Israeli Forces Kill Terrorists Who Murdered 3 Jewish Teens

Stop bullshitting, they were suspects to the moment they opened fire on police forces, I'm disgust to see how you rush to protect and question every possible way Israel made a mistake..they MURDERED 3 INNOCENT TEENAGERS.
The evidence is decisive on this one, they were suspects for over 3 months, didn't turned themselves in for investigation, not the type of innocents that randomly carry automatic firearms with affiliation to terrorist organization.
Don't derail it to the deathtoll in Gaza, they won, who gives a damn about the fatalities in Gaza anyway?

I am so happy we at least have some kind of legal system in the USA although not always fair and balanced, better than nothing. For political reasons I think many innocent people end up in prison to further the political office of someone.
I find it hard to follow your system of law, as you just arrest people and throw them in prison or shoot them.

Has it ever occurred to you maybe they were innocent?

(I think lots of people care about the fatalities in Gaza)
1.Innocent people don't carry an automatic firearm, they don't escape investigation, they don't attempt to destroy evidence, they don't open fire on police officers,they have no reason to hide, they are not a part of a terrorist organization.

2.Hamas called this a win, no point arguing with that, so who actually care for the dead Palestinians? obviously they don't.
3 less terrorists to worry about, a small relief to the mothers of those innocent boys.

Thank you, IDF
I am so happy we at least have some kind of legal system in the USA although not always fair and balanced, better than nothing.
Indeed, jews send people to where Washington sends drones.
Has it ever occurred to you maybe they were innocent?
Isn't that allah's job to sort'em out?
(I think lots of people care about the fatalities in Gaza)
And lots more wanted to fart in the general direction of Gazabad, and still lots more don't know and don't want to know where gazabad is. Palistan isn't a navel of the universe, as they want it to be, but an anus of the universe, of course.
End one mission before starting another.
Not a mission, but a duty, exterminating the terrorists to the very last one of them.

Surely you were in favor of exterminating the terrorists behind the King David Hotel bombing, were you not Zionist? ~ Susan
PS <snicker>
It looks like you, NeoNazi, are also into the King David incident which is featured so thoroughly on the hate sites. One incident at what was British Army Headquarters and where the people inside was warned to evacuated because the building was going to be blown up, and we hear about this incident over and over and over from all the Jew haters. With all that snickering, Pishy, I think Dr. Miller, the psychiatrist, was right when he said that you needed electroshock treatments after viewing several of your posts..
Shut up moron, you can't get it straight, I said ANYONE WHO AGREE OR JUSTIFY.
Now stop being stupid for once and try again.
I've got it straight and I'm not being stupid, you'd kill someone just because they "AGREED" with the killing of the 3 teens, or hypothetically speaking, you'd kill the parents (of the kids you fuckers murdered on the beach in Gaza), if they justified the killing of the 3 teens, with the wanton murders of their own children.

I swear, Israeli's are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Shut up moron, you can't get it straight, I said ANYONE WHO AGREE OR JUSTIFY.
Now stop being stupid for once and try again.
I've got it straight and I'm not being stupid, you'd kill someone just because they "AGREED" with the killing of the 3 teens, or hypothetically speaking, you'd kill the parents (of the kids you fuckers murdered on the beach in Gaza), if they justified the killing of the 3 teens, with the wanton murders of their own children.

I swear, Israeli's are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
Methinks you meant Nazis.
Shut up moron, you can't get it straight, I said ANYONE WHO AGREE OR JUSTIFY.
Now stop being stupid for once and try again.
I've got it straight and I'm not being stupid, you'd kill someone just because they "AGREED" with the killing of the 3 teens, or hypothetically speaking, you'd kill the parents (of the kids you fuckers murdered on the beach in Gaza), if they justified the killing of the 3 teens, with the wanton murders of their own children.

I swear, Israeli's are some of the biggest hypocrites on the planet.
This time you got this straight, and you should be ashamed of yourself thinking the opposite slur.
End one mission before starting another.
Not a mission, but a duty, exterminating the terrorists to the very last one of them.

I noticed that early this am, right on top of the Syria plane. You know what mission sounds like, its like a plan, I am a mission to do this or that. You don't get to change his words

"We said we wouldn't rest until we brought these killers to Justice. This morning we completed our mission," Prime Minister Netanyahu says.

You don't react to stuff, you make it happen.

Defending the cold blooded murder of 3 Israeli boys that led to the deaths of 2000 Palestinians, Says all we need to know about you and your views
Thank God it is finally over. The Hamas abductors and murderers of the three teens has finally been killed and will never again be able to do this to anyone else's sons! This story was heartbreaking from the beginning and it is a great relief to see that the IDF was able to finish this nightmare before the Jewish New Year began. All I can say is thank God!

IDF Eliminates Murderers of the Three Israeli Boys United with Israel

A three-month-long manhunt for Marwan Kawasme and Amar Abu Aysha, the Hamas abductors and murderers of three Israeli high-school boys – Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frankel, and Eyal Yifrach – came to an end early Tuesday morning when a special police unit, acting on intelligence gathered by the Shabak (Israel Security Agency/ISA), identified the terror cell and killed them.

Police forces surrounded a house in Hebron and attempted to arrest the two murderers, but they resisted and opened fire on the security forces. A gun battle ensued, during which the terrorists were killed. No injuries were reported on the Israeli side.

The IDF also arrested Basher Kawasme, Muhammad Kawasme and Ta’ar Kawasme in connection with the kidnapping. They are the sons of Arafat Kawasme, who was arrested on July 14 on charges of aiding the abductors to flee after the attack.
continue reading on link.....
End one mission before starting another.
Not a mission, but a duty, exterminating the terrorists to the very last one of them.

I noticed that early this am, right on top of the Syria plane. You know what mission sounds like, its like a plan, I am a mission to do this or that. You don't get to change his words

"We said we wouldn't rest until we brought these killers to Justice. This morning we completed our mission," Prime Minister Netanyahu says.

You don't react to stuff, you make it happen.

What's wrong with you terrorists sympathisers!

Don't you understand that the whole world except people like you, are on a mission and a plan to kill terrorists wherever possible?

It's encouraging and great to see that Netanyahu has not only aggressive plans and missions but overall a DUTY to exterminate all terrorist scum!

Job well done Bibi! :eusa_clap:

He created terrorism. Having a good day are you?

Islamonazi terrorism has been around since 627C.E. when the psychotic paedophiles first invented islam
To the zionist Israeli's anyone who is not a jew is a terrorist. .... :cool:

They don't see me as a terrorists, or the many British people that support them. But they see nearly all muslims as terrorists because that is what islam teaches.
Thanks Teddy. The title was the title in the news story. If that qualifies it for badlands or closure then the author of this news article is falling victim to a bad case of censorship! imo.

But by all means let them merge it to the first story. No problem.

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