Zone1 MrKelly

My interpersonal skills are second to none. :04:

Well I guess that I'm not one to talk as you're talking to somebody whose idea of being interpersonal with somebody like Biden would tell him to go play with the water in the room where all of the pee-pee boxes are and then to have some mints when he's finished.

I am an old bleeding heart liberal from a time that it used to mean something

The last presidential election that I voted in was 2008 (other than write ins)

I doubt that I make many friends here

I can’t stand what both parties have become, and won’t pretend to

I don’t have TDS .. I have CST ( Can’t stand tRump)

If anyone from either side is proud of our choices … laughter and finger pointing with be involved

After decades of trying, I have all but given up on convincing anyone of their ignorance, but I fall off the wagon now and then

I have never used a different name or aviator on any board, or felt the need to be a needy lil coward

I lurked here off and on, and finally joined

I have been here long enough to be able to post in the flame zone

Likely where I will spend the bulk of my time

My only claim to fame is, I was on Limbaughs show for 6+ minutes on open line Friday

I’m not a SOK

I’m just an old fart that Iikes to play whackatroll

So … hi
Welcome to political hell. Here's your helmet.

I am an old bleeding heart liberal from a time that it used to mean something

The last presidential election that I voted in was 2008 (other than write ins)

I doubt that I make many friends here

I can’t stand what both parties have become, and won’t pretend to

I don’t have TDS .. I have CST ( Can’t stand tRump)

If anyone from either side is proud of our choices … laughter and finger pointing with be involved

After decades of trying, I have all but given up on convincing anyone of their ignorance, but I fall off the wagon now and then

I have never used a different name or aviator on any board, or felt the need to be a needy lil coward

I lurked here off and on, and finally joined

I have been here long enough to be able to post in the flame zone

Likely where I will spend the bulk of my time

My only claim to fame is, I was on Limbaughs show for 6+ minutes on open line Friday

I’m not a SOK

I’m just an old fart that Iikes to play whackatroll

So … hi
Trump was a good POTUS why do you not like him? What policy do you dislike?
Trump was a good POTUS why do you not like him? What policy do you dislike?
A few

He killed an Iranian general because he was told to

He bombed Syria over a bogus chemical attrack because Obomba wouldnt

He signed the biggest upward transfer of wealth in history

He pardoned two of the biggest war slimes that the military deemed to be criminals

He ran on universal healthcare, and did a complete 180

He ran on going after the hedge fund guys, and gave them a tax cut instead

He ran on “drain the swamp” , then hired them

I could go on

But I just ran out of shits to give again

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