Israeli Forces Kill Terrorists Who Murdered 3 Jewish Teens

I don't want to kill someone just because s/he disagree with me but the fact you agree with child murder and justify it, and I rather be considered violent, narcissistic, prick and not be sided with you, the
When did I agree with a child murderer? What post was it?

And I wouldn't be so quick to say others were agreeing with child murderers after seeing you defend all the Gazan deaths during the last Operation. A full third of those deaths were children and you jumped through hoops to defend the people that murdered them.
Passively, so far you outraged me for the opposite, don't play dummy and stick to the subject, not Gaza but the capturing of child murderers.
I said I would gladly kill them myself, and everyone who side with killing of kids- you little scum attacked me for it, you said its because we disagree, which is true that we disagree but they chose to murder kids and you agree for such atrocity, with your stupid attempts to dismantle implying I want to kill them just for disagreement.
He watched the rockets being fired and recorded the sound with a camera that filmed the launch. This is old news, Dildo.
No where in that post does he say he saw the rocket launches.
Of course it doesn't say so in the post. It was filmed while it was happening and it was on all the news channels. Just because you don't read or watch the news and deny any report of it shows your situational awareness is zero on a scale of 1-10.
Passively, so far you outraged me for the opposite, don't play dummy and stick to the subject, not Gaza but the capturing of child murderers.
I said I would gladly kill them myself, and everyone who side with killing of kids- you little scum attacked me for it, you said its because we disagree, which is true that we disagree but they chose to murder kids and you agree for such atrocity, with your stupid attempts to dismantle implying I want to kill them just for disagreement.
First of all, I wasn't "implying" it, that's what you said!

I would gladly kill ANYONE who agree or justify that.
Secondly, that is the second time you've accused me of agreeing with child murderers. I asked you the first time to produce the post where I allegedly stated this "agreement" and to date, you have not. Are you going to be a little "no balls" prick and accuse me a third time of this? Or are you going to man-up and produce the post you are referring to? Or are you going to continue with your inner troll and just "act" like I have?

And thirdly, talking about the Gazan deaths is not changing the subject. By your own definition above, YOU, are a child murderer! You "agreed with" and "defended" the people who killed those children. I know you can't see this, because Zionists are mentally incapable of empathy or putting the shoe on the other foot. The parents of those children you murdered in Gaza, think the same way about you, as you do towards the people who killed those 3 teens.
Of course it doesn't say so in the post. It was filmed while it was happening and it was on all the news channels. Just because you don't read or watch the news and deny any report of it shows your situational awareness is zero on a scale of 1-10.
Then you should have no problem providing the link to the video, you dumbass!
How about unarmed Journalist captured tortured paraded as a criminal beheaded as commanded in the Koran

Just sunni muslims being sunni muslims and engaging in violent terrorism
1.Innocent people don't carry an automatic firearm

You are kidding right?

How many Americans have LICENCED automatic weapons? Should they be waiting for a death squad to come knocking?

Having and carrying are two different things all together, if a terrorist has an automatic it is so they can kill innocents
Now cut off the bullshit, they opened fire on Police officers, this is why they got shot, and not just a simple Police officers but the best unit in the world, hah idiots.
You forget that a Journalist showed that hamas had erected a rocket launch site on that beach and then put the children there as human shields.

Spanish Journalist in Gaza Hamas Launched Rockets From Press Hotel Jewish Israel News

Freelance Spanish journalist Fernando Gutiérrez said on Twitter Hamas was launching rockets from the press hotel, in Gaza.
In Spanish, Gutiérrez, who is writing for Melilla Hoy, tweeted, “On Saturday, 9th of August, Hamas launched a battery of rockets from the press hotel. What was their intent? To provoke Israel to kill us?#SaveGazaFromHamas.”
The journalist later said he recorded audio of the rockets being launched.
On Twitter, Gutiérrez told followers that he went to Gaza to see the facts for himself.
In another popular tweet in Spanish, Gutiérrez said, “I would be lying if I told you I saw signs of apartheid in Israel. But I’m not going to lie,” posting a photo of an Arab IDF soldier kissing his mother, wearing a hijab, on the cheek.
What does that have to do with the kids playing soccer on the beach?

FYI, that Spanish reporter said he "recorded audio" of rockets being launched, he didn't say he "saw" them being launched. And if he didn't "see" them being launched, how could he possibly know "where" they were being launched?

The kids were being used as human shields to stop the rocket launchers being destroyed, as were the journalists.

Could that be because he did not have a camera to take photographs with. He saw them being launched if you bother to read and later recorded them being fired. So this shows that hamas murdered those children in cold blood and are not bothered about them one little bit
Passively, so far you outraged me for the opposite, don't play dummy and stick to the subject, not Gaza but the capturing of child murderers.
I said I would gladly kill them myself, and everyone who side with killing of kids- you little scum attacked me for it, you said its because we disagree, which is true that we disagree but they chose to murder kids and you agree for such atrocity, with your stupid attempts to dismantle implying I want to kill them just for disagreement.
First of all, I wasn't "implying" it, that's what you said!

I would gladly kill ANYONE who agree or justify that.
Secondly, that is the second time you've accused me of agreeing with child murderers. I asked you the first time to produce the post where I allegedly stated this "agreement" and to date, you have not. Are you going to be a little "no balls" prick and accuse me a third time of this? Or are you going to man-up and produce the post you are referring to? Or are you going to continue with your inner troll and just "act" like I have?

And thirdly, talking about the Gazan deaths is not changing the subject. By your own definition above, YOU, are a child murderer! You "agreed with" and "defended" the people who killed those children. I know you can't see this, because Zionists are mentally incapable of empathy or putting the shoe on the other foot. The parents of those children you murdered in Gaza, think the same way about you, as you do towards the people who killed those 3 teens.
Maybe I wasn't clear or there was a misunderstanding, let me make this clear once and for all.
Once someone agree or justify kids murder, I would gladly kill him/her, needless to say the murderer him/herself.
Is that clear enough for you?
I don't want to kill someone just because s/he disagree with me but the fact you agree with child murder and justify it, and I rather be considered violent, narcissistic, prick and not be sided with you, the
When did I agree with a child murderer? What post was it?

And I wouldn't be so quick to say others were agreeing with child murderers after seeing you defend all the Gazan deaths during the last Operation. A full third of those deaths were children and you jumped through hoops to defend the people that murdered them.

WRONG we jumped through hoops to condemn the real murderers of those children, hamas. It was hamas that is in breach of humanitarian law and using children as human shields.
Maybe I wasn't clear or there was a misunderstanding, let me make this clear once and for all.
Once someone agree or justify kids murder, I would gladly kill him/her, needless to say the murderer him/herself.
Is that clear enough for you?
No it isn't. Why don't you just say you would gladly kill the murderer of children? Why do you keep including people who would agree or justify the murders? Do you think someone who agrees with the murder, is just as guilty as the murderer?
Of course it doesn't say so in the post. It was filmed while it was happening and it was on all the news channels. Just because you don't read or watch the news and deny any report of it shows your situational awareness is zero on a scale of 1-10.
Then you should have no problem providing the link to the video, you dumbass!

Do you mean these

Maybe I wasn't clear or there was a misunderstanding, let me make this clear once and for all.
Once someone agree or justify kids murder, I would gladly kill him/her, needless to say the murderer him/herself.
Is that clear enough for you?
No it isn't. Why don't you just say you would gladly kill the murderer of children? Why do you keep including people who would agree or justify the murders? Do you think someone who agrees with the murder, is just as guilty as the murderer?
I Can express myself very well, and I certainly don't need your help.
You cannot tell me what I said, think, or should say you fucking Nazi.
Of course it doesn't say so in the post. It was filmed while it was happening and it was on all the news channels. Just because you don't read or watch the news and deny any report of it shows your situational awareness is zero on a scale of 1-10.
Then you should have no problem providing the link to the video, you dumbass!
"What a maroon!"
I Can express myself very well, and I certainly don't need your help.
You cannot tell me what I said, think, or should say you fucking Nazi.
Say what?

You cannot tell me what I said...
If you post it in this forum, I sure as hell fuck can tell you what you said! I can also take your words, figuratively, and shove them in your face, up your ass and out your mouth!

Saying I can't tell you what you said after you said it, is a pretty retarded thing to say.
I Can express myself very well, and I certainly don't need your help.
You cannot tell me what I said, think, or should say you fucking Nazi.
Say what?

You cannot tell me what I said...
If you post it in this forum, I sure as hell fuck can tell you what you said! I can also take your words, figuratively, and shove them in your face, up your ass and out your mouth!

Saying I can't tell you what you said after you said it, is a pretty retarded thing to say.
Did you said that with a straight face, Billio?
Maybe I wasn't clear or there was a misunderstanding, let me make this clear once and for all.
Once someone agree or justify kids murder, I would gladly kill him/her, needless to say the murderer him/herself.
Is that clear enough for you?
No it isn't. Why don't you just say you would gladly kill the murderer of children? Why do you keep including people who would agree or justify the murders? Do you think someone who agrees with the murder, is just as guilty as the murderer?
Oh shutup. You recently asked 'when will someone nuke Israel?'

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