Israel's top general orders his men to prepare for ground combat: Tomlinson

First of all ASSHOLE, that is what is known as sarcasm. I do not expect Israel to drop a nuke.

Second of all MORON, if WE decided to drop a nuke on Iran the entire region would NOT be destroyed. Ignorant stupid statements like yours only serve to reveal your low IQ.

Ladies and Gentlemen, a little reality check:
See this?
Those holes are from nuclear weapons explosions in the Nevada Test Range. A mere 60 miles from Las Vegas, and guess what: The entire region is not destroyed:

View attachment 846686

ahh doesnt everyone claim sarcasm when they make an ass of themselves? again why the pretend christian shit?
You feel better now huh??

Tell your buddies in Hamas they going to see Allah early

do you really think at this point there is a god who would allow this? what kind of god would that be...i mean if i were god and someone butchered wee ones...i would smite the hell outta them
do you really think at this point there is a god who would allow this? what kind of god would that be...i mean if i were god and someone butchered wee ones...i would smite the hell outta them
And that is what the Israelis will do….smite the hell out of HAMAS.

Gd approves of that.
I don't understand Israel. It said what like a week ago that it was giving the people in Gaza 24hours to evacuate and then it was doing a ground invasion, but it keeps delaying and hasn't even yet? It is like they are limbo and they don't know what they are doing. Either invade or don't invade and stop saying they are about to invade.

Personally I think a ground invasion would be a really stupid move by Israel. I think they would be walking into a trap. Casualties will be very high, especially for civilians. A ground invasion would make Israel look really bad and it would most probably escalate this war into WWIII.
Yes. I’m wondering if they really will do a ground invasion. Fighting door to door in an urban environment is very difficult and allows Hamas fighters equal footing. The casualties on both sides will be high, to say nothing of the civilians murdered.

It could be they will continue bombing Gaza for weeks before invading. Hoping this will reduce armed opposition to the invasion.
do you really think at this point there is a god who would allow this? what kind of god would that be...i mean if i were god and someone butchered wee ones...i would smite the hell outta them
That is a personal matter that each should take.

There are only hard choices as always for Israel. Being attacked. Their only choice is to kill their enemies.

The fact they havent flattened Gaza is proof they are willing to die to save civilians.

They will take large casualties in a house by house fight.
How many Gazan children has Israel murdered?

How many Jewish children have Muslim terrorists intentionally set on fire or decapitated? HUNDREDS.

Now, how many Muslim children have Jews done the same to? ZERO.

There is NO moral equivalency here between Muslim barbarians and Jews who are delaying the ground invasion to allow civilians to escape.
Yes. I’m wondering if they really will do a ground invasion. Fighting door to door in an urban environment is very difficult and allows Hamas fighters equal footing. The casualties on both sides will be high, to say nothing of the civilians murdered.

It could be they will continue bombing Gaza for weeks before invading. Hoping this will reduce armed opposition to the invasion.
They should. But the world is pressing to kill nicely.

Hey. Im a War Pig. Half of Gaza would be rubble already. I would not sacrifice my men because Hamas hides behind women and children.

You dont Win Wars playing nice.
They should. But the world is pressing to kill nicely.

Hey. Im a War Pig. Half of Gaza would be rubble already. I would not sacrifice my men because Hamas hides behind women and children.

You dont Win Wars playing nice.
War pigs are so dumb.

You think like a child.
So you admit you know nothing about Gazan children being murdered, but everything about atrocities committed by Hamas.

You aren’t very smart, are you?
Hamas is reponsible.

No one else. Everything dies in War. Yes killing these barbarian fucks will cost lives.

Tell your buddies Hamas to off themselves and do the world a favor.
Yes. I’m wondering if they really will do a ground invasion. Fighting door to door in an urban environment is very difficult and allows Hamas fighters equal footing. The casualties on both sides will be high, to say nothing of the civilians murdered.

It could be they will continue bombing Gaza for weeks before invading. Hoping this will reduce armed opposition to the invasion.

They will eventually put armor into rural areas to get the optics that that they invaded. I would not expect to see them putting dismounted patrols into urban environments.

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