Israel's tyranny (link free zone)


Senior Member
Jun 21, 2018
Let's talk about what a piece of shit Israel is without links, videos, or quotations from elsewhere. It's very tiring to have someone else do the talking for you because you're too lazy to form your own opinions.
Let's talk about what a piece of shit Israel is without links, videos, or quotations from elsewhere. It's very tiring to have someone else do the talking for you because you're too lazy to form your own opinions.

Better yet, let's talk about what a piece of shit Ecocertifmrl is.
Well, the truth of facts never was a strong side of haters of Jews and Israel. Of course it is much easier to endlessly repeat senseless slogans. Any parrot can do it.
Well, the truth of facts never was a strong side of haters of Jews and Israel. Of course it is much easier to endlessly repeat senseless slogans. Any parrot can do it.
It doesn't take a mastermind to copy paste either.:290968001256257790-final:
Well, the truth of facts never was a strong side of haters of Jews and Israel. Of course it is much easier to endlessly repeat senseless slogans. Any parrot can do it.
It doesn't take a mastermind to copy paste either.:290968001256257790-final:
Yeah, parrot cannot copy paste. But monkey probably can do it after appropriate training. :cool-45:
So those who do slogans (iloveisrael) arr parrots, and those who copy paste (sixtyzero) are monkeys.
Well, the truth of facts never was a strong side of haters of Jews and Israel. Of course it is much easier to endlessly repeat senseless slogans. Any parrot can do it.
And for good reason,if you ever decided to get of your Ass and find out WHY
So we just found out the level of corruption in Israel in the thread "what is the motivation for this"

Their old prime minister has so many accusations and investigations I simply cannot count them. He was charged in the end for SomeThing. But basically he got away with it.

Apparently he's behind this ultra famous "peace offering" - we're still seeing to it, but it looks like this glorious peace offering was a bit lesd than is now considered to having been "promised" and the Palestinians "rejected".
The OP is a mental midget.

Israel is so tyrannical that it jails its' highest ranking politicians, and investigates all the time.
While the freedom loving Hamas drags the bodies of its' own citizens in the streets of Gaza to show what happens to opposition.
Can someone make Louie go away again?

Oh heavens NO. My heart was so broken when he got dumped before that I almost left this board. Damn near cried. I will do anything & everything I can to help keep him here this time. He is a breath of fresh air filled with so much for us to laugh at while those he supports are killing all they can including their own children to be honored as martyrs. To understand what Israel has to deal it is imperative we find a whole lot more like him to guarantee Israel's continued financial aid, existence & success.

In fact, I send some of their posts to my state's senators to remind them why we must keep increasing our financial aid to Israel. And sometimes I even get a reply thanking me. Oh Lord send us a whole lot more like Louie here to keep support for Israel strong.
The OP is a mental midget.

Israel is so tyrannical that it jails its' highest ranking politicians, and investigates all the time.
While the freedom loving Hamas drags the bodies of its' own citizens in the streets of Gaza to show what happens to opposition.
Since when was it a virtue to jail your highest ranking officials?:777:

No word about what I said, though, no deniding, admitting, no correcting. Just trolling, rolling..:backpedal:
Can someone make Louie go away again?

Oh heavens NO. My heart was so broken when he got dumped before that I almost left this board. Damn near cried. I will do anything & everything I can to help keep him here this time. He is a breath of fresh air filled with so much for us to laugh at while those he supports are killing all they can including their own children to be honored as martyrs. To understand what Israel has to deal it is imperative we find a whole lot more like him to guarantee Israel's continued financial aid, existence & success.

In fact, I send some of their posts to my state's senators to remind them why we must keep increasing our financial aid to Israel. And sometimes I even get a reply thanking me. Oh Lord send us a whole lot more like Louie here to keep support for Israel strong.

I sincerely believe those of you who are actually offended by pro Palestinians like Louie & his ilk are dead wrong for wanting them to disappear. Epecially on some meaningless message board. For without them spreading their word here & at college campuses & so many other public events, financial support for Israel whre it really matters would have been long gone. Bless these fools one & all.
The OP is a mental midget.

Israel is so tyrannical that it jails its' highest ranking politicians, and investigates all the time.
While the freedom loving Hamas drags the bodies of its' own citizens in the streets of Gaza to show what happens to opposition.
Since when was it a virtue to jail your highest ranking officials?:777:

No word about what I said, though, no deniding, admitting, no correcting. Just trolling, rolling..:backpedal:

The power of the people to press charges against the govt is a virtue of only functional modern democracies. Not many societies can brag about that.

The US and Israel are among the few.
The OP is a mental midget.

Israel is so tyrannical that it jails its' highest ranking politicians, and investigates all the time.
While the freedom loving Hamas drags the bodies of its' own citizens in the streets of Gaza to show what happens to opposition.
Since when was it a virtue to jail your highest ranking officials?:777:

No word about what I said, though, no deniding, admitting, no correcting. Just trolling, rolling..:backpedal:

The power of the people to press charges against the govt is a virtue of only functional modern democracies. Not many societies can brag about that.

The US and Israel are among the few.
Yes. And all the almost 30 european countries. start with a few..:icon_rolleyes: he wasnt even caught for shit:lame2:
Can someone make Louie go away again?

Oh heavens NO. My heart was so broken when he got dumped before that I almost left this board. Damn near cried. I will do anything & everything I can to help keep him here this time. He is a breath of fresh air filled with so much for us to laugh at while those he supports are killing all they can including their own children to be honored as martyrs. To understand what Israel has to deal it is imperative we find a whole lot more like him to guarantee Israel's continued financial aid, existence & success.

In fact, I send some of their posts to my state's senators to remind them why we must keep increasing our financial aid to Israel. And sometimes I even get a reply thanking me. Oh Lord send us a whole lot more like Louie here to keep support for Israel strong.

I sincerely believe those of you who are actually offended by pro Palestinians like Louie & his ilk are dead wrong for wanting them to disappear. Epecially on some meaningless message board. For without them spreading their word here & at college campuses & so many other public events, financial support for Israel whre it really matters would have been long gone. Bless these fools one & all.

Bottom line: Let Israel's enemies be loud & well known. For if Israel had no enemies, Israel would have no need to receive financial aid & thus be defeated by its enemies.

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