merely died of their wounds, despite receiving medical attention?

Who came up with the magic number 104?

How do they know that this is the case?

Etc... etc... etc...

It's easy to throw out a number...

Some of those numbers shake-apart pretty quickly, though, when subjected to a closer scrutiny.
et al,

I thought this was interesting.

Just as a side note:

Hamas Terrorists Admit To Using Human Shield, Launching Rockets From School Playgrounds - IDF Reports [Video]
Hamas terrorists admitted to using human shield by using mosques and hospitals as hiding places and building tunnels near school playground. The confession came as dozens of Hamas terrorists were interrogated by the Israel Security Agency or ISA as part of its Operation Protective Edge.

Terrorist Abd Al-Rahman Ba'aloosha confessed that Hamas convene its fighters in key mosques after building a bunker underneath. One terrorist had shared that he was recruited during a meeting held inside the underground bunkers.

Two other terrorists, Afif and Ahmed Jarrah, made the chilling revelation that Hamas had built an attack tunnel within a school playground - from which rockets were being launched. A similar tunnel was also built within hospital premises. As part of its plan, these tunnels shall serve as holding place for kidnapped IDF soldiers.

Samir Abu Luli, another terrorist interrogated by ISF, divulged that Hamas' police officers were deployed in the Al-Najar Hospital of Rafah. They act as bodyguards for operatives of Hamas andPalestinian Islamic Jihad hiding inside. Nafez Shaluf, one of the terrorists, said Hamas usually hurled sick patients out in the streets.
SOURCE: International Business Times (Australia) By Athena Yenko | September 5, 2014

Report: Over a Dozen Hamas Terrorists Admit to Use of Hospitals, Kindergartens and Mosques for Military Activity

View attachment 31590
A number of Hamas operatives who were arrested and detained by Israel during Operation Protective Edge admitted to the use of civilian establishments, such as mosques, schools and hospitals, as covers for terrorist …The Algemeiner · 8/26/2014

Most Respectfully,

Well of course they did, people will admit to anything under torture.

Very pathetic excuse. I'm not even going to bother ti ask you for evidence that the Hamas militants were tortured into saying those things, because deluded pro Palestinians never provide evidence for their claims

No need to ask, just Google "Israeli torture of palestinian prisoners" and you'll get around 1,300,000 results in about 0.35seconds, but you won't 'cos that'll just burst your bubble. here have a free recent example on me.
Israel killed 104 Palestinian prisoners in last two decades
I asked about the post you quoted where you claimed the Hamas operatives were tortured.
And prisoners dying in captivity & Israel killing them is very different. But you eat up anything that vilifiss Israel.
$1.2million for every dead Palestinian. There you are, yanks, that's where your tax dollars go.

More goes to Saudi if you bother to look, closely followed by other ISLAMONAZI countries. How much does an F16 cost, and why does Saudi have 10, and the fully trained pilots to fly them at Americas expence
Top 10 Recipients of United States Foreign Aid Listosaur Hungry for Knowledge

NO aid goes to Saudi Arabia if they have F16 it's because they paid for them

100% sure of that are we

U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia - Saudi Military and U.S. Arms Sales to Saudi Arabia

$79.8 billion in military aid to Saudi, $53.6 billion to Israel.
$1.2million for every dead Palestinian. There you are, yanks, that's where your tax dollars go.

More goes to Saudi if you bother to look, closely followed by other ISLAMONAZI countries. How much does an F16 cost, and why does Saudi have 10, and the fully trained pilots to fly them at Americas expence
Top 10 Recipients of United States Foreign Aid Listosaur Hungry for Knowledge

NO aid goes to Saudi Arabia if they have F16 it's because they paid for them
Even if that were true, we supply them with 25K+ troops along with their required infrastructure.
If they were trying, the why aren't they massacring Palestinians everyday like they could?

They are.
No, they're not.

If the Israelis wanted to massacre the Palestinians, they could.

And, by massacre, I mean slaughtering every Muslim man, woman and child living in either Gaza or the West Bank.

From the air, and only sending-in enough ground troops to mop-up the handful who survive the aerial assault.

They could do it so quickly - using conventional weaponry - in a matter of days or a week or two - that the rest of the world would not have time to react and/or intervene.

That would solve their embedded Muslim problem, once and for all.

But they do not do such things, as their sense of Right and Wrong restrain them from such a purge of their enemies.

Unlike the Palestinian Muslims, many of whom swore to drown all the Jews in the Mediterranean, decades ago.

It's the difference between separating one's selves from a hostile population, and fighting them off to an extent sufficient to ensure survival one one's own, versus deliberately calling for the eradication of one's enemies.

That is not what the Israelis do, even though their enemies would do just that to them, given half a chance.

It's the difference between civilized folk and barbarians.

Over 2,000 dead in Gaza.
How civilised Israel isn't.


where I come's "CIVILIZED." How is it spelled in ARABIC ? that word even mentioned once in here ?

Fred, how come all ISLAMIC TERRORISTS hold up the Quran while brandishing a bazooka gun or AK-47?

what's the relationship (Quran/bazooka gun)...what page is that on ?? can you whip yours out and look it up for me ?

Freddy---why again do I have to look like this is your world ?


where I come's "CIVILIZED." How is it spelled in ARABIC ? that word even mentioned once in here ?

Fred, how come all ISLAMIC TERRORISTS hold up the Quran while brandishing a bazooka gun or AK-47?

In the civilised world it's spelled c-i-v-i-l-i-s-e-d, in arabic متحضر

Probably the same reason American religious fanatics hold up the Bible while brandishing whatever variant of an M-16 the young woman on the left is holding

Fanatics are the same the world over....
In the civilised world it's spelled c-i-v-i-l-i-s-e-d, in arabic متحضر

Probably the same reason American religious fanatics hold up the Bible while brandishing whatever variant of an M-16 the young woman on the left is holding

Fanatics are the same the world over....
Funny drivel.

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