Israeli-Arab Female IDF Soldier Says She Would Sacrifice Her Life for Israel

Their training and devotion to duty is the backbone to the IDF and security of Israel.

"From the inception of the Jewish state to the present, Israel’s military has been anything but a male-dominated institution.

On May 26, 1948, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion established the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Less than three months later, the Knesset instituted mandatory conscription for all women without children. Today 57 percent of all officers in the Israeli army are women, according to the IDF."

The focus and balance regarding roles on the field of combat.

"Kelemer does not pretend to be as strong as her male counterparts, though she said she is able to hold her own. When it comes to an operation, however, she said each person has a role. Kelemer, for example, is a trained grenade launcher. Another female comrade is a sharp shooter. Another is a medic.

“Combat is not just running with 50 pounds on your back,” said Kelemer, “though we also do that.”

ISRAEL: Women of Power | San Diego Jewish Journal
Their training and devotion to duty is the backbone to the IDF and security of Israel.

"From the inception of the Jewish state to the present, Israel’s military has been anything but a male-dominated institution.

On May 26, 1948, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion established the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Less than three months later, the Knesset instituted mandatory conscription for all women without children. Today 57 percent of all officers in the Israeli army are women, according to the IDF."

The focus and balance regarding roles on the field of combat.

"Kelemer does not pretend to be as strong as her male counterparts, though she said she is able to hold her own. When it comes to an operation, however, she said each person has a role. Kelemer, for example, is a trained grenade launcher. Another female comrade is a sharp shooter. Another is a medic.

“Combat is not just running with 50 pounds on your back,” said Kelemer, “though we also do that.”

ISRAEL: Women of Power | San Diego Jewish Journal

The IDF follows the Marine concept of "Every Marine a rifleman" on a national level, with "every citizen a soldier." For a while Hasidim were able to avoid it, but even now that is beginning to change.

Its simply a deterrent, because the other nations know that if you try to eliminate Israel, you have to eliminate the whole country.
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In point of fact, IDF has Muslim soldiers, and Christians too.

We're not upset at Islam, or Muslims, we're upset over common criminals murdering and waging an independent war upon Israel.

IDF sees rise in number of Christian recruits in 2013
IDF sees rise in number of Christian recruits in 2013 | JPost | Israel News

One of the “Top Officers” in Israeli army is… Muslim!
One of the top officers in the Israeli army is Muslim | United with Israel

I'm out of rep but I owe one for this from your link it deserves posting...
The mission of the Israeli Defense Forces is to defend Israel. Defending Israel means defending all citizens of Israel, including Israeli Arabs. While dozens of Muslims serve in the IDF, most keep this service very quiet. People in their villages view them as traitors and they are not accepted within their communities. Maj. Ala Wahib wants this to change. Wahib is aware of many more Israeli Arabs who want to serve in the IDF and become productive and accepted members of the broader Israeli society but are afraid to do so. Wahib hopes that his openness about his IDF service will help change their minds. He told his story to Michal Yaakov Yitzhaki of the Yisrael Hayom newspaper.

The following are select quotes from that interview:

1) What he learned after enrolling in a Christian school in Nazareth at the age of 14: “…from the age of zero I was told that Israel took Palestine away from us, so naturally I referred to myself as a citizen of Palestine. I didn’t recognize the Israeli flag, and I certainly didn’t see myself as part of the country….I suddenly discovered a world that I never knew existed. I discovered that the Jews weren’t as bad as I was told growing up. I discovered that they have a good side that I am drawn to. I identified with their principles and the way they protect one another. I felt that I wanted to become a part of this country.”

2) Upon visiting the concentration camps in Europe 4 years ago as part of the IDF’s Witnesses in Uniform program. “As a child I grew up in a society that denies the Holocaust. When I arrived in Poland I was shocked. I cried a lot. It was difficult to contain this thing called genocide. There was something very powerful in the fact that I was standing on Polish soil, holding an Israeli flag and donning the uniform of the Israeli army…”

3) ”I remember one time when I couldn’t resist and I came into the village with an Israeli flag attached to my car. I was sure that someone would take it down, but it was still there in the morning.”

4) “One day, a young Arab woman arrived at the checkpoint with a knife and tried to stab a soldier. When I was called to the scene she burst into tears and showed me her body. It was covered with black and blue marks. I understood that she had been severely beaten at home for having soiled the family’s honor and that she didn’t really want to kill a soldier. It was just her way of getting away from her family. She preferred to be in an Israeli jail rather than going back home, possibly to her death.”
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Their training and devotion to duty is the backbone to the IDF and security of Israel.
Since service is mandatory, I don't think devotion has anything to do with it.

Either they serve, or they go to jail.

On May 26, 1948, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion established the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Less than three months later, the Knesset instituted mandatory conscription for all women without children. Today 57 percent of all officers in the Israeli army are women, according to the IDF."
Israel is the most militarized country on the planet.

The focus and balance regarding roles on the field of combat.
Make sure everyone is treated like the enemy.

There are no innocent civilians.

When it comes to an operation, however, she said each person has a role.
Yeah, one person bulldozes the homes,
another person bulldozes the people (like Rachael Corrie)
and another one sits behind a joy stick in an air conditioned room and targets Palestinian children on their way to school with drone strikes.

Another female comrade is a sharp shooter.
Is she the one shooting at Palestinian ambulances and first responders?

Another is a medic.
Another shoots at medics.
Their training and devotion to duty is the backbone to the IDF and security of Israel.
Since service is mandatory, I don't think devotion has anything to do with it.

Either they serve, or they go to jail.

On May 26, 1948, Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion established the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). Less than three months later, the Knesset instituted mandatory conscription for all women without children. Today 57 percent of all officers in the Israeli army are women, according to the IDF."
Israel is the most militarized country on the planet.

Make sure everyone is treated like the enemy.

There are no innocent civilians.

Yeah, one person bulldozes the homes,
another person bulldozes the people (like Rachael Corrie)
and another one sits behind a joy stick in an air conditioned room and targets Palestinian children on their way to school with drone strikes.

Another female comrade is a sharp shooter.
Is she the one shooting at Palestinian ambulances and first responders?

Another is a medic.
Another shoots at medics.

You're pathetic little man and a liar:cuckoo:

[ame=]Al Jazeera Arabic admits France, Israel better - YouTube[/ame]
Most of the so called 'Muslims' in the IDF are Druze.

Druze really aren't muslims and neither the Sunni's or the Shia's claim them as co-religionists.

But the Israeli's classify them as muslims for PR media reasons. .. :cool:

This quote also fits you Sunni boy although you didn't grow up in a society that denies the Holocaust you've joined their ranks maybe to you think it it gives you more credibility as a convert?:cuckoo:

“As a child I grew up in a society that denies the Holocaust."
The Druse and Christians usually side with Israel during regional conflicts.

That they would join the terrorist IDF is no big surprise. .. :cool:
A Sunni Muslim calling the IDF a terrorist group :lol:

The irony is incredible !

They side with Israel during regional conflicts because it's much better than joining the rag tag Islamic terrorist groups that Israel fights, that suck at warfare !

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