Israeli flag burned as protests sweep Egypt

Interesting that you left out from Dayan's quote the following:

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

Buying land is a lot different than "taking" it, isn't it? In fact, what's wrong with Jews buying land from Arabs during the first half of the 1900s?

You want to perpetuate the myth that the Jews "pushed out" the Arab poplulation, but the facts simply are not on your side. The Jews who came to Israel from Herzl's time to 1948 did so in accordance with the presiding law, and acquired land in the same manner.

Had the Arabs simply accepted this, perhaps a Partition Plan would not have been necessary. Had they accepted the Partition Plan, there would have been no War of Independence. Had there been no War of Independence, Arabs would not have been displaced.

You weep for a people who created their own fate.

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.
Interesting that you left out from Dayan's quote the following:

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

Buying land is a lot different than "taking" it, isn't it? In fact, what's wrong with Jews buying land from Arabs during the first half of the 1900s?

You want to perpetuate the myth that the Jews "pushed out" the Arab poplulation, but the facts simply are not on your side. The Jews who came to Israel from Herzl's time to 1948 did so in accordance with the presiding law, and acquired land in the same manner.

Had the Arabs simply accepted this, perhaps a Partition Plan would not have been necessary. Had they accepted the Partition Plan, there would have been no War of Independence. Had there been no War of Independence, Arabs would not have been displaced.

You weep for a people who created their own fate.

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.

Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.
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Interesting that you left out from Dayan's quote the following:

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

Buying land is a lot different than "taking" it, isn't it? In fact, what's wrong with Jews buying land from Arabs during the first half of the 1900s?

You want to perpetuate the myth that the Jews "pushed out" the Arab poplulation, but the facts simply are not on your side. The Jews who came to Israel from Herzl's time to 1948 did so in accordance with the presiding law, and acquired land in the same manner.

Had the Arabs simply accepted this, perhaps a Partition Plan would not have been necessary. Had they accepted the Partition Plan, there would have been no War of Independence. Had there been no War of Independence, Arabs would not have been displaced.

You weep for a people who created their own fate.

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.

Really? By what means was it stolen?

If your answer is that land acquired during Israel's defense of its newly-founded State in 1948 is "stolen" land, then you and I obviously define the term in a different manner.

If you think that all of Israel is "Palestine" and any land that is now part of Israel is necessarily "stolen" (which I believe is, in fact, your viewpoint), then you need no bother answering, as you and I will never reach agreement on anything.
Interesting that you left out from Dayan's quote the following:

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

Buying land is a lot different than "taking" it, isn't it? In fact, what's wrong with Jews buying land from Arabs during the first half of the 1900s?

You want to perpetuate the myth that the Jews "pushed out" the Arab poplulation, but the facts simply are not on your side. The Jews who came to Israel from Herzl's time to 1948 did so in accordance with the presiding law, and acquired land in the same manner.

Had the Arabs simply accepted this, perhaps a Partition Plan would not have been necessary. Had they accepted the Partition Plan, there would have been no War of Independence. Had there been no War of Independence, Arabs would not have been displaced.

You weep for a people who created their own fate.

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.
Stolen from whom, the land was controlled by the British and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for 600 years. Are you saying the JORDANIANS also stole the land? Ha ha ha.

Jordan is "Palestine":


Interesting that you left out from Dayan's quote the following:

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

Buying land is a lot different than "taking" it, isn't it? In fact, what's wrong with Jews buying land from Arabs during the first half of the 1900s?

You want to perpetuate the myth that the Jews "pushed out" the Arab poplulation, but the facts simply are not on your side. The Jews who came to Israel from Herzl's time to 1948 did so in accordance with the presiding law, and acquired land in the same manner.

Had the Arabs simply accepted this, perhaps a Partition Plan would not have been necessary. Had they accepted the Partition Plan, there would have been no War of Independence. Had there been no War of Independence, Arabs would not have been displaced.

You weep for a people who created their own fate.

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.

Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.
Arabs are the only people that after they get their asses kicked, want a redo. And even after a redo, they get their asses kicked again. LOL
That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.

Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.
Arabs are the only people that after they get their asses kicked, want a redo. And even after a redo, they get their asses kicked again. LOL

Maybe we can send them the board game 'Risk', so at least they can simulate a redo hahaha !

Interesting that you left out from Dayan's quote the following:

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

Buying land is a lot different than "taking" it, isn't it? In fact, what's wrong with Jews buying land from Arabs during the first half of the 1900s?

You want to perpetuate the myth that the Jews "pushed out" the Arab poplulation, but the facts simply are not on your side. The Jews who came to Israel from Herzl's time to 1948 did so in accordance with the presiding law, and acquired land in the same manner.

Had the Arabs simply accepted this, perhaps a Partition Plan would not have been necessary. Had they accepted the Partition Plan, there would have been no War of Independence. Had there been no War of Independence, Arabs would not have been displaced.

You weep for a people who created their own fate.

"In considerable areas of the country we bought lands from the Arabs."

That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.
Stolen from whom, the land was controlled by the British and before that it was part of the Ottoman Empire for 600 years. Are you saying the JORDANIANS also stole the land? Ha ha ha.

Jordan is "Palestine":



the land was controlled by the British

Controlled not owned. The mandate owned no land.
That is true to a point. About 7% of Palestine was purchased. The rest was stolen.

Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.
Arabs are the only people that after they get their asses kicked, want a redo. And even after a redo, they get their asses kicked again. LOL

People keep saying that but Israel did not win the 1948 war.
Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.
Arabs are the only people that after they get their asses kicked, want a redo. And even after a redo, they get their asses kicked again. LOL

People keep saying that but Israel did not win the 1948 war.

Right. And the Miami Heat didn't win the 2013 NBA Title either. :cuckoo:
People keep saying that but Israel did not win the 1948 war.

Right. And the Miami Heat didn't win the 2013 NBA Title either. :cuckoo:

An armistice was called by UN Security Council resolution. Nobody won or lost the 1948 war.

The UN does not determine the winners and losers of a war.

Let's review.

Arab goal: push the Jews into the sea and prevent the establishment of a Jewish state.
Outcome: EPIC FAIL

Jewish goal: preserve the Jewish state.
Outcome: Complete success.

And the winner is....
HB67, you also forgot to mention that Israel captured 50% of the territory allotted to the Palestinians in the 1947 U.N Partition plan.
Oh, and the Arabs lost twice as many soldiers, while having more troops and support from not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4 and not even 5, but 6 Arabs states !
Thread reopened. Violative posts removed. The discussion in this thread is very well thought out and informative by those who chose to addresses the issues within the OP. Kindly continue in that manner.

The Administration and the Moderation Team are serious in their efforts to have a civil discourse as it pertains to the OP and any further posts which violate Zone 2 rules will be viewed in a more serious manner where infractions will be administered on a case by case basis.
Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.

Yes, that pretty much sums up Israel's official position too. No negotiation, no compromise without being forced. The sad part of this however is that the reckoning will probably come not through conventional warfare, but with a nuclear bomb.

Think about it. The west couldn't even stop North Korea from building a bomb. They are very unlikely to stop Iran. Given Arab feelings for that country, this will probably be a catalyst for more proliferation in the Mid-East. Non-state players are also likely to get their hands on a device. Given ongoing sentiments in the region, it will only be a matter of time then until a catastrophe.

How much better do you think it would be to have a little honest dealing and compromise, rather than millions killed, and your "holy sites" off limits for the next 100 years or so due to radiation?

Before you answer, it's their fault, I urge you to try a little alternative reading of the issues, including, for example, your above statements.
Oh yes, of course Tinmore !!
The Palestinians and surrounding Arab countries attack Israel in 1948 and in 1967 trying to destroy Israel, then when they lose the war and lose land in the process:
"You stole out land, give it back to us !! "

If they want any of the land back, they will have to use conventional warfare to get it. Nothing will be given back to them.

Yes, that pretty much sums up Israel's official position too. No negotiation, no compromise without being forced. The sad part of this however is that the reckoning will probably come not through conventional warfare, but with a nuclear bomb.

Think about it. The west couldn't even stop North Korea from building a bomb. They are very unlikely to stop Iran. Given Arab feelings for that country, this will probably be a catalyst for more proliferation in the Mid-East. Non-state players are also likely to get their hands on a device. Given ongoing sentiments in the region, it will only be a matter of time then until a catastrophe.

How much better do you think it would be to have a little honest dealing and compromise, rather than millions killed, and your "holy sites" off limits for the next 100 years or so due to radiation?

Before you answer, it's their fault, I urge you to try a little alternative reading of the issues, including, for example, your above statements.

Auteur, you clearly have no idea what you're talking about. I mean really, what a disgusting statement. What country in their right min would launch a nuke at Israel, knowing full well they will be nuked back, twice as hard. No one would do such a thing.
However, your mindset is nothing new: "Do what the Arabs want or you will get nuked"
I've heard that many times. What a joke.
Auteur, are you familiar with the offers made to the Palestinians in 2000 and 2008 that would have given them almost the entire west bank?

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