Israeli Apartheid

RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: Could you give us a picture that tell us so little?
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

"This is Apartheid"
I'm not getting it. Exactly "what" is the bumpersticker protester identifying as "apartheid?"


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Slideshow Presentation by anonymous.

Something is wrong here. When did Israel target protected civilian targets? How do you know this is true?

When did the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP) present evidence to the ICC Investigative Team on this topic? What was it?

When did the HoAP conform to:

IHL Database of Customary

International Humanitarian Law

IHL Database of Customary Rules.png

The non-compliance with these Customary Laws are prosecutable under Article 68 GCIV...

When was the last time the HoAP considered good-faith negotiations under the concepts of the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations?


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Posting #370.png

What is there to negotiate?
. The Palestine Liberation Organization / Palestinian Authority (NAD. | PLO/PA) claim these are the issues to be negotiated.

NAD | PLO:PA.png
While there are a great many suffering from a complete loss of the Constitutional functions, including involuntary activity necessary to maintain a threshold for peace → there will always be to sustain the culture of life Arab Palestinian → so it will be an unsettled issue set which you cannot recognize as a problem.


This is the man that is trying to support charges of "Apartheid." This is Mahmoud Abbas speaking in his 2013 (8 years into his 4 year term) now on his 15 year of a four year term. President Abbas (an Authoritarian Personality) has managed to exploit a fractured political system and establish himself as the preeminent leader of his regime. The Abbas Regime as lasted longer than Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, or Nicolae Ceaușescu.


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

View attachment 657312

. The Palestine Liberation Organization / Palestinian Authority (NAD. | PLO/PA) claim these are the issues to be negotiated.

While there are a great many suffering from a complete loss of the Constitutional functions, including involuntary activity necessary to maintain a threshold for peace → there will always be to sustain the culture of life Arab Palestinian → so it will be an unsettled issue set which you cannot recognize as a problem.
This is the man that is trying to support charges of "Apartheid." This is Mahmoud Abbas speaking in his 2013 (8 years into his 4 year term) now on his 15 year of a four year term. President Abbas (an Authoritarian Personality) has managed to exploit a fractured political system and establish himself as the preeminent leader of his regime. The Abbas Regime as lasted longer than Hitler, Stalin, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, or Nicolae Ceaușescu.


Most Respectfully,
Almost all of that is already covered by international law. There is no need to negotiate.
RE: Israeli Apartheid
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Almost all of that is already covered by international law. There is no need to negotiate.

So, if there is no need to negotiate, then what is the contention?

As long as the Arab Palestinians, speak with many voices and no central government - some claiming that there is no need to negotiate, then the Arab Palestinians are at fault.

REMEMBER, Israel did not take any portion of the occupied territories (in dispute West Bank or Gaza) from an Arab Palestinian People. Israel does not deny the Arab Palestinians the "Right to Self-Determination." Rather then negotiate, the Arab Palestinians opened hostilities and began a campaign of unlawful and intentional use of explosives and other lethal devices in, into, or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place. It was this that was these hostilities that were the impotence of the gradual employment of separation.

The Apartheid component of the Arab Palestinian Conflict after 1949 is a two-way street. President Abbas made that clear as demonstrated by the insert (No Jews Allowed in Palestine I First One Through) in
Posting 371 (supra).

There are another two misrepresentations of the facts

There is NO "regime of systematic oppression and domination." They are the necessary implementations of law and order measures (a normal government function) that the Arab Palestinians should take the lead on - but do not.

There is NO domination by one racial group over any other racial group, either inside the sovereignty or outside in Article 42, of the Hague Regulation. The conflict is not about Race. Exactly what two (or more) races are involved? However you divide that up, there is no way that the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank or Gaza Strip are a better example of racial diversity.​
The division and control of territory were first recommended by the UN in 1947. It was considered the best way. The very body making the international recommendation cannot now go backward in time (1920 - 2020) to apply 21st Century ethics and the new political correctness, to a situation made by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers a century ago. And even if the current international body of today (the UN) wanted to forcefully overrule the Allied Powers of 100 years ago, that would not give rise to the cessation of hostilities. Such a move would, in all likelihood, intensify the conflict and give rise to another campaign of new conflicts - trying to force the political perspectives of the least productive and most unsuccessful entity on the most successful and highly developed nation in the entirety of the Levant.​
If there is a group that is trying to maintain a regime through force, it is to the Israelis. The Israelis periodically run checks and balances on their government. Whereas, the Arab Palestinian have installed and maintained a leader - now in the 15th year of his 4-year term. It is a very corrupt government that skims off money from donor nation contributions to improve the lifestyle of the leadership.​

Now there are a number of other outcomes in play that could list now. But, if your sense of law is still functioning, then you know that an attempt by the Arab Palestinians to nationally harm the Occupation Force is subject to prosecution under the Geneva Convention.

Article 43 said:
The authority of the legitimate power having in fact passed into the hands of the occupant, the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

Article 7(2h) Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court said:
"The crime of apartheid" means inhumane acts of a character similar to those referred to in paragraph 1, committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime;


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,


So, if there is no need to negotiate, then what is the contention?

As long as the Arab Palestinians, speak with many voices and no central government - some claiming that there is no need to negotiate, then the Arab Palestinians are at fault.

REMEMBER, Israel did not take any portion of the occupied territories (in dispute West Bank or Gaza) from an Arab Palestinian People. Israel does not deny the Arab Palestinians the "Right to Self-Determination." Rather then negotiate, the Arab Palestinians opened hostilities and began a campaign of unlawful and intentional use of explosives and other lethal devices in, into, or against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury, or with intent to cause extensive destruction of the public place. It was this that was these hostilities that were the impotence of the gradual employment of separation.

The Apartheid component of the Arab Palestinian Conflict after 1949 is a two-way street. President Abbas made that clear as demonstrated by the insert (No Jews Allowed in Palestine I First One Through) in
Posting 371 (supra).

There are another two misrepresentations of the facts

There is NO "regime of systematic oppression and domination." They are the necessary implementations of law and order measures (a normal government function) that the Arab Palestinians should take the lead on - but do not.

There is NO domination by one racial group over any other racial group, either inside the sovereignty or outside in Article 42, of the Hague Regulation. The conflict is not about Race. Exactly what two (or more) races are involved? However you divide that up, there is no way that the Arab Palestinians of the West Bank or Gaza Strip are a better example of racial diversity.​
The division and control of territory were first recommended by the UN in 1947. It was considered the best way. The very body making the international recommendation cannot now go backward in time (1920 - 2020) to apply 21st Century ethics and the new political correctness, to a situation made by the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers a century ago. And even if the current international body of today (the UN) wanted to forcefully overrule the Allied Powers of 100 years ago, that would not give rise to the cessation of hostilities. Such a move would, in all likelihood, intensify the conflict and give rise to another campaign of new conflicts - trying to force the political perspectives of the least productive and most unsuccessful entity on the most successful and highly developed nation in the entirety of the Levant.​
If there is a group that is trying to maintain a regime through force, it is to the Israelis. The Israelis periodically run checks and balances on their government. Whereas, the Arab Palestinian have installed and maintained a leader - now in the 15th year of his 4-year term. It is a very corrupt government that skims off money from donor nation contributions to improve the lifestyle of the leadership.​

Now there are a number of other outcomes in play that could list now. But, if your sense of law is still functioning, then you know that an attempt by the Arab Palestinians to nationally harm the Occupation Force is subject to prosecution under the Geneva Convention.


Most Respectfully,
the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

Colonial powers do none of that.
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: What a Remarkable Observation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

(EXORDIUM) I have heard this stated many times over the last decade. And it is still one of the most irrational complaints made by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). It is near cousin to the "argumentum ad absurdum."

the latter shall take all the measures in his power to restore, and ensure, as far as possible, public order and safety, while respecting, unless absolutely prevented, the laws in force in the country.

Colonial powers do none of that.
It cannot be sound when the this type of HoAP observation can be considered true when the HoAP are the actual point of origin (
the source of the havoc - propaganda for the continuation) for the violence. When the HoAP complain that they are not provided a service (public order and safety) because they are the source of the obstruction in providing the service (incite national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law) from being performed - is totally absurd.

The HoAP have no grounds to complain that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) are not maintaining the public order and safety, when they are the perpetrators of the hostile activities.

When the HoAP deliberately commit offenses which are intended to harm the IOFs, then claim that they are the victims of their own criminal violence. (The HoAP cannot punch themself in the face and then claim they were a victim of violence that the Israeli failed to prevent.)

The inverse is absurd as well. The HoAP cannot incite or initiate street violence, or launch other attacks against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury to Israeli civilians (or other Allied members) and complain the IOF response was either ineffective or too effective in their response. (The HoAP cannot, for instance, instigate 30K people to storm the border ramparts and then complain if someone gets hurt.)


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: What a Remarkable Observation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

(EXORDIUM) I have heard this stated many times over the last decade. And it is still one of the most irrational complaints made by the Hostile Arab Palestinians (HoAP). It is near cousin to the "argumentum ad absurdum."

It cannot be sound when the this type of HoAP observation can be considered true when the HoAP are the actual point of origin (
the source of the havoc - propaganda for the continuation) for the violence. When the HoAP complain that they are not provided a service (public order and safety) because they are the source of the obstruction in providing the service (incite national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence shall be prohibited by law) from being performed - is totally absurd.

The HoAP have no grounds to complain that the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) are not maintaining the public order and safety, when they are the perpetrators of the hostile activities.

When the HoAP deliberately commit offenses which are intended to harm the IOFs, then claim that they are the victims of their own criminal violence. (The HoAP cannot punch themself in the face and then claim they were a victim of violence that the Israeli failed to prevent.)

The inverse is absurd as well. The HoAP cannot incite or initiate street violence, or launch other attacks against various defined public places with intent to kill or cause serious bodily injury to Israeli civilians (or other Allied members) and complain the IOF response was either ineffective or too effective in their response. (The HoAP cannot, for instance, instigate 30K people to storm the border ramparts and then complain if someone gets hurt.)


Most Respectfully,
Everything the Palestinians do is a response to Israel's colonial violence.
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: What a Remarkable Observation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is just another in a long string of the Arab Palestinian crying "Wolf
!" In the projection of their image, the Arab Palestinians always present themselves as the "victim."

Everything the Palestinians do is a response to Israel's colonial violence.

According to General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 1960 entitled "Principles which should guide Members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73 e of the Charter", a Non-Self-Governing Territory can be said to have reached a full measure of self-government by:​
• Emergence as a sovereign independent State;​
• Free association with an independent State;​
• Integration with an independent State.​

Nowhere, (I say again: nowhere) does the Committee 24 being the committee responsible for the status of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

C-24 sessions said:
[D]during June 2021 substantive session, the C-24 considers the questions of 17 Non-Self-Governing Territories and Puerto Rico, (none of them located anywhere near the middle East) and adopts resolutions as well as conclusions and recommendations of the regional seminar. The C-24 also hears views of Member States, administering Powers, representatives of Non-Self-Governing Territories, and petitioners.

As I said before, at the current time there are only four Administering Powers in the world.
(C-24 Last updated: 10 May 2022)
  • United States
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • New Zeland
No Power at this time is administering any country or territory falling under the attention of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV); and, Israel is not one of them.

That is it,
.....Close Curtains
...........Roll Credits
.................Fade to Black
.........................The End


Most Respectfully,
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: What a Remarkable Observation
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

This is just another in a long string of the Arab Palestinian crying "Wolf
!" In the projection of their image, the Arab Palestinians always present themselves as the "victim."


According to General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 1960 entitled "Principles which should guide Members in determining whether or not an obligation exists to transmit the information called for under Article 73 e of the Charter", a Non-Self-Governing Territory can be said to have reached a full measure of self-government by:​
• Emergence as a sovereign independent State;​
• Free association with an independent State;​
• Integration with an independent State.​

Nowhere, (I say again: nowhere) does the Committee 24 being the committee responsible for the status of Non-Self-Governing Territories.

As I said before, at the current time there are only four Administering Powers in the world.
(C-24 Last updated: 10 May 2022)
  • United States
  • France
  • United Kingdom
  • New Zeland
No Power at this time is administering any country or territory falling under the attention of the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples (General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV); and, Israel is not one of them.

That is it,
.....Close Curtains
...........Roll Credits
.................Fade to Black
.........................The End


Most Respectfully,
Are you saying that Palestine is not under Israel's boot?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Now how about addressing my post.
RE: Israeli Apartheid
SUBTOPIC: No Colonialism
⁜→ P F Tinmore, et al,

Obviously, you did not understand my response. It had a direct bearing on your accusation. You are not using the right word to defend you accusation.

The Oslo Accords (referred to as Oslo I at this point) are signed by Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, and witnessed by Rabin and Arafat, in Washington, DC. October 1994 - Arafat, Peres and Rabin are awarded the Nobel Peace prize.

"On September 28, 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo II Accord. They were witnessed by President Bill Clinton, as well as by representatives of Russia, Egypt, Jordan, Norway and the EU in Washington DC."

Are you saying that Palestine is not under Israel's boot?
:cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

Now how about addressing my post.
You should have gathered by now:

Group ONE:
  • The ISRAELI SETTLERS are located in Area C.
  • PALESTINIANS agreed to ISRAEL having full civil and security controls in Area C.
  • SETTLERS are in Area C by the PALESTINIAN agreement.
Group TWO:​
(Para 3, A/PV.2268. 14 October 1974), agree to ANNEX III Protocol Concerning Civil Affairs • ARTICLE IV Special Provisions concerning Area "C" • which assigned Israel full civil and security control over Area “C".​
Article V. Declaration of Principles on Interim Self- Government Arrangements September 13, 199​

This is not something that I made up. This is not something I interpreted. These represent an international agreement, witnessed by the Quartet and so monumental as to have been recorded in the annals of the Nobel Prize award.

THIS IS NOT A FORMAT OR TEMPLATE that describes a "colonial" anything. There are over ≈ 150,000 in current use in the English language. My vocabulary is (maybe) half that. I am sure you can find the proper word or phrase that applies here. But in a colonial situation, there is a colonial power supporting it and directing it. While the Israeli Government has some influence, it did not send them to Area "C" under any stretch of the imagination. The settlers concerned charted their own destiny (ie "Self-Determination").

Most Respectfully,
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