It disgusts me how popular secular social stances protect the liberal party


VIP Member
Jun 2, 2013
I see things like this ridiculous video painting the tired cliche of "republicans hate the poor. You should be liberal"

Or this drama queen panic-mode song liberals released during last year's election season

The narrative is liberals love everyone and republicans would murder a poor person if they could make $10 off of it. And due to the popular secular views surrounding social concerns such as abortion, the youth (16 to 25ish) of America eats it up like sheep

This is a horrible time period to live in. I fear how things will look if we continue on in failed liberal policies. They can't be touched though because they're the party that is 'concerned' for the well being of America :cuckoo:

I mean you can't find a more hive-minded/tunnel-vision group of people on earth. That's one thing I'll give the liberal party. They follow like sheep where as the conservative party often has a lot of in-fighting due to that party having more split views
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I see things like this ridiculous video painting the tired cliche of "republicans hate the poor. You should be liberal"

Or this drama queen panic-mode song liberals released during last year's election season

The narrative is liberals love everyone and republicans would murder a poor person if they could make $10 off of it. And due to the popular secular views surrounding social concerns such as abortion, the youth (16 to 25ish) of America eats it up like sheep

This is a horrible time period to live in. I fear how things will look if we continue on in failed liberal policies. They can't be touched though because they're the party that is 'concerned' for the well being of America :cuckoo:

I mean you can't find a more hive-minded/tunnel-vision group of people on earth. That's one thing I'll give the liberal party. They follow like sheep where as the conservative party often has a lot of in-fighting due to that party having more split views

We have a Chicago democrat liberal in the White House, that is how they operate. And its going to get worse before it gets better
I mean they use their social stances to paint this black/white framing of America that many Americans eat up:

LGBT marriage equality is a righteous cause BUT if a conservative like (I forget his name, he was a name thrown around for a possible Romney VP, senator for some swing state) comes out as pro gay marriage, they say he's just doing it to be liked. That's such bull ****. If you really feel your view is right, how can you hate on a conservative for agreeing with you and passing off their stance as them just trying to reach a broader appeal? No liberal gave Hillary fuss over how long it took her to publicly endorse gay marriage

It's reasons like that I can't take their platform serious. They aren't sincere

I don't follow their logic. To them gender roles are social constructs. Yet they'll use the way someone dresses and their mannerisms as a way to champion transgender's decisions to identify as being a gender opposite of what they are. How can you as a male identify yourself as a female, by listing manner of dress, speech, and mannerisms as a way to say you are really female? According to progressives, manner of dress, and gender personality mannerisms are SOCIAL constructs, not representations of how genders actually are. So why would a t-girl be able to argue being a girl based on how that person behaves?

There is no logic to their reasoning. No consistancy
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In the 80's and 90's it was the democrats doing all the infighting, heck even during the Bush JR. years there was a lot of infighting between democrats.

The Republican infighting really started up around 2007-2008.
I see things like this ridiculous video painting the tired cliche of "republicans hate the poor. You should be liberal"

Or this drama queen panic-mode song liberals released during last year's election season

The narrative is liberals love everyone and republicans would murder a poor person if they could make $10 off of it. And due to the popular secular views surrounding social concerns such as abortion, the youth (16 to 25ish) of America eats it up like sheep

This is a horrible time period to live in. I fear how things will look if we continue on in failed liberal policies. They can't be touched though because they're the party that is 'concerned' for the well being of America :cuckoo:

I mean you can't find a more hive-minded/tunnel-vision group of people on earth. That's one thing I'll give the liberal party. They follow like sheep where as the conservative party often has a lot of in-fighting due to that party having more split views

We have a Chicago democrat liberal in the White House, that is how they operate. And its going to get worse before it gets better

imo, obama's an elitist, not a liberal.

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