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Israel's Moral Failure

France locked people up for months. No trial, no lawyer. And in Africa they bombed the hell out of a country, killing civilians. No one said anything. I wonder why.

uh, because blind support for neither france or africa results in planes flying into our buildings? Uh, because we have no problem with criticism France all day long? Uh, because you were not around this board then and hove no fucking clue who was speaking against what? Uh, because France is not trying to restrict their population to only Frence White People? Go ahead and stop me when your red quote has been satisfied. Uh, because we don't see FRANCE carving out a fucking french zion in Africa? I can keep going if you like...

Maybe I should put you on ignore, as these gentlemen suggest.

go for it. Ignore is the last bastion of narrow minded pussies whose backbone is softer than a jellyfish but, hey, when you can't bomb me into rubble why not settle for the next best thing?

That's great, answer a question I didn't ask. :clap2:

Uh, this is in reflection to a statement I've made comparing YOUR racism to that of David Dukes. for real. Are you going to even TRY to keep up?

Who says otherwise?

several human rights groups for one..

Total killed: 1,330 (MoH)[9] 1,200 (IDF)[10]
Militants and policemen:
390* (PCHR), 580 (IDF)[10]
Civilians: 940**(PCHR),[11] 300 (IDF)[10]

Total wounded: 5,300(MoH)[8][12]
2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Disputed figures

John Holmes, an Under-Secretary General of the UN and the Emergency Relief Coordinator of the United Nations, said in his statement to the United Nations Security Council that the Palestinian Ministry of Health figures have not been seriously challenged.
2008–2009 Israel–Gaza conflict - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

For this signal to be persuasive there is no need to kill hundreds of people. After all, in the end we will have to talk with the Gaza Palestinians, and there is no advantage to adding thousands more to the cycle of hatred and revenge. It is not clear, for example, what advantage or military gain stems from the intentional killing of a hundred or more Palestinian policemen standing on parade. After all, killing them contributes nothing to fighting terror and expands the circle of haters.
The mistakes of Cast Lead - Haaretz - Israel News

Evidence.. it's whats for dinner.

Who controlled the west bank and Gaza from 1948 to 1967?

who controlled the REST of what was once Palestine during that same period?

Doubtless the Jews killed in Hebron in 1929 would be surprised to hear that.

So, too, would all the Dead Brits killed off my TERRISTS LEHI before the creation of israel..

Me personally? Wow, I didn't know I had such power. Cool. :eusa_drool:

Sure you do. You cry about it every time the word holocausts comes up and you feel the urge to blame some goyim for the death of 6 million jews. After all, who voted for the nazis?

Yes, speaking of the Kurds, how come they're not allowed to have a homeland?

By all means.. lets give them HALF OF ISRAEL! I mean, who else would accept them with open arms and understand what it means to enjoy your new homeland, right? RIGHT?


Good. This is my first day, collect all the quotes you want.

Indeed, what you've provided thus far has been a well of fun. A proverbial celebration of stupidity, if you will.

They will pay a terrible price. Their economic model of high taxes and statism will soon cause the EU to collapse. The CIA gives them to 2020.

yea yea yea... we heard doom and gloom before letting blacks into colleges too.. *yawn*

What blood? Oh, you mean because of my opinions?

Again, you are no better than a german who voted for the nazi party based on their OPINION of dangerous jews in germany following ww1.

Well, let's be honest. Jews contribute a lot to America. What do the immigrant Muslims contribute to Europe? Seriously.

Better yet, what would YOU, a jew with a transparent reason to showboat jewish input, actually admit is muslim contribution? seriously.

I am wearing a yarmulke, yes. :clap2:

Apparently, it's not working.

It's an ethnicity. Just like Judaism.

being polish is not an ethnicity. Why didn't nazis put all POLES into concentration camps if they were anything other than Caucasian? :lol:

good grief.

Really? What's the difference?

Really? WHAT is the difference, eh? so, is this where you pretend to not be a racist motherfucker or what? :rofl:

what is the difference. The same fucking range of difference that seperates your jewish ass from African jews or Hungarian jews, you dumb bastard. Whats the difference, indeed. THAT quote is going on the wall.

They all speak the same language, practice the same religion, share the same culture, and even claim a common ancestor.

So do you and hungarian and african jews.. Shall we put your image side by side and the culture you live in side by side and point out every difference, racist?

jesus fucking christ. Looks like i've hit the wellspring of your racism, dude!

What's the difference between a "Palestinian arab" and and "Egyptian arab"?

the "PALESTINEAN" and "EGYPT" part that you seem to ignore while generalizing that they are all the same. By all means, jew, keep giving me your punchline opinions!

Because it is our home.

and it's their home too. You are not the sole claimants to that land. And, with as much immigration that it takes to keep you aflaot, it's no more your home than any other transient land squatter who thinks saying so makes it true.

So when America accepts blacks it's being 'inclusive' but when Israel accepts blacks they're being 'racist'? :eusa_whistle:

Again, black JEWS. Not just any ole run of the mill African will israel accept. Did you not see the article I posted about israel refusing darfeur refugees? Care to wager how quicly they would have been accepted if they were JEWISH?

Israel paid 36 million dollars to Ethiopia for the right to airlift black Jews out of the country. How racist!!

Indeed, given that their ONLY concern was for JEWISH africans rather than AFRICANS in general in need.... If Katrina aid only applied to CAUCASIANS i'm sure you'd be singing a different tune...

Anyway, black Christians fleeing Muslim persecution in the Sudan have ended up in Israel too. And Israel leaves them be, unlike Egypt who arrests them or worse shoots them.

ahh.. once again.. DEFLECT AND BLAME A MUSLIM NATION! :lol:

Listen, retard, israel sops up christians in order to give hand service to America's John Hagees. And, lets be honest, we ALL know how your zionism benefits from his kind. Now, did you want to tell me how israel makes an effort to assimilate ARABS MUSLIMS? Or, do jews and christians only count in your eyes?

What 'carve out'? A UN vote did that.

yea dude.. without ANY zionist input and manipulation, right? David Ben Gurion is a figment of my fucking imagination!


Hell, if you are not busy blaming muslims then it's blaming the UN.. for CARVING OUT YOUR OWN GODDAMN ZION, no less.

If you want to have a discussion, that fine. But be polite, or I'll put you on ignore. My one warning.

I told you.. if this is the sum total of your ability to face criticism of your rcism then you'd better go ahead and block me. Sorry, but i'm just not going to coddle you like a southern Florida condo and the Monthly Aipac gala.
Judah, excellent job of spanking little soggy into the ground.


yea, ravi.. lord fucking knows we've never seen you don the bitter pom poms before. Hell, when your sole concern in life is dipping sauces at mcdonalds what else would one expect from a total lack of evidence besides a cheer from ravikins?
This message is hidden because Shogun is on your ignore list.

What do you know, it works!

Looks like "the hammer" just got laid to rest. Hopefully, whoever else you engage on this forum will wrap you in a warm blanket and feed you your milkbottle before you show us how brave you are by.. blocking them.


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