It blew in about ten minutes ago

Are you suppose to get the winds too? My parents and older sister live in central Fla region on the west side...

In Maine, on the coast where we are, the winds are suppose to be between 65 and 75mph gusts! But only rain, not snow like the inner part of the state. We expect to lose electric, with downed trees on Friday.
We are not going to get winds that high but it will be gusty and it will add to the wind chill. They expect the absolute temperature to be in the low 30s and the wind chill to be in the low 20s. Which is quite cold for us.

You failed to mention whether you use too many paper towels. I always heard that was the tipping point, when humans start using too many paper towels.

Oh.... I was not even tracking that, but we waste at least a 6 pack roll a week. Sometimes more if we cook a lot of bacon or fry chicken. Plus whenever we stay at hotels we get a lot of extra towels just to throw on the bathroom floor, plus we use at least 3-5 towels each when we shower and take extra showers just to justify room service leaving 20 of them in the room. On top of that we demand all fresh sheets and blankets every day.

I also use twice as much dry ice at work than required to make sure supply keeps a new 700 pound container coming every day. I also try to bring extra cardboard boxes home from work as well as pallets so we can burn them in the fire pit on chilly nights.

I'd have to guess I have at least 30% of Leonerdo De Crapio's CO2 footprint and I don't even have a private jet.

We are at 18, but feels like 12. Took 3 trips to the chicken coop to get them fed and water defrosted. Too damn cold.

By Saturday we are supposed to be in the 50's. What a roller coaster

I don't think we'll be above freezing until next Wednesday.

YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let's hear it for CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

we are at 51...suddenly we seem out of the mess

Just now arriving here. Starting with the rain.
It is 43 degrees now (3:43pm)
Supposed to be 33 in another hour
26 by 7pm
-2 by 1am
Worst will be around 9am, with -4 and 40 mph winds making windchill -34 degrees
Breaking 1000 records.
-8 here, with windchill currently at -26.
The wind is supposed to pickup some more in a couple hours where the windchill is expected to reach -30. Breaking a record from 1994.
Looking it up, in my lifetime it got this cold here in
1977-78 blizzard
So at 57 years old, it has only been this cold 4 times.
-8 here, with windchill currently at -26.
The wind is supposed to pickup some more in a couple hours where the windchill is expected to reach -30. Breaking a record from 1994.
Looking it up, in my lifetime it got this cold here in
1977-78 blizzard
So at 57 years old, it has only been this cold 4 times.
9 here, with a -4 chill. Tonight will bring a close repeat then Saturday we thaw. Lots of folks without power in Texas but not us. We could handle it however, but glad we don't have to.
-8 here, with windchill currently at -26.
The wind is supposed to pickup some more in a couple hours where the windchill is expected to reach -30. Breaking a record from 1994.
Looking it up, in my lifetime it got this cold here in
1977-78 blizzard
So at 57 years old, it has only been this cold 4 times.

Having recently moved back to the Midwest after 50 years on the Left Coast, I only vaguely remembered that day I waited for a bus in that same -26° wind chill.

This time around, it is currently -13° and the wind chill is making it more like -40°, and I'm staying inside.

Stay warm!

9 here, with a -4 chill. Tonight will bring a close repeat then Saturday we thaw. Lots of folks without power in Texas but not us. We could handle it however, but glad we don't have to.

Be careful and if you have room, consider taking in some of the folks who've lost power?

With my wood stove and a little extra bedding I could probably take in six or seven of my neighbors if the power goes out.


Having recently moved back to the Midwest after 50 years on the Left Coast, I only vaguely remembered that day I waited for a bus in that same -26° wind chill.

This time around, it is currently -13° and the wind chill is making it more like -40°, and I'm staying inside.

Stay warm!

I took the dog out to her enclosure this morning, the entire front of the house is covered in frost. Like something out of a movie. Of course for Xena, our German Shepherd, she would have gladly stayed out there longer before I brought her back in. I swear this animal has no idea what it even feels like to be cold.

Be careful and if you have room, consider taking in some of the folks who've lost power?

With my wood stove and a little extra bedding I could probably take in six or seven of my neighbors if the power goes out.

Aye... we have a large wood burning fireplace, our oven and range are both gas. And we have a 25,000 BTU Kerosene heater rated for indoors. I noticed yesterday my next door neighbor bought a kerosene heater as well. And I know, like me, he has a power generator also.
What worries me a bit, is farther down the road is a bad area with plenty of meth heads. I am afraid if the power goes out for awhile, and they see smoke they will come knocking. And that is a dilemma. I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them, and my mother lives in the basement and is home alone during the day. Don't want any of those worthless criminals knowing this.

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