Israeli Treatment of East Jerusalem Palestinians


Diamond Member
Feb 26, 2012
In the face of what we are told is the "inhumane treatment" of Palestinians in Israel comes this telling tale of their lives in the Jewish Homeland. Notice that not only do they live the same lives as their Israeli neighbors but that 4 decades after rejecting the offer of citizenship they are quietly seeking and obtaining it:

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians Acquiring Israeli Citizenship
By Riman Barakat - Published May 20, 2012

There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?

Riman Barakat is the Co-Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and an East Jerusalem resident.

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship | +972 Magazine
In the face of what we are told is the "inhumane treatment" of Palestinians in Israel comes this telling tale of their lives in the Jewish Homeland. Notice that not only do they live the same lives as their Israeli neighbors but that 4 decades after rejecting the offer of citizenship they are quietly seeking and obtaining it:

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians Acquiring Israeli Citizenship
By Riman Barakat - Published May 20, 2012

There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?

Riman Barakat is the Co-Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and an East Jerusalem resident.

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship | +972 Magazine

Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.
In the face of what we are told is the "inhumane treatment" of Palestinians in Israel comes this telling tale of their lives in the Jewish Homeland. Notice that not only do they live the same lives as their Israeli neighbors but that 4 decades after rejecting the offer of citizenship they are quietly seeking and obtaining it:

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians Acquiring Israeli Citizenship
By Riman Barakat - Published May 20, 2012

There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?

Riman Barakat is the Co-Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and an East Jerusalem resident.

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship | +972 Magazine

Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.

They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
In the face of what we are told is the "inhumane treatment" of Palestinians in Israel comes this telling tale of their lives in the Jewish Homeland. Notice that not only do they live the same lives as their Israeli neighbors but that 4 decades after rejecting the offer of citizenship they are quietly seeking and obtaining it:

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians Acquiring Israeli Citizenship
By Riman Barakat - Published May 20, 2012

There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?

Riman Barakat is the Co-Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and an East Jerusalem resident.

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship | +972 Magazine

Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.

Or maybe their treatment is not as inhumane as some silly posters attempt to portray and that fact plus the Palestinian govt's failure to launch and the availability of Israeli citizenship has made the choice a no-brainer. :D
In the face of what we are told is the "inhumane treatment" of Palestinians in Israel comes this telling tale of their lives in the Jewish Homeland. Notice that not only do they live the same lives as their Israeli neighbors but that 4 decades after rejecting the offer of citizenship they are quietly seeking and obtaining it:

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians Acquiring Israeli Citizenship
By Riman Barakat - Published May 20, 2012

There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?

Riman Barakat is the Co-Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and an East Jerusalem resident.

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship | +972 Magazine

Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.

Or maybe their treatment is not as inhumane as some silly posters attempt to portray and that fact plus the Palestinian govt's failure to launch and the availability of Israeli citizenship has made the choice a no-brainer. :D

I don't think that anyone in their right mind, even a supporter of Israel, would think that the way non-Jews are treated in the occupied territories is not inhumane.

But yes, knowing that there will never be a Palestinian state, would induce non-Jews to seek some sort of citizenship.
Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.

Or maybe their treatment is not as inhumane as some silly posters attempt to portray and that fact plus the Palestinian govt's failure to launch and the availability of Israeli citizenship has made the choice a no-brainer. :D

I don't think that anyone in their right mind, even a supporter of Israel, would think that the way non-Jews are treated in the occupied territories is not inhumane.

But yes, knowing that there will never be a Palestinian state, would induce non-Jews to seek some sort of citizenship.

Yes, the treatment of the Arabs by the Jews is so, so inhumane that you see dead bodies of the Arabs lying all over the place just like you see in other Middle East countries put there by Muslims. Oh woe, poor Arabs treated so inhumanely by the Israelis.
They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
Your last statement, completely debunks the first.

Why would they demand 67 borders, if they had no intention of agreeing, to the creation, of a jewish state? That makes no sense, whatsoever.

Maybe you should spend a little more time thinking about what you're going to say, before you say it?
Or maybe their treatment is not as inhumane as some silly posters attempt to portray and that fact plus the Palestinian govt's failure to launch and the availability of Israeli citizenship has made the choice a no-brainer. :D
Well, according to your own link...

...residents must continuously prove that they reside and work in Jerusalem, as a condition for continued residency status. Palestinian Jerusalemites...recognize the imminent threat of losing their Jerusalem residency status. Documentation such as landline phone bills, electricity bills, and proof of payment of municipal property tax bills are frequently requested by the Israeli Ministry of Interior upon renewal of identity cards or request for travel documents. Failure to produce those documents may ultimately result in the revocation of the Jerusalem ID.
That's pretty XXXXXX Having to constantly prove you're a resident. Jewish-Israeli's don't have to do that.

Let's not forget, East Jerusalem is not Israel. And it never will be Israel. It is an "occupied" territory and the Israeli Ministry of the Interior, has no god-damn business doing anything in East Jerusalem.

In addition, your own link states...

East Jerusalem Palestinians face arbitrary threats of home demolition orders in Silwan and other neighborhoods, the continued infiltration of settlers, harassment at Ben Gurion Airport, the difficulty of obtaining building permits, a deteriorating infrastructure in Palestinian neighborhoods, and unequal distribution and allocation of budget and resources in developing Palestinian areas.
"...arbitrary threats of home demolition..."?

WTF is up with that?
They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
Your last statement, completely debunks the first.

Why would they demand 67 borders, if they had no intention of agreeing, to the creation, of a jewish state? That makes no sense, whatsoever.

Maybe you should spend a little more time thinking about what you're going to say, before you say it?

Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.
Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.
I don't see how anyone would agree to that.

Unfortunately, Israel is there, it exists and it's not going anywhere. Wiping them out, is not an option on the table.

At this point, the best thing to do, is to end the occupation of East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank. And if Israel won't do that voluntarily, then they should be forced to.
Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.
I don't see how anyone would agree to that.

Unfortunately, Israel is there, it exists and it's not going anywhere. Wiping them out, is not an option on the table.

At this point, the best thing to do, is to end the occupation of East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank. And if Israel won't do that voluntarily, then they should be forced to.

Forced by whom?
They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
Your last statement, completely debunks the first.

Why would they demand 67 borders, if they had no intention of agreeing, to the creation, of a jewish state? That makes no sense, whatsoever.

Maybe you should spend a little more time thinking about what you're going to say, before you say it?

Maybe you should spend a lot more time reading . If they had accepted the 67 Borders BEFORE , they wouldn't have initiated the War . The " borders" aren't going to matter if eventually Israel is annexed to the Palestinian State. Jews are not going to be deprived of their religious sites . They are also demanding land WITHIN the " borders" we hear so much about . What do you tell Pro Israeli posters???? I remember now; FUCK. YOU. !!!!!!
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In the face of what we are told is the "inhumane treatment" of Palestinians in Israel comes this telling tale of their lives in the Jewish Homeland. Notice that not only do they live the same lives as their Israeli neighbors but that 4 decades after rejecting the offer of citizenship they are quietly seeking and obtaining it:

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians Acquiring Israeli Citizenship
By Riman Barakat - Published May 20, 2012

There has been a trend in recent years of Palestinian permanent residents of East Jerusalem applying for – and getting – Israeli citizenship. Will this trend provide freedom, or further fragment Palestinian national identity?

It’s not immediately clear why. Current residents of East Jerusalem – numbering over 350,000, or 38% of the city’s total population – already go about their daily lives, shop at Israeli malls, use Israeli services, frequent Israeli restaurants and bars, send their children to study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and receive Israeli social and health benefits. What does “upgrading their status” from East Jerusalem residents to citizens of Israel add? Why did East Jerusalem residents refuse the Israeli offer of citizenship in 1967, and why are they actively seeking to obtain it now, especially given that citizenship requires them to pledge the controversial oath of allegiance to the Israeli state?

Riman Barakat is the Co-Director of the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and an East Jerusalem resident.

Quietly, East Jerusalem Palestinians acquiring Israeli citizenship | +972 Magazine

Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.

ANOTHER LIE as the Palestinian state was created in 1988.
Perhaps they have figured out that Israel will never allow the creation of a Palestinian state.

Or maybe their treatment is not as inhumane as some silly posters attempt to portray and that fact plus the Palestinian govt's failure to launch and the availability of Israeli citizenship has made the choice a no-brainer. :D

I don't think that anyone in their right mind, even a supporter of Israel, would think that the way non-Jews are treated in the occupied territories is not inhumane.

But yes, knowing that there will never be a Palestinian state, would induce non-Jews to seek some sort of citizenship.

They are treated according to the Geneva Conventions and International Law, unlike the Christians in gaza and the west bank who are beaten, raped, murdered, victims of land theft and forcibly converted to islam. Any comments on what your ISLAMONAZI brothers are doing to the Christians
They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
Your last statement, completely debunks the first.

Why would they demand 67 borders, if they had no intention of agreeing, to the creation, of a jewish state? That makes no sense, whatsoever.

Maybe you should spend a little more time thinking about what you're going to say, before you say it?

They were offered all that they are demanding and still refused to sit down and talk until Israel implemented all their demands. That is not the way to negotiate, and demanding something that has never existed in International law is just stupidity
Or maybe their treatment is not as inhumane as some silly posters attempt to portray and that fact plus the Palestinian govt's failure to launch and the availability of Israeli citizenship has made the choice a no-brainer. :D
Well, according to your own link...

...residents must continuously prove that they reside and work in Jerusalem, as a condition for continued residency status. Palestinian Jerusalemites...recognize the imminent threat of losing their Jerusalem residency status. Documentation such as landline phone bills, electricity bills, and proof of payment of municipal property tax bills are frequently requested by the Israeli Ministry of Interior upon renewal of identity cards or request for travel documents. Failure to produce those documents may ultimately result in the revocation of the Jerusalem ID.
That's pretty XXXXXX Having to constantly prove you're a resident. Jewish-Israeli's don't have to do that.

Let's not forget, East Jerusalem is not Israel. And it never will be Israel. It is an "occupied" territory and the Israeli Ministry of the Interior, has no god-damn business doing anything in East Jerusalem.

In addition, your own link states...

East Jerusalem Palestinians face arbitrary threats of home demolition orders in Silwan and other neighborhoods, the continued infiltration of settlers, harassment at Ben Gurion Airport, the difficulty of obtaining building permits, a deteriorating infrastructure in Palestinian neighborhoods, and unequal distribution and allocation of budget and resources in developing Palestinian areas.
"...arbitrary threats of home demolition..."?

WTF is up with that?

What are the criteria for a non American to continue living in America then dildo ?
They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
Your last statement, completely debunks the first.

Why would they demand 67 borders, if they had no intention of agreeing, to the creation, of a jewish state? That makes no sense, whatsoever.

Maybe you should spend a little more time thinking about what you're going to say, before you say it?

Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.

Do you mean like the ISLAMONAZI's are doing all over the world. Started in Africa and then moved to Europe and Asia. You have no cause of complaint when your own people are the biggest offenders.
Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.
I don't see how anyone would agree to that.

Unfortunately, Israel is there, it exists and it's not going anywhere. Wiping them out, is not an option on the table.

At this point, the best thing to do, is to end the occupation of East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank. And if Israel won't do that voluntarily, then they should be forced to.

By occupying Israel and shooting any that complain about your invasion force I expect. No matter what you want to believe the Israelis are not in breach of any International Laws or any aspects of the Geneva conventions. So your proposed actions would be in contravention of International Law and the Geneva Conventions
Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.
I don't see how anyone would agree to that.

Unfortunately, Israel is there, it exists and it's not going anywhere. Wiping them out, is not an option on the table.

At this point, the best thing to do, is to end the occupation of East Jerusalem, Golan Heights, Gaza and the West Bank. And if Israel won't do that voluntarily, then they should be forced to.

Forced by whom?

Dildo and his gang of drunken red necks
They should stop demanding 67 Borders that were never recognized before, No Israelis allowed in E. Jerusalem where their Holy Sites are , land within the borders that would annex Gaza and the W. Bank having full control over it, and " Right of Return" which in time will annex Israel to the Palestinian State. The Israelis have long figured out the Palestinians will not allow / agree to the Creation of. Jewish State
Your last statement, completely debunks the first.

Why would they demand 67 borders, if they had no intention of agreeing, to the creation, of a jewish state? That makes no sense, whatsoever.

Maybe you should spend a little more time thinking about what you're going to say, before you say it?

Maybe you should spend some time thinking about why any indigenous people would agree to the forming of a state by people and for the people from a different continent.

Are you suggesting that if there weren't Jewish immigration to the ME the Arabs would have been O.K. with the JEWISH STATE among the " natives' to the land??? Another moron " speaks" :D

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