Israeli police execute unarmed man.

Only a complete moron would attack armed police and expect to get away with it, but then again we are taking Palestinian terrorists who believe their magic keys will protect them

He probably didn't expect execution, just arrest and a bit of prison time.
Yes, he was a fool, he should have known the Zionist police are murdering bastards.

In the USA they would have shot him before he even approached the vehicle.

You come to a cop with a knife, you need to take into account you'll meet the wrong end of his gun.
Dumbass Palestinians

Yep...he's right up there with Mike Dirt Nap Brown.
The pro Palestinians complaining here are just as dumb however. They can't comprehend that if you don't attack Israel, Israel won't attack you

It seems execution without trial is acceptable to Israeli forces and their fan base.
It also seems they want the occupied people to simply accept the oppressive forces.
Nazi Germany tried that in France, but the French terrorists, sorry, freedom fighters attacked anyway.

NOPE it was self defence, and any court in the world would see that from the video. It was not an execution, that is what the Palestinians are noted for when they massacre children in gaza and the west bank
Arab MK Police shooting of Arab youth a mafia-style execution The Times of Israel

The unarmed man, who tried to hit a police officer, but backed off, was executed without trial by the officer concerned.

The Israeli police lied, claiming the warned him and fired into the air, but the video proves they're bastards.

in the clean debate Zone you said propaganda is twisting the truth.

Well, how nice to give us live example.

This guy was armed.

He also had arms. One on each side.

When you attack a cop with a knife, what do you expect the cop to do?

A knife?
I missed that in the story - please link to it.

Look at the video full screen and you can see it very clearly, and the scum was still alive so not an execution at all.
Only a complete moron would attack armed police and expect to get away with it, but then again we are taking Palestinian terrorists who believe their magic keys will protect them

He probably didn't expect execution, just arrest and a bit of prison time.
Yes, he was a fool, he should have known the Zionist police are murdering bastards.

He attacked the police using deadly force, it is in the video if you look. He knew exactly what he was doing and he knew the outcome. He is in hell with his 72 prunes and his never ending torment.

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