Israeli minister publically calls for the murder of Syrian President, Bashar Assad

Awww, Achmed is weeping for a guy who drops chemical weapons on kids.
He didn't use any chemical fucking weapons on his own people any more than Saddam did. Turn off your TV immediately while there is still time.

He didn't use chemical weapons eh? The entire international community, including majority of your fellow Arabs are claiming that he did.

Nice image, perhaps you need to stay of those disgusting hate sites.
Nobody of you accused Trump of gassing Syrian civilians:
Coalition bombs an ISIS chemical depot in Syria, hundreds died
Trump hasn't done anything. It was on Obama's watch that Assad was allowed to commit mass genocide on his own people.

Syria's fighting has gone on five years, troubles began long before that. Trump has been in office four months
And Trump has yet to learn that Assad will still be in charge when his turn ends and he moves to a nearby hotel.
You guys forget that Palestinians are the bastard children of the marriage between Nazism and Arab Islamic nationalism. This nationalism was then exported across the Arab world and especially via Baathist based regimes in countries like Syria and Iraq.

Hitler's Mufti | Catholic Answers

Recent work by historians and apologists has revealed that an influential, international religious leader was also an ardent supporter of Adolf Hitler. His name was not Pope Pius XII but Hajj Amin al-Husseini. This Grand Mufti of Jerusalem recruited whole divisions of fanatics to fight and kill in the name of extremism.

Revered in some circles today as one of the fathers of modern radical Islam, al-Husseini has been the subject of a number of modern studies. Scholars such as David Dalin, John Rothmann, Chuck Morse, and others have courageously brought al-Husseini’s actions to light. "Hitler’s Mufti," as many have called him, had a direct hand in some of the darkest moments of the Holocaust, the slaughter of tens of thousands of Christians, and the formation of some of the most hate-filled generations of modern history. Al-Husseini is a testament to the way that evil finds evil.
Gandhi´s two closest friends and advisors were also controversial. One insisted on siding with the 3. Reich, the other with the USSR. Yet, India is neither a Nazi nor a Soviet country.

The Middle East is known for its nationalism. Palestine and Israel are no exceptions. There is not more behind that.
The Nazi Palestinian Mufti was no Ghandi. In fact, if you study history objectively, he is the source for most of the intolerance and terror that we see today.
"objectively" from someone who denies others their country and identity sounds kinda funny.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
Gandhi´s two closest friends and advisors were also controversial. One insisted on siding with the 3. Reich, the other with the USSR. Yet, India is neither a Nazi nor a Soviet country.

The Middle East is known for its nationalism. Palestine and Israel are no exceptions. There is not more behind that.
The Nazi Palestinian Mufti was no Ghandi. In fact, if you study history objectively, he is the source for most of the intolerance and terror that we see today.
"objectively" from someone who denies others their country and identity sounds kinda funny.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The Nazi Palestinian Mufti was no Ghandi. In fact, if you study history objectively, he is the source for most of the intolerance and terror that we see today.
"objectively" from someone who denies others their country and identity sounds kinda funny.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
"objectively" from someone who denies others their country and identity sounds kinda funny.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
Assad did nothing you claim he did. He was set up by Americans, Saudis and Israel. Every gasp of those children's' breath are on them. False flags are reall regardless of your delusions.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
Assad did nothing you claim he did. He was set up by Americans, Saudis and Israel. Every gasp of those children's' breath are on them. False flags are reall regardless of your delusions.
Says who, you? You support Hamas genocidal murderous animals and Assad the genocidal maniac. What a fookin' surprise.
For aris2chat who is obviously a little slow...

I support Assad? Your level of dumb just moved up a few notches. If you don't understand the difference between "supporting Assad" and not supporting extrajudicial murder, let alone from a so called ally and democracy, then there is nothing left to discuss.

Maybe if you clowns stopped calling Israel a democracy and recognized her as the racist, fascist theocracy that she is, your arguments would be taken more seriously.
You don't support Assad but you think clear evidence showing chemical attacks by Assad is fake news. Nice.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
Assad did nothing you claim he did. He was set up by Americans, Saudis and Israel. Every gasp of those children's' breath are on them. False flags are reall regardless of your delusions.

Oh, how you don't know him or his family before.

"objectively" from someone who denies others their country and identity sounds kinda funny.
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
From someone who denies daily massacres by a brutal power-thirsty dictator committing genocide on his own people, that is kinda funny. You're right.
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Huh, what doesn´t exist cannot be denied. Kinda funny is, however, that a certified Muslim-hater sides with radical Islamism far worse than Hamas in Syria. Not too funny, though.
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Very funny. After 16 years of US involvement in Afghanistan, this is the situation:


Legend (Taliban control):
Black: 100 %
Red: 70 - 99%
Orange: 40 - 69 %
Yellow: 10 - 39 %
Green: 0 - 9 %
Grey: Unknown
I'm siding with all the innocent people that are being killed for no reason other than some asshole who is backed by Russia and Iran for their own interests, wants to stay in power. I'm sick of watching little kids dead or gasping for life after being gassed. Yet another Holocaust is occurring while the world fingers it's nose.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Very funny. After 16 years of US involvement in Afghanistan, this is the situation:


Legend (Taliban control):
Black: 100 %
Red: 70 - 99%
Orange: 40 - 69 %
Yellow: 10 - 39 %
Green: 0 - 9 %
Grey: Unknown
As usual you totally miss the point that you yourself were trying to make, being that the US did not "ignore" Al Queda, it invaded Afghanistan, and recently took out it's leader.
In other words you are saying exactly what al-Qaeda is saying.
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Very funny. After 16 years of US involvement in Afghanistan, this is the situation:


Legend (Taliban control):
Black: 100 %
Red: 70 - 99%
Orange: 40 - 69 %
Yellow: 10 - 39 %
Green: 0 - 9 %
Grey: Unknown
As usual you totally miss the point that you yourself were trying to make, being that the US did not "ignore" Al Queda, it invaded Afghanistan, and recently took out it's leader.
Hey, dummy, the state department just renamed Al-Qaeda not a terrorist organization.

Have a clue why that happened?
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Very funny. After 16 years of US involvement in Afghanistan, this is the situation:


Legend (Taliban control):
Black: 100 %
Red: 70 - 99%
Orange: 40 - 69 %
Yellow: 10 - 39 %
Green: 0 - 9 %
Grey: Unknown
As usual you totally miss the point that you yourself were trying to make, being that the US did not "ignore" Al Queda, it invaded Afghanistan, and recently took out it's leader.
Hey, dummy, the state department just renamed Al-Qaeda not a terrorist organization.

Have a clue why that happened?
link? What a fucking dumbass!
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Very funny. After 16 years of US involvement in Afghanistan, this is the situation:


Legend (Taliban control):
Black: 100 %
Red: 70 - 99%
Orange: 40 - 69 %
Yellow: 10 - 39 %
Green: 0 - 9 %
Grey: Unknown
As usual you totally miss the point that you yourself were trying to make, being that the US did not "ignore" Al Queda, it invaded Afghanistan, and recently took out it's leader.
Hey, dummy, the state department just renamed Al-Qaeda not a terrorist organization.

Have a clue why that happened?

it didn't, jew hater.....

Foreign Terrorist Organizations
The entire international community with exception of Iran and Russia are saying this. Pack it up, your show is over. You obviously don't care for all the children and innocents that are being killed just so your beloved dictator can stay in power. How many should be killed until he steps aside or is killed? One, two, or three million?
All US puppets are saying it. Al-Qaeda crimes on the other hand do not even make it to the headlines.

Horrible terrorist crime ignored by western community (GRAPHIC)
Ya right. The US "ignored" Al Queda crimes by invading Afghanistan and overthrowing the Taliban who were harboring them. :cuckoo:
Very funny. After 16 years of US involvement in Afghanistan, this is the situation:


Legend (Taliban control):
Black: 100 %
Red: 70 - 99%
Orange: 40 - 69 %
Yellow: 10 - 39 %
Green: 0 - 9 %
Grey: Unknown
As usual you totally miss the point that you yourself were trying to make, being that the US did not "ignore" Al Queda, it invaded Afghanistan, and recently took out it's leader.
Hey, dummy, the state department just renamed Al-Qaeda not a terrorist organization.

Have a clue why that happened?
Hey Monte / Achmed, were you always this stupid or did you have to practice to get to this point?

Foreign Terrorist Organizations


Kata'ib Hizballah (KH)


al-Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)


Harakat ul-Jihad-i-Islami (HUJI)

Ooops! Outsmarted by a Jew again!

Monte / Achmed: "Waaaa why do I hate Jews so much?! "

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