It appears Disney has trashed another childrens classic

The Danish were prolific slave traders, even up to 1837 when Hans Christian Andersen wrote the story about the Little Mermaid. So her character in the story would have most likely been a slave.

In fact, here she is performing her slave duty of driving her master's carriage...

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It's a children's story, dingbat. Has nothing to do with the slave trade.

The Danish slave trade was abolished in 1792.

Of course, you didn't think I read that already? But it wasn't until 1847 that Denmark ruled that slavery should be be phased out over a 12 year period, ten years after Hand Christian Andersen wrote the story.

The Abolition of Slavery

So a black woman driving a Danish white man's carriage in 1837 would have been a slave. And no Danish man of nobility would have ever been caught dead fucking one of his slaves, even less, fucking one that was half fish.

The Danes ate fish, they didn't fuck them.

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Of course, you didn't think I read that already? But it wasn't until 1847 that Denmark ruled that slavery should be be phased out over a 12 year period, ten years after Hand Christian Andersen wrote the story.

The Abolition of Slavery

So a black woman driving a Danish white man's carriage in 1837 would have been a slave.


So what does this have to do with the remake of a children's classic?
So what does this have to do with the remake of a children's classic?

It's a lesson in morality.

And the lesson is that if you're Danish nobility living in 1837, don't fuck your slaves. Especially if they're half fish.

Now let's move on to the story about the little Dutch boy sticking his finger in the Dyke. There's a lot to be learned from that one.

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They took the entire motivation and meaning from the story. In doing so all of the characters had no reason for being there. Critical Drinker’s review is spot on.

How did they do that?

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