Israel Sued In International Court—Finally

THE case is at the ICC because Israels attack on the ship was a war crime. Having been attacked in an act of piracy, the victims of the attack had a lawful right to defend themselves.
The case is at the ICC because the Israelis have been ACCUSED of a war-crime and act of piracy.

It is NOT YET PROVEN to be a war-crime and act of piracy.

And the ICC will find a way to view Israel's actions as a legitimate during the course of operating a Naval Blockade, which is, in turn, considered a lawful form of warfare, unless or until declared otherwise by the UN Security Council on a case-by-case basis.

The APPEARANCE of the case at the ICC does not guarantee that it will ever go to TRIAL.

Big difference.

As pro-Palestinian supporters are going to learn, in the coming months, as the ICC finds a way to drop this one like a hot potato.
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What happens in this one case, in this act of piracy, remains to he soon. But whatever happens, it wil not stop people of conscience from seeking to bring to justice Israels continuing war crimes.
" wil not stop people of conscience from seeking to bring to justice Israels continuing war crimes."
Cool... so long as those same People of Conscience also pursue the war-crimes and atrocities and injustices committed by the PLO and its successors Hamas and Hezbollah and the PA, with equal vigor and intensity and sincerety.
THE case is at the ICC because Israels attack on the ship was a war crime. Having been attacked in an act of piracy, the victims of the attack had a lawful right to defend themselves.

No, Sherri. The cases is at the ICC because someone filed a document.

You see, there's a difference between an ACCUSATION and a FINDING.

No finding has been made by the ICC.

Your description of the incident is 100% wrong, but you don't care about that. Facts don't fit with your agenda (as usual).
Now, why in the world would people of conscience listen and take the advice of people without a conscience? It will never happen no matter how many demands are made. The issue here is Israels war crimes in an unlawful attack on a ship in intl waters. This current case may not be the only one filed in reference to that attack.
Now, why in the world would people of conscience listen and take the advice of people without a conscience? It will never happen no matter how many demands are made. The issue here is Israels war crimes in an unlawful attack on a ship in intl waters. This current case may not be the only one filed in reference to that attack.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Who are you to condemn Israel before the tribunal rules?

Who are you to evaluate evidence that you have merely accessed from second-hand sources?

You claim to have conscience, and yet your mind is closed to anything other than your preconceived notions.

You are a fraud.
Now, why in the world would people of conscience listen and take the advice of people without a conscience? It will never happen no matter how many demands are made. The issue here is Israels war crimes in an unlawful attack on a ship in intl waters. This current case may not be the only one filed in reference to that attack.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged."

Who are you to condemn Israel before the tribunal rules?

Who are you to evaluate evidence that you have merely accessed from second-hand sources?

You claim to have conscience, and yet your mind is closed to anything other than your preconceived notions.

You are a fraud.

I believe the ship was attempting to break the blockade for political reasons but the final intention was to raise awareness of what the blockade does to the people of Gaza.
That, in my opinion, legitimises their journey.
However, Israel was always going to attempt to stop the ship and that's why it had almost as many news crews on there as it did actual ship's crew.
Regardless of your opinion of the blockade, the ship was in international waters and the crew was unarmed.
That makes the Israeli action wrong; more so when you consider their excessive use of murderous force.

However, apart for a moral win, this will be unlikely to have any actual effect as no harm can befall Israel whilst America supports that country so any court ruling will simply be ignored.

the final intention was to raise awareness of what the blockade does to the people of Gaza.

It does reduce of number of rockets the Gaza terrorists can fire at civilians. Awful, I know.
"The examination was opened following a complaint filed on May 14 by the Muslim African island nation of Comoros, where the Mavi Marmara was registered, through the Istanbul-based law firm Elmadag, which represents the Marmara victims’ families. While the ICC emphasized in a*statement*that the move was “a procedural matter only, and is not the beginning of an investigation,” the appointment puts in place the legal apparatus for moving forward with an investigation." The power to launch the investigation lies with the ICC prosecutor, Gambian attorney Fatou Bensouda, who launched “a*preliminary examination” in May to determine “whether the criteria for opening an investigation are met.” The president of the International Criminal Court, Sang-Hyun Song of South Korea, has now assigned a three-judge panel to examine procedural requirements for moving forward with a war crimes suit against Israel over the 2010 raid on a flotilla to Gaza.Nine Turkish passengers were killed on the flotilla’s flagship, the Mavi Marmara, and several Israeli commandos were badly wounded in clashes after they attempted to commandeer the ship. The new panel: Silvia Fernández de Gurmendi of Argentina, Hans-Peter Kaul of Germany and Christine Van den Wyngaert of Belgium. International court preps for possible Marmara probe | The Times of Israel
LOL = 'Press TV' is the epitome of crap propaganda BS. It's censored by the Iranian Mullahs. No 'person of conscience' would use such filthfont for a source......
Israel submitted this response to the PressTV analysis:

Some information for those who want to learn more.

[ame=]Evidence: IHH Leader Urges Men to Throw Israelis Overboard 30May2010 - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]MFA Legal Expert on Gaza Aid - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Flotilla Incident Timeline (English: Part 1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Flotilla Incident Timeline (English: Part 2 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]The Reasoning Behind the Maritime Blockade on Gaza - YouTube[/ame]
Disagree. Gaza is, indeed, engaged in an UNDECLARED war against Israel, with hostilities sporadically erupting then quieting-down again; asymmetrical warfare at its best (worst).

I'm sure the Israelis see it differently, and act accordingly, but, more to the point, the Israelis had been operating their Naval Blockade of Gaza for years prior to UN Security Council intervention in 2010, so, until the Court of World Opinion influenced the Council, long after the incident-in-question, the Blockade had not yet been ruled Illegal by that body.

When you splice the Undeclared Assymetrical Warfare argument on top of the treatment accorded to the blockade by the UN Security Council at the time of the incident, the Legal Waters are one heckuva lot muddier than pro-Palestinian advocates would like to see.
The UN and every single country on the planet (including Israel) considers this an occupation.

And how could you possibly have a war with the most militarized country on earth vs a population that is not even allowed to have weapons to defend themselves.
And what is the effect (with an eye towards negating or ameliorating or softening or altering) on International Law of a blockade operating in International Waters?

You can't have a blockade in international waters.

(endorsed by sherri)

The most comical feature of the above post is that an "ISA
RESPECTING ENTITY" endorsed it------Naval blockades have
been enforced in international waters FOR CENTURIES
-----including by the USA -----the "ISA-RESPECTER" actually
calls itself a "lawyer"-------it should change that appellation to
****** L I A R *******

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