It blew in about ten minutes ago

Aye... we have a large wood burning fireplace, our oven and range are both gas. And we have a 25,000 BTU Kerosene heater rated for indoors. I noticed yesterday my next door neighbor bought a kerosene heater as well. And I know, like me, he has a power generator also.
What worries me a bit, is farther down the road is a bad area with plenty of meth heads. I am afraid if the power goes out for awhile, and they see smoke they will come knocking. And that is a dilemma. I wouldn't trust any of them as far as I could throw them, and my mother lives in the basement and is home alone during the day. Don't want any of those worthless criminals knowing this.

Completely reasonable fears.

I'm fortunate to live in a very small Midwest farming town where I can pretty much trust all my neighbors.

Be safe!

I took the dog out to her enclosure this morning, the entire front of the house is covered in frost. Like something out of a movie. Of course for Xena, our German Shepherd, she would have gladly stayed out there longer before I brought her back in. I swear this animal has no idea what it even feels like to be cold.

I have stopped letting my pup out on her own. She normally has the run of the big fenced back yard, but I don't want to have to put on coat and boots and hat in order to go out and dig her out of a drift. She goes out the front door on a long leash while I stand on the porch.

The windows on the north and west sides of my house are all like this INSIDE.

do not open your house to meth houses...they will rob you blind...esp any meds you have...

its the season for kindness not stupidly
Exactly, thus the dilemma.
We are programed to help someone in need when they come upon us, but you have to ignore that and turn them away, even if it means their death or injury because they will absolutely take advantage of you... and may even take your life.
Thank goodness our tax dollars pay for their food/rent/healthcare so they can afford to be a drug addict.
Oh boy!.... the wind has picked up big time out there.
Windchill is now -28, during a strong gust probably more like -30.
This cold, and wind like that... small miracle the power is still up.
I put blankets up on all the exterior doors, shut two of the bedrooms up and turned off the registers in them. The stairwell leading down to the basement I put blankets at the entries.
Definitely working, you can see your breath in these spots... but the furnace is only coming on every 8-10 minutes. I really don't want the furnace to run and run.
Exactly, thus the dilemma.
We are programed to help someone in need when they come upon us, but you have to ignore that and turn them away, even if it means their death or injury because they will absolutely take advantage of you... and may even take your life.
Thank goodness our tax dollars pay for their food/rent/healthcare so they can afford to be a drug addict.

One thing to remember. THEY made all the choices that brought them to the point of being turned away from your door. I've lived with a good number of junkies and have very little compassion for people who kill themselves that way.

Nothing over 0 is all that cold.
Ya, come duck hunting with me. Grown men many times a week want to return with out limit. They wanna go home early to cold. Fine with me I already have your money. Your trip, your money is what I say out loud. I side I am calling youa little bitch. But ya, come on up more than willing to see what you are made of.
Ya, come duck hunting with me. Grown men many times a week want to return with out limit. They wanna go home early to cold. Fine with me I already have your money. Your trip, your money is what I say out loud. I side I am calling youa little bitch. But ya, come on up more than willing to see what you are made of.

Ya, come duck hunting with me. Grown men many times a week want to return with out limit. They wanna go home early to cold. Fine with me I already have your money. Your trip, your money is what I say out loud. I side I am calling youa little bitch. But ya, come on up more than willing to see what you are made of.
I have lived in New England almost all my life. You don’t impress me, champ.

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