Israeli settler, far-right activist: 'Spitting on Christians is a Jewish custom'


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020

Well then tell us how you really feel. Disgusting.​

The statement came as a response to a video circulating online of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christians in Jerusalem's Old City.​

“The custom of spitting near churches or monasteries is an ancient Jewish tradition,” far-right activist Elisha Yered wrote on Monday in response to a video of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christian pilgrims.

The former spokesperson for MK Limor Son Har-Melech, of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, said that there is an even a blessing that Jews are supposed to say when seeing a church: “Blessed is He who has patience for those who violate His will,” which Yered described as a “blessing that praises God for not immediately punishing idol worshipers for their wicked deeds.”

He continued: "Perhaps under the influence of Western culture we have forgotten what Christianity is, but I think the millions of Jews who experienced the Crusades, the [Spanish] Inquisition, blood libel, and mass pogroms will never forget."

Yered came under fire in August after he was arrested in connection with the death of a 19-year-old Palestinian man during riots in the village of Burka.

 King Jesus Banner, dance banner unveiled on opening night of Feast of the Tabernacles by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, 2022. (credit: COURTESY ICEJ)
King Jesus Banner, dance banner unveiled on opening night of Feast of the Tabernacles by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, 2022. (credit: COURTESY ICEJ)​

Orthodox Jews spit at Christian pilgrims

Yered made the comments as, amid Sukkot celebrations, Orthodox Jews spat on and shouted at a group of Christian pilgrims who were walking in Jerusalem's Old City on Tuesday.

The pilgrims were carrying the four species of Sukkot when they were attacked. The incident, which sparked public outcry, occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles, a holiday that brings thousands of Christians to the Jewish State.

Tour guide, author, and journalist Robby Berman corroborated Yered’s statement in an interview with Maariv. He said he had witnessed numerous embarrassing incidents involving Orthodox Jews who spat on or harassed Christian believers and tourists.

"My role is to prevent such acts," he told Maariv. "Unfortunately, it happens regularly every day.”

He said that once he asked a 10-year-old ultra-Orthodox child why he spat on Christian and the response was that it was “religious law.”

Over the past several months, a number of anti-Christian incidents have taken place in Israel. These included one notable occurrence that involved Deputy Mayor Arieh King leading a group of devout Jews to the Western Wall, chanting “Missionaries, go home” as evangelical Christians attempted to celebrate Pentecost and pray for peace in Jerusalem.

In November, an IDF soldier spat at the Armenian archbishop and other Christians during a procession in the Old City. In December, the Maronite community center in Ma’alot-Tarshiha suffered vandalism, with the culprits still unidentified, among other incidents.

Well then tell us how you really feel. Disgusting.​

The statement came as a response to a video circulating online of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christians in Jerusalem's Old City.​

“The custom of spitting near churches or monasteries is an ancient Jewish tradition,” far-right activist Elisha Yered wrote on Monday in response to a video of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christian pilgrims.

The former spokesperson for MK Limor Son Har-Melech, of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, said that there is an even a blessing that Jews are supposed to say when seeing a church: “Blessed is He who has patience for those who violate His will,” which Yered described as a “blessing that praises God for not immediately punishing idol worshipers for their wicked deeds.”

He continued: "Perhaps under the influence of Western culture we have forgotten what Christianity is, but I think the millions of Jews who experienced the Crusades, the [Spanish] Inquisition, blood libel, and mass pogroms will never forget."

Yered came under fire in August after he was arrested in connection with the death of a 19-year-old Palestinian man during riots in the village of Burka.

 King Jesus Banner, dance banner unveiled on opening night of Feast of the Tabernacles by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, 2022. (credit: COURTESY ICEJ)
King Jesus Banner, dance banner unveiled on opening night of Feast of the Tabernacles by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, 2022. (credit: COURTESY ICEJ)​

Orthodox Jews spit at Christian pilgrims

Yered made the comments as, amid Sukkot celebrations, Orthodox Jews spat on and shouted at a group of Christian pilgrims who were walking in Jerusalem's Old City on Tuesday.

The pilgrims were carrying the four species of Sukkot when they were attacked. The incident, which sparked public outcry, occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles, a holiday that brings thousands of Christians to the Jewish State.

Tour guide, author, and journalist Robby Berman corroborated Yered’s statement in an interview with Maariv. He said he had witnessed numerous embarrassing incidents involving Orthodox Jews who spat on or harassed Christian believers and tourists.

"My role is to prevent such acts," he told Maariv. "Unfortunately, it happens regularly every day.”

He said that once he asked a 10-year-old ultra-Orthodox child why he spat on Christian and the response was that it was “religious law.”

Over the past several months, a number of anti-Christian incidents have taken place in Israel. These included one notable occurrence that involved Deputy Mayor Arieh King leading a group of devout Jews to the Western Wall, chanting “Missionaries, go home” as evangelical Christians attempted to celebrate Pentecost and pray for peace in Jerusalem.

In November, an IDF soldier spat at the Armenian archbishop and other Christians during a procession in the Old City. In December, the Maronite community center in Ma’alot-Tarshiha suffered vandalism, with the culprits still unidentified, among other incidents.
“ Christians “ have done far worse to the Jewish people

Well then tell us how you really feel. Disgusting.​

The statement came as a response to a video circulating online of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christians in Jerusalem's Old City.​

“The custom of spitting near churches or monasteries is an ancient Jewish tradition,” far-right activist Elisha Yered wrote on Monday in response to a video of Orthodox Jews spitting on Christian pilgrims.

The former spokesperson for MK Limor Son Har-Melech, of the far-right Otzma Yehudit party, said that there is an even a blessing that Jews are supposed to say when seeing a church: “Blessed is He who has patience for those who violate His will,” which Yered described as a “blessing that praises God for not immediately punishing idol worshipers for their wicked deeds.”

He continued: "Perhaps under the influence of Western culture we have forgotten what Christianity is, but I think the millions of Jews who experienced the Crusades, the [Spanish] Inquisition, blood libel, and mass pogroms will never forget."

Yered came under fire in August after he was arrested in connection with the death of a 19-year-old Palestinian man during riots in the village of Burka.

 King Jesus Banner, dance banner unveiled on opening night of Feast of the Tabernacles by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, 2022. (credit: COURTESY ICEJ)
King Jesus Banner, dance banner unveiled on opening night of Feast of the Tabernacles by the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, 2022. (credit: COURTESY ICEJ)​

Orthodox Jews spit at Christian pilgrims

Yered made the comments as, amid Sukkot celebrations, Orthodox Jews spat on and shouted at a group of Christian pilgrims who were walking in Jerusalem's Old City on Tuesday.

The pilgrims were carrying the four species of Sukkot when they were attacked. The incident, which sparked public outcry, occurred during the Feast of Tabernacles, a holiday that brings thousands of Christians to the Jewish State.

Tour guide, author, and journalist Robby Berman corroborated Yered’s statement in an interview with Maariv. He said he had witnessed numerous embarrassing incidents involving Orthodox Jews who spat on or harassed Christian believers and tourists.

"My role is to prevent such acts," he told Maariv. "Unfortunately, it happens regularly every day.”

He said that once he asked a 10-year-old ultra-Orthodox child why he spat on Christian and the response was that it was “religious law.”

Over the past several months, a number of anti-Christian incidents have taken place in Israel. These included one notable occurrence that involved Deputy Mayor Arieh King leading a group of devout Jews to the Western Wall, chanting “Missionaries, go home” as evangelical Christians attempted to celebrate Pentecost and pray for peace in Jerusalem.

In November, an IDF soldier spat at the Armenian archbishop and other Christians during a procession in the Old City. In December, the Maronite community center in Ma’alot-Tarshiha suffered vandalism, with the culprits still unidentified, among other incidents.
Spitting on Christians is NOT a Jewish custom.
Never has been. And it is not right to condemn all Jews because of the behavior of a few.

At least Israel arrests people who do commit these kind of behavior.

And, of course, what you and others are not aware of, is the endless history of Christians spitting and doing worse to Jews for the past 1700 years.

So, DO NOT JUDGE, simply because you think you can.

Your Antisemitism IS SHOWING.
Spitting on Christians is NOT a Jewish custom.
Never has been. And it is not right to condemn all Jews because of the behavior of a few.

At least Israel arrests people who do commit these kind of behavior.

And, of course, what you and others are not aware of, is the endless history of Christians spitting and doing worse to Jews for the past 1700 years.

So, DO NOT JUDGE, simply because you think you can.

Your Antisemitism IS SHOWING.
What they have been doing for over 2,000 years has been taught to them by their “ fathers?” Look at the
As an atheist It appears to me the Jewish religion has hateful members just like all the other religions of the world. What is it about religions that they have to hate each other so much?
How. About “ Christians “ blaming Jews for their “ Savior’s “ death 💀 even tough that was” G-D’s Plan”
As an atheist It appears to me the Jewish religion has hateful members just like all the other religions of the world. What is it about religions that they have to hate each other so much?
Nothing to do with religion, no matter how much some people insist that it is.
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Spitting on Christians is NOT a Jewish custom.
Never has been. And it is not right to condemn all Jews because of the behavior of a few.

At least Israel arrests people who do commit these kind of behavior.

And, of course, what you and others are not aware of, is the endless history of Christians spitting and doing worse to Jews for the past 1700 years.

So, DO NOT JUDGE, simply because you think you can.

Your Antisemitism IS SHOWING.
A fucking Zionist genocider chimes in lol.
A fucking Zionist genocider chimes in lol.
[Genocide and expulsionhas been committed by the Arabs against the Jewish Indigenous people of the land since 1920.

Believe all the lies against Jews and Israelis you like. That is all Jew haters know to do]

  • Palestinian leaders claim that the Palestinians are descended from the Canaanite people who lived in the Land of Canaan before the Israelite tribes settled in it.
  • What is the source of the name “Palestine?” It is not Arab; it is derived from the name “Palestina,” by which the Roman Emperor Hadrian chose to call the land after the defeat of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 135 CE. His aim was to erase “Judea.”
  • According to Palestinian historian Muhammad Y. Muslih, during the entire 400 year period of Ottoman rule (1517-1918), before the British set up the 30-year-long Palestine Mandate, “There was no political unit known as Palestine.” In Arabic, the area was known as al-Ard al-Muqadassa (the holy land), or Surya al-Janubiyya(southern Syria), but not Palestine.
  • Not a single Palestinian tribe identifies its roots in Canaan; instead, they all see themselves as proud Arabs descended from the most notable Arab tribes of the Hejaz, today’s Iraq, or Yemen. Even the Kanaan family of Nablus locates its origins in Syria. Some Palestinian clans are Kurdish or Egyptian in origin, and in Mount Hebron, there are traditions of Jewish origins.
  • This study does not deny the right of the Palestinian clans as a whole to define themselves as a Palestinian people. It would be better, however, if the Palestinian leadership were to choose a positive and constructive narrative and not a baseless one that is intended to negate that of the Jews of Israel.
ronically, a strong dissenting view to this thesis that the Palestinians can be traced back to the Canaanites comes from Hamas. On March 23, 2012, the Hamas Minister of the Interior and National Security, Fathi Hammad, linked the Palestinians’ origins to Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula:

Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the north, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians; we are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are part of you. Egyptians! Personally, half my family is Egyptian – and the other half are Saudis.4
The Palestinians’ Canaanite narrative is not new. It emerged after the fall of the Hashemite monarchy in Syria in 1920, Syria’s incorporation into the French Mandate, and King Faisal’s flight to Iraq so that he could assume the throne there in 1921. Yasser Arafat claimed that the Palestinians are descendants of the Jebusites, whom he describes as a Canaanite tribe.5 In short, this argument has been around for a while.

(full article online)

As an atheist It appears to me the Jewish religion has hateful members just like all the other religions of the world. What is it about religions that they have to hate each other so much?

So wisely spoken ! ! ! Yes, all atheists are pure and kind and loving and all things good and pure. Just ask any of them.

Joseph Stalin - atheist, murdered ~50,000,000
Chairman Mao - atheist , murdered ~60,000,000
Pol Pot atheist, murdered 3,000,000

American women in unchristian character, murdered 90,000,000 of their own unborn babies with the approval of millions of men.

You guys in the US will be waking up to the news that Hamas has launched an attack on Israel, no surprise after decades of attacks on Palestinians, thousands of Palestinians have been in Israeli jails some for decades, the response from the Israeli gangsters will be massive frenzied indiscriminate bombing on Gaza, the Regime in Israel is the most rabid racist Regime ever known in Israel, yet is supported by the West without qualification, also never on the MSM Israel has been bombing Syria for years some attacks just this week.
You guys in the US will be waking up to the news that Hamas has launched an attack on Israel, no surprise after decades of attacks on Palestinians, thousands of Palestinians have been in Israeli jails some for decades, the response from the Israeli gangsters will be massive frenzied indiscriminate bombing on Gaza, the Regime in Israel is the most rabid racist Regime ever known in Israel, yet is supported by the West without qualification, also never on the MSM Israel has been bombing Syria for years some attacks just this week.
Hamas terrorist murderers, your friends.
They and you are pure evil. Your stench remains after you leave a city.
Joe Biden handed over $6 billion to Iranian terrorists and they used it to build missiles to kill innocent Israeli and Arab civilians living in Israel peacefully.
I would not be surprised if Israel nuked the evil filth in Teheran, and only wish that you could be there with them to fry.
Hamas terrorist murderers, your friends.
They and you are pure evil. Your stench remains after you leave a city.
Joe Biden handed over $6 billion to Iranian terrorists and they used it to build missiles to kill innocent Israeli and Arab civilians living in Israel peacefully.
I would not be surprised if Israel nuked the evil filth in Teheran, and only wish that you could be there with them to fry.
You can cry bark and rage all you like, this has been a long time coming, stop supporting fascist racist terror Regime.
As an atheist It appears to me the Jewish religion has hateful members just like all the other religions of the world. What is it about religions that they have to hate each other so much?
If the religious yahoos killed each other off we could move on. They are holding up human progress with their bullshit.

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