It appears Putin is crowning himself at touting the down fall of the U.S., instead of his puppet 45


Senior Member
Oct 16, 2018
It appears propaganda master Putin, tRump's puppet master is bragging about the down fall of the U.S., when it appears its becoming the down fall of his illegitimate fool tRump and his GOPer prostitutes that hacked and rigged tRump in there. Additionally, 45 who has become so discombobulated in his effort to destroy Democracy, it appears tRump has lost his mind. Additionally as it also appears the additional downfall of tRump, his criminal family, skank wife in particular are just about done. Nice try. Not!

Putin touts downfall of US as a global leader: ‘It’s almost done’

Putin used his annual public address to celebrate America's fading global influence under the Trump administration.

In his annual public address before the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin proclaimed that America’s global influence has come to end — a development he attributed in large part to Trump’s presidency.

Speaking about the position of the U.S. on the global stage, Putin celebrated the waning influence of what he described as America’s “monopoly” on power, saying it would give Russia the ability to exert more influence in the world."

Source: Putin touts downfall of US as a global leader: ‘It’s almost done’
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall?!?

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?
Last edited:
William has been quite prolific this evening ... change of medication?
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall.

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?

We will bury you ...

It appears propaganda master Putin, tRump's puppet master is bragging about the down fall of the U.S., when it appears its becoming the down fall of his illegitimate fool tRump and his GOPer prostitutes that hacked and rigged tRump in there. Additionally, 45 who has become so discombobulated in his effort to destroy Democracy, it appears tRump has lost his mind. Additionally as it also appears the additional downfall of tRump, his criminal family, skank wife in particular are just about done. Nice try. Not!

Putin touts downfall of US as a global leader: ‘It’s almost done’

Putin used his annual public address to celebrate America's fading global influence under the Trump administration.

In his annual public address before the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin proclaimed that America’s global influence has come to end — a development he attributed in large part to Trump’s presidency.

Speaking about the position of the U.S. on the global stage, Putin celebrated the waning influence of what he described as America’s “monopoly” on power, saying it would give Russia the ability to exert more influence in the world."

Source: Putin touts downfall of US as a global leader: ‘It’s almost done’


It appears propaganda master Putin, tRump's puppet master is bragging about the down fall of the U.S., when it appears its becoming the down fall of his illegitimate fool tRump and his GOPer prostitutes that hacked and rigged tRump in there. Additionally, 45 who has become so discombobulated in his effort to destroy Democracy, it appears tRump has lost his mind. Additionally as it also appears the additional downfall of tRump, his criminal family, skank wife in particular are just about done. Nice try. Not!

Putin touts downfall of US as a global leader: ‘It’s almost done’

Putin used his annual public address to celebrate America's fading global influence under the Trump administration.

In his annual public address before the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin proclaimed that America’s global influence has come to end — a development he attributed in large part to Trump’s presidency.

Speaking about the position of the U.S. on the global stage, Putin celebrated the waning influence of what he described as America’s “monopoly” on power, saying it would give Russia the ability to exert more influence in the world."

Source: Putin touts downfall of US as a global leader: ‘It’s almost done’


America and civilization deserves better than this tRump Putin puppet who deserves the fullest punishment based on U.S. Constitutional guidelines of treason.
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall?!?

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?
It appears Russians are stupid and unware of how ignorant they are and this stunt at hacking in this 45 idiot proved how stupid they are that is basically a third world nation and a welfare basket case on the U.S. dime. Obviously Democracy has survived and become stronger over this two year period of putting up with a lunatic and liar 45 who has basically lost his mind.
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall?!?

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?
It appears Russians are stupid and unware of how ignorant they are and this stunt at hacking in this 45 idiot proved how stupid they are that is basically a third world nation and a welfare basket case on the U.S. dime. Obviously Democracy has survived and become stronger over this two year period of putting up with a lunatic and liar 45 who has basically lost his mind.

I can understand that you are not completely satisfied with your President, and may have some regrets for voting for him. The good thing is for YOU, that in just two short years you can cast your vote for a democrat if you do choose to. He will most likely have another 4 years in office, so that does equal 6 more total. But, the economy is good, and he is working on getting the cost of medicines down. So, your med supply should be continued. And remember, just because you are feeling better, it is not a reason to stop taking medication as prescribed. Hopefully this eases your apprehension. Now get some rest you crazy kid.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
William has been quite prolific this evening ... change of medication?
Well it appears your Russian lords are not as smart as they brag with their antiquated technology, and as they claim to be when it comes to using money grubbing and treasonous GOPer whores using their access to American technology to assist their Russian pals to hack the 2016 election. This atrocity in favor of a 45 maniac who apparently has lost his mind at attempting to multitask with that Russian order to destroy Democracy. Additionally, which prompted the voter to give these GOPer Russian whores the Congressional House boot!
Last edited:
William has been quite prolific this evening ... change of medication?
Well it appears your Russian lords are not as smart as they brag with their antiquated technology, and as they claim to be when it comes to using money grubbing and treasonous GOPer whores using their access to American technology to their Russian pals hack the 2016 election in favor of a 45 maniac who apparently has lost his mind at attempting to multitask with that Russian order to destroy Democracy. Additionally, which prompted the voter to give these GOPer Russian whores the Congressional House boot!

Have this filled and follow the Rx before attempting to type. You will be be amazed at the improvement.

William has been quite prolific this evening ... change of medication?
Well it appears your Russian lords are not as smart as they brag with their antiquated technology, and as they claim to be when it comes to using money grubbing and treasonous GOPer whores using their access to American technology to their Russian pals hack the 2016 election in favor of a 45 maniac who apparently has lost his mind at attempting to multitask with that Russian order to destroy Democracy. Additionally, which prompted the voter to give these GOPer Russian whores the Congressional House boot!

Have this filled and follow the Rx before attempting to type. You will be be amazed at the improvement.

William my ass. It appears you have been quite prolific with your bs.
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall?!?

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?

Many countries are talking about the loss of status of the US since Trump became president. Most don't seem as gleeful as Putin does though.
william104, tell is detail how it feels to have Blinky Maddow's strap on inserted 24/7. :p
william104, tell is detail how it feels to have Blinky Maddow's strap on inserted 24/7. :p
How's about self deporting to Russia and preferably Siberia to enjoy that version of Democracy. I don't think you would enjoy that.
Putin and his NewSSR have succeeded in overwhelming the US through cultural usurpation via the democrat party.
Democrats are avenging the Soviets’ Cold War loss.
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall?!?

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?

Many countries are talking about the loss of status of the US since Trump became president. Most don't seem as gleeful as Putin does though.

Huh? You guys lost cred with Obama; not Trump. A line in the sand....pft; crossed the line: KABOOM!!!

Significant difference there, Doggie!!

Well he ain't lying. If I were Putin I'd be giving myself a pat on the back a well.

It's going to take America a long time to recover from this.
Wow....A Russian Poobah telling the world that Murica is on the verge of downfall?!?

Is there a re-run of Gilligan's Isand on teevee?

Many countries are talking about the loss of status of the US since Trump became president. Most don't seem as gleeful as Putin does though.

Huh? You guys lost cred with Obama; not Trump. A line in the sand....pft; crossed the line: KABOOM!!!

Significant difference there, Doggie!!


Sorry, but I didn't see our allies laugh at or ridicule our president on an almost weekly basis when Obama was president like we see under Trump's presidency.

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