Israelis stoned Palestinian to death.

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If I can't control anything, how am I a danger?

The danger has always been in the crowd causing havoc & mayhem.

In America & Israel, those crowds are Zionists.

Unfortunately, that's pretty true, My ideals will never prevail in Western European society, because they're an Inferior race, who are severely Cuck'd.

You hate me because I am Jewish and support Israel's right to exist. That is the definition of evil insanity.

A lot of users here are of English, German, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French origins etc. etc.

Not a heck of a lot of them support their countries origins in Europe, although some do.

But, notice every Jew here, has to support Israel, oh they have to put Israel first.

You wonder why the more intelligent members of society, see you as unassimilated???????

Rather than assimilating to America, you've assimilated America to Judaism, a staunch Zionist, Circumsized, Kosher Food kind of ordeal.

Only the strongest & most intelligent members resist, such a Bull-Sh*t.

Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When I first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
You hate me because I am Jewish and support Israel's right to exist. That is the definition of evil insanity.

A lot of users here are of English, German, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French origins etc. etc.

Not a heck of a lot of them support their countries origins in Europe, although some do.

But, notice every Jew here, has to support Israel, oh they have to put Israel first.

You wonder why the more intelligent members of society, see you as unassimilated???????

Rather than assimilating to America, you've assimilated America to Judaism, a staunch Zionist, Circumsized, Kosher Food kind of ordeal.

Only the strongest & most intelligent members resist, such a Bull-Sh*t.

Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.
Why do you hate people for something they cannot control?

You cannot control being a Zionist, eh?
You can’t control anything.

If I can't control anything, how am I a danger?

The danger has always been in the crowd causing havoc & mayhem.

In America & Israel, those crowds are Zionists.

Unfortunately, that's pretty true, My ideals will never prevail in Western European society, because they're an Inferior race, who are severely Cuck'd.
I feel much better knowing the FBI is keeping tabs of you.
So you go on being Adolf Hitler.

Which is the greater current issue?
Is it Zionism which kills, kills, kills as we speak.
or Hitler which killed, killed, killed over 70 years ago.

Sure, a few Hitler supporters kill Jews here & there, perhaps say 20 Jews since WW2, no?

Meanwhile, Zionism out of Israel has killed about 100,000 Arabs / Palestinians since WW2, no?

Then we get the Zionist USA, brutalizing Iraq, Afghanistan, and Israel, disguised as a "So called" War on Terror.
More like a War for Israel.

Israel and the Islamist nations are at war. Of course there are casualties. If Mexico treated the US like Fatah and Hamas treat Israel, there would be no more Mexico.
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.
A lot of users here are of English, German, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French origins etc. etc.

Not a heck of a lot of them support their countries origins in Europe, although some do.

But, notice every Jew here, has to support Israel, oh they have to put Israel first.

You wonder why the more intelligent members of society, see you as unassimilated???????

Rather than assimilating to America, you've assimilated America to Judaism, a staunch Zionist, Circumsized, Kosher Food kind of ordeal.

Only the strongest & most intelligent members resist, such a Bull-Sh*t.

Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.

More off topic flames, If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.
But, here you are completely capable of off topic flames.

Why is it so hard to discuss that Palestinians have been brutalized by Israelis?
You hate me because I am Jewish and support Israel's right to exist. That is the definition of evil insanity.

A lot of users here are of English, German, Irish, Scottish, Italian, Polish, French origins etc. etc.

Not a heck of a lot of them support their countries origins in Europe, although some do.

But, notice every Jew here, has to support Israel, oh they have to put Israel first.

You wonder why the more intelligent members of society, see you as unassimilated???????

Rather than assimilating to America, you've assimilated America to Judaism, a staunch Zionist, Circumsized, Kosher Food kind of ordeal.

Only the strongest & most intelligent members resist, such a Bull-Sh*t.

Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When I first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????

Because it is a war and it is not cold blood.
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.
Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.

More off topic flames, If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.
But, here you are completely capable of off topic flames.

Why is it so hard to discuss that Palestinians have been brutalized by Israelis?

Because you repeat the same thing over and over again like a parrot and don't acknowledge responses. That should be a basis for banishment as well.
Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.

More off topic flames, If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.
But, here you are completely capable of off topic flames.

Why is it so hard to discuss that Palestinians have been brutalized by Israelis? start several threads a day on why Jews are the world’s parasites, parroting the same lies again and again and you’re upset that someone throws in an ad hominem.

My, but you are sensitive.
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.

Is it illegal to be gay in Israel? Yes or No?

Do women have equal rights in Israel? Yes or no?

Is there freedom of speech in Israel? Yes or no?
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.
Everyone in the hotel was told to leave.
Oh, you conveniently forgot that fact.
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.

Is it illegal to be gay in Israel? Yes or No?

Do women have equal rights in Israel? Yes or no?

Is there freedom of speech in Israel? Yes or no?

A.) So Israel supports Gay pride?

B.) So Israel supports Feminism?

C.) So in Israel I could get away with my facts against Israel??????

So, explain why Right-Wingers should love, love, love Israel???????????
Do you think there are non-Jews that support Israel as well? You support Poland? How is that different? Jews also have the Holocaust that binds us together. Everyone lost someone in that ordeal. Holocaust + WWII.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.

More off topic flames, If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.
But, here you are completely capable of off topic flames.

Why is it so hard to discuss that Palestinians have been brutalized by Israelis?

Talk about off topic? You mentioned the Holocaust ( again) Prove that Jews Voluntarily built any of the Concentration Camps.
Talking about your Anti Semitic Pollack double standard is not off topic. In Israel they are going to face the law unlike Palestinians who kill Israelis. Why is it so hard to discuss your dumb Racist Pollack Double Standard?
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.

Is it illegal to be gay in Israel? Yes or No?

Do women have equal rights in Israel? Yes or no?

Is there freedom of speech in Israel? Yes or no?

A.) So Israel supports Gay pride?

B.) So Israel supports Feminism?

C.) So in Israel I could get away with my facts against Israel??????

So, explain why Right-Wingers should love, love, love Israel???????????
There is complete freedom of speech in Israel.
See Ha’aretz for proof.
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.

Is it illegal to be gay in Israel? Yes or No?

Do women have equal rights in Israel? Yes or no?

Is there freedom of speech in Israel? Yes or no?

A.) So Israel supports Gay pride?

B.) So Israel supports Feminism?

C.) So in Israel I could get away with my facts against Israel??????

So, explain why Right-Wingers should love, love, love Israel???????????

Why is fair for me to answer your questions when you have yet to answer one of mine? Is that a troll tactic you employ?
But, but, but I thought only Arabs did such?

Israel arrests three Jewish minors over murder of Palestinian woman

Israel Arrests Three Jewish Minors Over Murder of Palestinian Woman

The minors, all yeshiva students, are suspected of terrorism and murder offenses for allegedly hurling rocks at Aisha Mohammed Rabi's car, Shin Bet says

Yaniv Kubovich and Yotam Berger Jan 06, 2019 2:09 PM
10comments Subscribe

Aisha Mohammed Rabi (left); her funeral in Biddya, Oct. 13, 2018. AP Photo/Majdi Mohammed
'Stay strong': Israeli justice minister calls mother of Jewish terror suspect[/paste:font]
Three Jewish minors arrested in recent days are suspected of involvement in the October murder of a Palestinian woman in the West Bank, Shin Bet security service said on Sunday.

Aisha Mohammed Rabi, 47, and her husband Yacoub were driving near a West Bank checkpoint south of Nablus when a group of settlers threw stones at their car.

Two more minors were arrested on Saturday, yet it remains unclear whether they are suspected of the same offenses as the other three.

> Israeli ‘Jewish terror’ incidents targeting Palestinians tripled in 2018The Flourishing of the Jewish KKK | Opinion

Rabi was reportedly struck in the head with a stone and died shortly after. Her husband was lightly wounded.

According to the Shin Bet statement, the teens are students at the "Pri Ha'aretz" yeshiva in the West Bank settlement of Rehelim, which is located near the scene of the killing.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.

Is it illegal to be gay in Israel? Yes or No?

Do women have equal rights in Israel? Yes or no?

Is there freedom of speech in Israel? Yes or no?

A.) So Israel supports Gay pride?

B.) So Israel supports Feminism?

C.) So in Israel I could get away with my facts against Israel??????

So, explain why Right-Wingers should love, love, love Israel???????????

Why is fair for me to answer your questions when you have yet to answer one of mine? Is that a troll tactic you employ?

That’s what Pollacks do besides setting throwing Jews into barns, locking them in , pouring gasoline and setting fires.
Most users on here who support Israel, are in fact non-Jews.

I'm the only particularly pro-Poland user of Polish heritage here, and I never said I was "Assimilated"
Assimilating to what?
A country which thinks it should support the Jewish genocide by Israel against Palestine, the country that supports the White genocide by Diversity?
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.

More off topic flames, If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.
But, here you are completely capable of off topic flames.

Why is it so hard to discuss that Palestinians have been brutalized by Israelis?

Talk about off topic? You mentioned the Holocaust ( again) Prove that Jews Voluntarily built any of the Concentration Camps.
Talking about your Anti Semitic Pollack double standard is not off topic. In Israel they are going to face the law unlike Palestinians who kill Israelis. Why is it so hard to discuss your dumb Racist Pollack Double Standard?

Israel shoots into crowds maiming & massacring Palestinians?

But, somehow Israelis stoning a Palestinian is worse?

Hahhaha, Israelis in general have a bunch of crimes against the Palestinians.
The one in the OP, is just one of the many.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

commandant. SS-Obersturmführer (senior lieutenant) Josef Kramer was appointed Höss's deputy. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Slovak Jewish Holocaust survivor who was one of Sonderkommando members at Auschwitz, the largest Nazi German extermination camp of World War II. He witnessed the extermination of Jews and published a memoir, Eyewitness Auschwitz - Three Years in the Gas Chambers, in 1979.[1]

Interior of the crematorium at Auschwitz
Müller was born in Sereď, in the Czechoslovak Republic. In April 1942, at the age of twenty, he was in one of the earliest Holocaust transports to Auschwitz. He was given prisoner number 29236 and assigned to work on the construction of crematoria and the installation of the gas chambers.
What you are is a psychotic Jew hater.

Yet, my statements have been more factual against Jews, than yours ever have been against Poles?
When you first came here, you said ethnic Poles built Auschwitz, it turns out ethnic Jews built Auschwitz.

That's besides the point, why do you think it's okay for the Zion of Israel to slaughter Palestinians in Cold-Blood??????
See a psychiatrist.
But first get a blow up doll.

More off topic flames, If I were to behave like this, I'd get banned.
But, here you are completely capable of off topic flames.

Why is it so hard to discuss that Palestinians have been brutalized by Israelis?

Talk about off topic? You mentioned the Holocaust ( again) Prove that Jews Voluntarily built any of the Concentration Camps.
Talking about your Anti Semitic Pollack double standard is not off topic. In Israel they are going to face the law unlike Palestinians who kill Israelis. Why is it so hard to discuss your dumb Racist Pollack Double Standard?

Israel shoots into crowds maiming & massacring Palestinians?

But, somehow Israelis stoning a Palestinian is worse?

Hahhaha, Israelis in general have a bunch of crimes against the Palestinians.
The one in the OP, is just one of the many.

March 1, 1942 Auschwitz Birkenau opened

commandant. SS-Obersturmführer (senior lieutenant) Josef Kramer was appointed Höss's deputy. Auschwitz I, the original camp, became the administrative center for the whole complex.

Local residents were evicted, including 1,200 people who lived in shacks around the barracks. Around 300 Jewish residents of Oświęcim were brought in to lay foundations.

Filip Müller - Wikipedia

Filip Müller (3 January 1922 – 9 November 2013) was a Slovak Jewish Holocaust survivor who was one of Sonderkommando members at Auschwitz, the largest Nazi German extermination camp of World War II. He witnessed the extermination of Jews and published a memoir, Eyewitness Auschwitz - Three Years in the Gas Chambers, in 1979.[1]

Interior of the crematorium at Auschwitz
Müller was born in Sereď, in the Czechoslovak Republic. In April 1942, at the age of twenty, he was in one of the earliest Holocaust transports to Auschwitz. He was given prisoner number 29236 and assigned to work on the construction of crematoria and the installation of the gas chambers.


Located in German-occupied Poland, Auschwitz consisted of three camps including a killing center. The camps were opened over the course of nearly two years, 1940-1942. Auschwitz closed in January 1945 with its liberation by the Soviet army (My Ancestors).

More than 1.1 million people died at Auschwitz, including nearly one million Jews. Those who were not sent directly to gas chambers were sentenced to forced labor.

Auschwitz I, the main camp, was the first camp established near Oswiecim. Construction began in April 1940 in an abandoned Polish army barracks in a suburb of the city.
In Israel the killers are arrested and tried for murder of the Palestinian woman. In Palestine the killers of an Israeli would be heroes.

Like Israeli Terrorist Menachem Begin of the Irgun, is seen as a Hero by many in Israel, and even by many Jews outside of Israel, and even won a Nobel Peace Prize?

But, but, but, I thought only Muslims behaved in such a manner.

Tell that to the victims of the Deir Yassin Massacre, and the King David Hotel Bombing by the Irgun Menachem Begin had belonged to.

Is it illegal to be gay in Israel? Yes or No?

Do women have equal rights in Israel? Yes or no?

Is there freedom of speech in Israel? Yes or no?

A.) So Israel supports Gay pride?

B.) So Israel supports Feminism?

C.) So in Israel I could get away with my facts against Israel??????

So, explain why Right-Wingers should love, love, love Israel???????????

Why is fair for me to answer your questions when you have yet to answer one of mine? Is that a troll tactic you employ?

That’s what Pollacks do besides setting throwing Jews into barns, locking them in , pouring gasoline and setting fires.

What's so different between Israeli Zionist perpetrated Deir Yassin Massacre & the Polish perpetrated Jedwabne Massacre?

The difference is in one is by a people who are terrorizing another people as "Immigrants" & "Colonizers" against a Palestinians who fought back against Zionist claims to build a land upon their homes.

The other who are terrorizing another people who were a "Fifth Column" & "Minority" which collaborated with the NKVD to oppress, kill & send Poles to Gulags.
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