Israel's Legal Right To Exist

The same blabber I have heard a gazillion times but nobody has ever provided any proof.


Articles: There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the Bible, by the Creator, and will remain the homeland of the Jewish people in perpetuity.​

You didn't post one of those, did you? :cuckoo::cuckoo: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Do you deny that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are squatters on the land with no titles or deeds whatsoever to the stolen land?
They are the legal citizens of Palestine as per international law and the Treaty of Lausanne.
The same blabber I have heard a gazillion times but nobody has ever provided any proof.


Articles: There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the Bible, by the Creator, and will remain the homeland of the Jewish people in perpetuity.​

You didn't post one of those, did you? :cuckoo::cuckoo: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Do you deny that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are squatters on the land with no titles or deeds whatsoever to the stolen land?
None of the Native American Nations had title deeds you know.
The same blabber I have heard a gazillion times but nobody has ever provided any proof.


Articles: There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the Bible, by the Creator, and will remain the homeland of the Jewish people in perpetuity.​

You didn't post one of those, did you? :cuckoo::cuckoo: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Do you deny that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are squatters on the land with no titles or deeds whatsoever to the stolen land?
They are the legal citizens of Palestine as per international law and the Treaty of Lausanne.

Uh huh. So where does the treaty of Lausanne make any mention regarding Palestinians?
P F Tinmore, Shusha, et al,

Palestine since 1922 was defined as the Territory under the Mandate.

It is all still Palestine.
Fine. Call it whatever you want to call it. Makes no difference. It was one territory. Then Oslo happened. Oslo changed everything. Oslo, from a legal perspective, gives us two States who have agreed to recognize one another and create a border between them -- the exact placement of which is still under dispute.

Israel was formerly territory to which the Mandate Applied.

Israel Sovereignty (territorially) supersedes the meaning of Palestine in every manner. Thus --- the UN was able to replace the PLO designation with "Palestine."

Most Respectfully,
Uhhh, so?

I don't see a real dispute. There is a dispute manufactured by propaganda.

And it is you and the other islamonazi stooges that are the biggest culprits for spreading the propganda

I give you your posts on here that are unsubstantiated and unproven
When Israel declared independence it changed nothing legally in terms of borders. The international borders were (are) the international borders.
Those are the international borders of Palestine as defined by post WWI treaties. Nothing has changed those.

And you can produce the treaties agreed by the palestinians and signed for by their negotiator. All I can find is those agreed by the existing nations and the LoN, no borders that say the nation of palestine have ever existed
Oh, you won't find it in Israeli propaganda which is your only source of information.

So the UN archives are now Israeli propaganda are they, what about the video's from Al-Jazeera that show an arab muslim leader stating that the palestinians are all illegal immigrants ?
The same blabber I have heard a gazillion times but nobody has ever provided any proof.


Articles: There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the Bible, by the Creator, and will remain the homeland of the Jewish people in perpetuity.​

You didn't post one of those, did you? :cuckoo::cuckoo: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Do you deny that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are squatters on the land with no titles or deeds whatsoever to the stolen land?
None of the Native American Nations had title deeds you know.

AND how does that alter the facts that at the time the Jews were first invited land title was common. So much so that arafat forged thousands of them and sold them in the arab muslim markets
The same blabber I have heard a gazillion times but nobody has ever provided any proof.


Articles: There Was Never a Country Called Palestine
This land was given to the Jewish people, as stated in the Bible, by the Creator, and will remain the homeland of the Jewish people in perpetuity.​

You didn't post one of those, did you? :cuckoo::cuckoo: :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Do you deny that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians are squatters on the land with no titles or deeds whatsoever to the stolen land?
They are the legal citizens of Palestine as per international law and the Treaty of Lausanne.

Where does it say this in the treaty of Lausanne ?
They are the legal citizens of Palestine as per international law and the Treaty of Lausanne.

They became legal citizens of the Mandate of Palestine, transferring citizenship from the former sovereign. The transfer of citizenship from one sovereign to another (the Mandate) does not create a State in the process.
They are the legal citizens of Palestine as per international law and the Treaty of Lausanne.

They became legal citizens of the Mandate of Palestine, transferring citizenship from the former sovereign. The transfer of citizenship from one sovereign to another (the Mandate) does not create a State in the process.

Covenant of the League of Nations Article 22.

"Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory."

Avalon Project - The Covenant of the League of Nations
They became legal citizens of the Mandate of Palestine,
This is a common piece of Israeli propaganda. The Mandate was not Palestine. It was a temporarily assigned administration. It had no citizens. It had no land. It had no borders.
"Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory."

If they had meant that the independent nations were capable of standing alone and being a State, they would have said so. What they actually said was that some nations, Arab "Palestine" notably being included STILL a hundred years later, are not capable of becoming a State.

Certainly neither the language of the Covenant did not CREATE States. whether capable or not.
They became legal citizens of the Mandate of Palestine,
This is a common piece of Israeli propaganda. The Mandate was not Palestine. It was a temporarily assigned administration. It had no citizens. It had no land. It had no borders.

If this is true the citizens of Palestine became citizens of nothing. If the Palestine had no citizens, no land and no borders -- it had nothing. You have shredded your own argument to pieces.
"Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory."

If they had meant that the independent nations were capable of standing alone and being a State, they would have said so. What they actually said was that some nations, Arab "Palestine" notably being included STILL a hundred years later, are not capable of becoming a State.

Certainly neither the language of the Covenant did not CREATE States. whether capable or not.
Indeed, they did not create states. The Mandates were assigned to existing states to bring them up to speed and become independent.

That is what the administrative advice and assistance was supposed to do. In Palestine's case the opposite was true. Any move by the Palestinians toward independence was taken down by Britain.
They became legal citizens of the Mandate of Palestine,
This is a common piece of Israeli propaganda. The Mandate was not Palestine. It was a temporarily assigned administration. It had no citizens. It had no land. It had no borders.

If this is true the citizens of Palestine became citizens of nothing. If the Palestine had no citizens, no land and no borders -- it had nothing. You have shredded your own argument to pieces.
Where did you get that? That is not what I said.
Indeed, they did not create states. The Mandates were assigned to existing states to bring them up to speed and become independent.

That is what the administrative advice and assistance was supposed to do. In Palestine's case the opposite was true. Any move by the Palestinians toward independence was taken down by Britain.

Oh you are freaking kidding me. So Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and "Palestine" were existing States. With existing borders. Prior to the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. You are mad. And, of course, the Jewish people, of all the people in the region, were explicitly excluded from being a State.
Indeed, they did not create states. The Mandates were assigned to existing states to bring them up to speed and become independent.

That is what the administrative advice and assistance was supposed to do. In Palestine's case the opposite was true. Any move by the Palestinians toward independence was taken down by Britain.

Oh you are freaking kidding me. So Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and "Palestine" were existing States. With existing borders. Prior to the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. You are mad. And, of course, the Jewish people, of all the people in the region, were explicitly excluded from being a State.
They were but they had to wait for the Treaty of Lausanne to release them from Turkish sovereignty so that it can take place.
They are the legal citizens of Palestine as per international law and the Treaty of Lausanne.

They became legal citizens of the Mandate of Palestine, transferring citizenship from the former sovereign. The transfer of citizenship from one sovereign to another (the Mandate) does not create a State in the process.

Covenant of the League of Nations Article 22.

"Certain communities formerly belonging to the Turkish Empire have reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a Mandatory until such time as they are able to stand alone. The wishes of these communities must be a principal consideration in the selection of the Mandatory."

Avalon Project - The Covenant of the League of Nations

Which applies only to the member states and not the inhabitants of the various mandates
Indeed, they did not create states. The Mandates were assigned to existing states to bring them up to speed and become independent.

That is what the administrative advice and assistance was supposed to do. In Palestine's case the opposite was true. Any move by the Palestinians toward independence was taken down by Britain.

Oh you are freaking kidding me. So Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan and "Palestine" were existing States. With existing borders. Prior to the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. You are mad. And, of course, the Jewish people, of all the people in the region, were explicitly excluded from being a State.
They were but they had to wait for the Treaty of Lausanne to release them from Turkish sovereignty so that it can take place.

WRONG as the covenant explicitly states that it deals with the member nations and not the inhabitants of the mandates. How many times have you had this spelt out to you

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