Israeli Satellites Providing Pentagon with ISIS Intel

oh how uninteresting. Now what "point" were you struggling to make?
Your latest lie regarding the Jewish state:
"The 'greenline' thing developed because the land held by the Jews became GREEN."

that was not a LIE----that was something I was told long ago-----I
never knew that a map was made using a green pen to outline-
whatever it was which was outlined- You are desperate---I do not
lie-------save your filth for the sluts at home
oh how uninteresting. Now what "point" were you struggling to make?
Your latest lie regarding the Jewish state:
"The 'greenline' thing developed because the land held by the Jews became GREEN."

that was not a LIE----that was something I was told long ago-----I
never knew that a map was made using a green pen to outline-
whatever it was which was outlined- You are desperate---I do not
lie-------save your filth for the sluts at home
Do you even know when the words you type correspond to the thoughts going through your mind?
Time to take Israel OFF THE BOTTLE. She's sucking America dry and Netanyahu's the guy who has his hand in America's pockets. Israel has abused America's trust and committed genocide with our weapon's. We won't mention the munitions Israel TOOK without America's permission.
America doesn't need Israel's "help" in the Middle East. Screw AIPAC.
Too bad. Israel and Americ will remain allies and AIPAC is still strong.
So you can go cry yourself to sleep about that.

Time to take Israel OFF THE BOTTLE. She's sucking America dry and Netanyahu's the guy who has his hand in America's pockets. Israel has abused America's trust and committed genocide with our weapon's. We won't mention the munitions Israel TOOK without America's permission.
America doesn't need Israel's "help" in the Middle East. Screw AIPAC.
Too bad. Israel and Americ will remain allies and AIPAC is still strong.
So you can go cry yourself to sleep about that.


You just have to giggle at his nonsense. American gives loads of money away in foreign aid to people who hate us, and the money usually goes into the pockets of dictators and tyrants. Most of the money allocated to Israel has to be spent here in our own defense industries, thereby giving Americans jobs. It really frosts these anti-Semites to see the Israelis getting anything from America. Meanwhile, of course, many military innovations coming out of Israel are used by our own military. Don't you just love it, Toastman, when these anti-Semites say that Israel is committing genocide when the "Palestinian" Arabs are growing by leaps and bounds. Naturally he has nothing to say about all the people that the Arabs in other areas are killing. It certainly looks like if the Jews are not involved, he isn't interested in the thousands and thousands and thousands that have been killed and are still being killed.

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