Israel Sued In International Court—Finally


Feb 6, 2010
"This is the first time the International Criminal Court has considered opening an investigation against Israel. This lawsuit is seeking compensation for the brutal illegal raid and murder aboard the Mavi Marmara aid ship on its way to deliver humanitarian aid to the Palestinians in Gaza in 2010. Let’s see what The Hague does with this.

Lawyers representing victims of an Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara aid ship in 2010 are suing Israel at the International Criminal Court (ICC) on behalf of the Union of Comoros, whose flag was flown by the Turkish-owned ship at the time of the raid.

Lawyers Ramazan Arıtürk and Cihat Gökdemir filed a complaint against Israel at The Hague after getting authorization from the Union of Comoros to do so on its behalf, the Anatolia news agency reported on Tuesday. The Union of Comoros is one of the signatories of the ICC’s founding treaty, the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, and is thus eligible to apply to the court seeking prosecution for genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes."
Israel Sued In International Court?Finally |

I think this is a good move, as it will force israel to defend its illegal actions
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Amazing and significant and important news, SherriMudderlame just advised us.


Just really powerful news. :lol:

The flaccid ICC is considering POSSIBLY engaging in an "investigation."

But then again, perhaps not.

So they found a couple of rag heads to sue Israel, and that will accomplish what?
So when a country defends itself its a war crime? Or is it that when Israel attempts to defend itself its a war crime? So what about the daily terrorist attacks against the people if Israel? Will the courts also prosecute Hamas and others or is this just another dog and pony show.
Will the ICC outlaw blockades or the enforcement of blockades?

Or, will they limit the scope of the holding only to those Joooooooz and the Zionist Entity?

This illustrates why the concept of national sovereignty is unlikely to ever yield to a world government.
They are CONSIDERING opening an investigation.

That's not the same thing as actually opening an investigation.

What does any of this really mean though? what authority does this court have?

It is potentially binding on parties who are signatories to the law that created it (the Rome treaty). Of course, there are many little pitfalls to those seeking to claim that the court has "jurisdiction." See, Opinio Juris » Blog Archive » Could the ICC Investigate Israel?s Attack on the Mavi Marmara?

On a side note who or what the fuck is The Union of the Comoros? :lol:

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Perhaps that ship should not have attempted to run the Israeli Naval Blockade, and announced it in advance, thus triggering an interception and intervention beyond Israeli territorial waters, by the Israeli Navy.

Just as the United States blockaded Cuba, beyond US or Cuban territorial waters, in order to prevent Soviet nuclear missiles from reaching Cuban shores...

So, too, did Israeli naval forces, intercept and board that blockade-running ship, outside territorial waters, to minimize the chances that the ship would successfully penetrate the blockade picket line...

Folks can sue the State of Israel all the live-long day for OPERATING a naval blockade, if they want to try and twist International Law for that purpose...

But they will not be successful in advocating on behalf of a Blockade Runner which chose to ignore long-standing International Advisories and Warnings about the Blockade, issued by the Israelis...

Don't want to get hurt?

Don't try running a naval blockade.

Doesn't matter whether your ship is carrying nuclear weapons and enough high-tech battle tanks to equip a division, or a nursing home's worth of grandmothers on walkers...

Don't try running a naval blockade.


The I.C.C. isn't going to do diddly-squat about this.

Oh, they'll "investigate" alright, as part of some summer-afternoon circle-jerk conversation.

And then they'll find the appropriate Reason Not to Pursue, and announce that they're dropping it.

However, if, by some freak chance...

If the I.C.C. is stupid enough to prosecute, after all...

The Israelis will simply flip them the bird... having signed, and then UN-signed, the Rome Statute on which the I.C.C. is based... saying: "You have no authority over us... go screw yourselves." ...

Just like the United States does...
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I believe the ship was attempting to break the blockade for political reasons but the final intention was to raise awareness of what the blockade does to the people of Gaza.
That, in my opinion, legitimises their journey.
However, Israel was always going to attempt to stop the ship and that's why it had almost as many news crews on there as it did actual ship's crew.
Regardless of your opinion of the blockade, the ship was in international waters and the crew was unarmed.
That makes the Israeli action wrong; more so when you consider their excessive use of murderous force.

However, apart for a moral win, this will be unlikely to have any actual effect as no harm can befall Israel whilst America supports that country so any court ruling will simply be ignored.
I believe the ship was attempting to break the blockade for political reasons but the final intention was to raise awareness of what the blockade does to the people of Gaza.
That, in my opinion, legitimises their journey.
However, Israel was always going to attempt to stop the ship and that's why it had almost as many news crews on there as it did actual ship's crew.
Regardless of your opinion of the blockade, the ship was in international waters and the crew was unarmed.
That makes the Israeli action wrong; more so when you consider their excessive use of murderous force.

However, apart for a moral win, this will be unlikely to have any actual effect as no harm can befall Israel whilst America supports that country so any court ruling will simply be ignored.

The alleged motive for running a blockade doesn't do shit to "legitimize" the running of a blockade.
So when a country defends itself its a war crime? Or is it that when Israel attempts to defend itself its a war crime? So what about the daily terrorist attacks against the people if Israel? Will the courts also prosecute Hamas and others or is this just another dog and pony show.
Israel wasn't defending itself, it committed an act of piracy.
"...Israel wasn't defending itself, it committed an act of piracy."
The flip side of that coin is...

Ultimately, Israel imposed a naval blockade upon Gaza as a matter of self-defense; to deny Hamas military aid which had previously been transiting to Gaza by sea. It was conducting extra-territorial operations in pursuit of that Blockade, in connection with a ship that had previously announced its intention to run the Blockade, and which was stopped when it was 'in the neighborhood' but still far enough out at sea so as to ensure that it did not succeed in penetrating the Blockade even if the ship held surprises for the interdicting force.

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