Issue 1 in Ohio


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
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Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
A majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. A minority of conservative politicians and judges are looking to take those rights away.
So instead of letting the people decide, Republicans decide to stack the deck and change the rules in the middle of the game.
My guess is the amendment is going to go down and that the question of abortion will appear on the November ballot.
Then, the people get to decide. As it should be.
Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio.
Yes, liberty is important to the left, and to good human beings in general. That's why liberal positions are so popular, because they support liberty. And it's why conservative liberty-squashing positions are so unpopular. That's just one of many reasons why it's good to be a liberal. Being on the popular liberty-embracing side, we don't need to embarrass ourselves by trying justify why a tyrannical minority should be to use the heavy hand of the state to force obedience from the moral majority.

You told some whoppers about the amendment. For example, it specifically states "abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability". You claimed it says the exact opposite. Was your lie deliberate, or were just just parroting propaganda? Did you even read the amendment? Probably not. Your masters gave you talking points, and you repeated them.

Being honest, I'll do what you noticably avoided doing. I'll post the actual text of the amendment.

Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Ohio that Article I of the Ohio Constitution is amended to add the following Section:

Article I, Section 22. The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety

A. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on:

  1. contraception;
  2. fertility treatment;
  3. continuing one’s own pregnancy;
  4. miscarriage care;
  5. and abortion.

B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either:

  1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or
  2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual’s health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care.
  3. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.

C. As used in this Section:

  1. “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.”
  2. “State” includes any governmental entity and any political subdivision.

D. This Section is self-executing.

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
To freedom or not to freedom, that is the question. Sounds like you really want government regulating peoples choices about what they do with their own bodies.

That’s odd, but to each their own.
A majority of Americans are in favor of abortion rights. A minority of conservative politicians and judges are looking to take those rights away.
So instead of letting the people decide, Republicans decide to stack the deck and change the rules in the middle of the game.
My guess is the amendment is going to go down and that the question of abortion will appear on the November ballot.
Then, the people get to decide. As it should be.

They are in favor of it up to around the end of the first trimester, after that support drops quickly.

Most people are OK with bans after 8-16 weeks, so be careful going to the people with this.
Yes, liberty is important to the left, and to good human beings in general. That's why liberal positions are so popular, because they support liberty. And it's why conservative liberty-squashing positions are so unpopular. That's just one of many reasons why it's good to be a liberal. Being on the popular liberty-embracing side, we don't need to embarrass ourselves by trying justify why a tyrannical minority should be to use the heavy hand of the state to force obedience from the moral majority.

You told some whoppers about the amendment. For example, it specifically states "abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability". You claimed it says the exact opposite. Was your lie deliberate, or were just just parroting propaganda? Did you even read the amendment? Probably not. Your masters gave you talking points, and you repeated them.

Being honest, I'll do what you noticably avoided doing. I'll post the actual text of the amendment.

Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Ohio that Article I of the Ohio Constitution is amended to add the following Section:

Article I, Section 22. The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety

A. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on:

  1. contraception;
  2. fertility treatment;
  3. continuing one’s own pregnancy;
  4. miscarriage care;
  5. and abortion.

B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either:

  1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or
  2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual’s health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care.
  3. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.

C. As used in this Section:

  1. “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.”
  2. “State” includes any governmental entity and any political subdivision.

D. This Section is self-executing.

See once they add "or health" that means a woman can abort if she thinks she has a cold and that could kill her if she remains pregnant. All she has to do is find a doctor that agrees.

And since you can find doctors willing to pump minors full of hormones and puberty blockers, and even surgically mutilate them, finding a doc to say this would be easy.

Since Roe vs Wade has been overturned, the Left has begun an all-out assault to recodify abortion back into the law of states that opted out, like Ohio. In Ohio, they are now trying to add abortion to the state Constitution via a direct vote to circumvent lawmakers who restrict abortion. Voting no on issue one would allow a simple majority to add abortion to the Ohio Constitution. But as we all know, the Left will not be honest about advertising it, since they own the media. They will sell it as a return to Roe vs. Wade, but that would be a lie. The proposed amendment would do much more than that as I will explain later. However, voting yes would require more than just a simple majority to change the Constitution.

The Amendment has already been written and will not only allow abortion on demand, but it does away with the Roe vs Wade mandate that abortions not occur on viable infants. That means abortions up to the partial birth abortion. Anything goes now.

But it does not end there. It would also allow children to have abortions without their parents' consent.

But it doesn't even end there. It would also allow children to begin to transition into another sex without their parents' notification or approval.

Imagine your child making the most difficult decisions of their lives that will alter their lives forever, without they help of their parents.

Parental rights would become nonexistent with the proposed Constitutional amendment, but again, it is not being advertised this way.

In fact, why even have parents since the state can only be trusted with the welfare of children and not the parents? After all, we see what a swell job the state does with children in foster care.

No, parents need to be targeted because they cannot be trusted. America really is that bad, all of them.

Isn't that right democrats?

Voting is on August 8th.
What level of majority was required to pass those anti-women laws in the Ohio house and senate?
50% + 1?
So why should the actual will of the people be less than the gerrymandered will of a few Republicans?

Why is the GOP so anti-democratic?
What level of majority was required to pass those anti-women laws in the Ohio house and senate?
50% + 1?
So why should the actual will of the people be less than the gerrymandered will of a few Republicans?

Why is the GOP so anti-democratic?

Actually true democracy is 51 people out of 100 deciding they can have all of the other 49 people's stuff.
Yes, liberty is important to the left, and to good human beings in general. That's why liberal positions are so popular, because they support liberty. And it's why conservative liberty-squashing positions are so unpopular. That's just one of many reasons why it's good to be a liberal. Being on the popular liberty-embracing side, we don't need to embarrass ourselves by trying justify why a tyrannical minority should be to use the heavy hand of the state to force obedience from the moral majority.

You told some whoppers about the amendment. For example, it specifically states "abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability". You claimed it says the exact opposite. Was your lie deliberate, or were just just parroting propaganda? Did you even read the amendment? Probably not. Your masters gave you talking points, and you repeated them.

Being honest, I'll do what you noticably avoided doing. I'll post the actual text of the amendment.

Be it Resolved by the People of the State of Ohio that Article I of the Ohio Constitution is amended to add the following Section:

Article I, Section 22. The Right to Reproductive Freedom with Protections for Health and Safety

A. Every individual has a right to make and carry out one’s own reproductive decisions, including but not limited to decisions on:

  1. contraception;
  2. fertility treatment;
  3. continuing one’s own pregnancy;
  4. miscarriage care;
  5. and abortion.

B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either:

  1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or
  2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual’s health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care.
  3. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.

C. As used in this Section:

  1. “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.”
  2. “State” includes any governmental entity and any political subdivision.

D. This Section is self-executing.

3. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health. 4. As used in this Section, “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis”; and “State” includes any governmental entity and political subdivision.

Notice the wording. An abortion MAY be prohibited by the physician, and not the state. The physician will then decide if the abortion is needed for the life or HEALTH of the woman. In other words, if the woman says she is depressed, then the doctor can then perform the abortion at any age of development to help amend her depression. Notice there are no mention of mandates based on age of development as in Roe vs. Wade.

The abortion industry will then be further deregulated to continue to rake in the billions of dollars they already do, only, with fewer restrictions.
What level of majority was required to pass those anti-women laws in the Ohio house and senate?
50% + 1?
So why should the actual will of the people be less than the gerrymandered will of a few Republicans?

Why is the GOP so anti-democratic?
Anti-women? Boy, I'm glad that's not going on. That would be bad.
What level of majority was required to pass those anti-women laws in the Ohio house and senate?
50% + 1?
So why should the actual will of the people be less than the gerrymandered will of a few Republicans?

Why is the GOP so anti-democratic?
Voting only counts if it goes one way?
What level of majority was required to pass those anti-women laws in the Ohio house and senate?
50% + 1?
So why should the actual will of the people be less than the gerrymandered will of a few Republicans?

Why is the GOP so anti-democratic?
The Left lies

For example, the Left wing media will say that about 60% of Americans or more favor abortion for various reasons, which is true. However, what they won't tell you is that over 70% of Americans want restrictions on abortion, such as 70% wanting to limit abortions under 15 weeks.

This is what the media will not tell people, so they will be misled ONCE AGAIN at the polls, like they were mislead voting for China Joe and his corrupt crime family.

Democracy died once the DNC took it over, as well as academia.
B. The State shall not, directly or indirectly, burden, penalize, prohibit, interfere with, or discriminate against either:

  1. An individual’s voluntary exercise of this right or
  2. A person or entity that assists an individual exercising this right, unless the State demonstrates that it is using the least restrictive means to advance the individual’s health in accordance with widely accepted and evidence-based standards of care.
  3. However, abortion may be prohibited after fetal viability. But in no case may such an abortion be prohibited if in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician it is necessary to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health.

C. As used in this Section:

  1. “Fetal viability” means “the point in a pregnancy when, in the professional judgment of the pregnant patient’s treating physician, the fetus has a significant likelihood of survival outside the uterus with reasonable measures. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.”
These are cleverly worded to give the impression of reasonable restrictions, but they actually enshrine abortion on demand. All the abortionist has to say is that it is necessary for the patient's health. This is no different from getting a note from a marijuana dispensary.
That's the argument you're making about Prop #1
They want the people to have a 60% majority
But the GOP gerrymanders themselves into a majority only requiting 50%+1

But, of course, the hypocrisy of that position evades you.

What hypocrisy?

What does the Ohio Constitution say about referendums changing said Constitution?

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