It is no surprise... Ted Koppel is truly ignorant when it comes to commentary versus reporting..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
From 1963 to the present , Koppel still doesn't understand the difference!

The segment focused on the political divide in America and the role partisan news programming played in driving liberals and conservatives further apart. During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.
Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”
Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

How truly sad this quack "journalist" doesn't know that majority of people like me that support much of
what Hannity says DO SO BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FACTS! Not guesses. Not hyperbole. But facts.

So Koppel believes journalists are more professional and need to "teach" us.
Mr. Koppel... Some FACTS...
For someone who's net worth is over $30m, you are obviously not prone to donate money just on a whim.
Nor did these 1,160 "news people" donating 85% to democrats. How then can Koppel defend the "integrity" of the journalists?

The difference between Hannity and Koppel is honesty!
Hannity admits he's biased. Koppel would never deign to admit he's biased!
Yet when you look at the headlines that Koppel and his cohorts write... totally biased reporting!
Case in point...
Just did a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"...109,000 results!
Don't the Koppels of the world know Trump married a legal immigrant? Are these "journalists" so dumb
as to insult 41 million Americans who became citizens LEGALLY? It is no wonder that more then 60% of Americans don't trust MSM because if MSM is that stupid to insult people like me and millions of others who have relatives that became "LEGAL" immigrants what other phony biased reporting are they doing?

Hannitty is not a reporter, only an opinionist and an entertainer for an entertainment company.

Koppel is right, and Hannity is not too bright.
From 1963 to the present , Koppel still doesn't understand the difference!

The segment focused on the political divide in America and the role partisan news programming played in driving liberals and conservatives further apart. During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.
Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”
Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

How truly sad this quack "journalist" doesn't know that majority of people like me that support much of
what Hannity says DO SO BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FACTS! Not guesses. Not hyperbole. But facts.

So Koppel believes journalists are more professional and need to "teach" us.
Mr. Koppel... Some FACTS...
For someone who's net worth is over $30m, you are obviously not prone to donate money just on a whim.
Nor did these 1,160 "news people" donating 85% to democrats. How then can Koppel defend the "integrity" of the journalists?

The difference between Hannity and Koppel is honesty!
Hannity admits he's biased. Koppel would never deign to admit he's biased!
Yet when you look at the headlines that Koppel and his cohorts write... totally biased reporting!
Case in point...
Just did a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"...109,000 results!
Don't the Koppels of the world know Trump married a legal immigrant? Are these "journalists" so dumb
as to insult 41 million Americans who became citizens LEGALLY? It is no wonder that more then 60% of Americans don't trust MSM because if MSM is that stupid to insult people like me and millions of others who have relatives that became "LEGAL" immigrants what other phony biased reporting are they doing?

View attachment 120065
From now on anyone without an avatar is going onto my ignore list.
Hannitty is not a reporter, only an opinionist and an entertainer for an entertainment company.

Koppel is right, and Hannity is not too bright.

What does that make Koppel because everyone EVERYONE knows Hannity is not a reporter.
Obviously neither is Koppel because he thinks Koppel is a news person when in reality he doesn't report and facts... just his opinion.
From 1963 to the present , Koppel still doesn't understand the difference!

The segment focused on the political divide in America and the role partisan news programming played in driving liberals and conservatives further apart. During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.
Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”
Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

How truly sad this quack "journalist" doesn't know that majority of people like me that support much of
what Hannity says DO SO BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FACTS! Not guesses. Not hyperbole. But facts.

So Koppel believes journalists are more professional and need to "teach" us.
Mr. Koppel... Some FACTS...
For someone who's net worth is over $30m, you are obviously not prone to donate money just on a whim.
Nor did these 1,160 "news people" donating 85% to democrats. How then can Koppel defend the "integrity" of the journalists?

The difference between Hannity and Koppel is honesty!
Hannity admits he's biased. Koppel would never deign to admit he's biased!
Yet when you look at the headlines that Koppel and his cohorts write... totally biased reporting!
Case in point...
Just did a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"...109,000 results!
Don't the Koppels of the world know Trump married a legal immigrant? Are these "journalists" so dumb
as to insult 41 million Americans who became citizens LEGALLY? It is no wonder that more then 60% of Americans don't trust MSM because if MSM is that stupid to insult people like me and millions of others who have relatives that became "LEGAL" immigrants what other phony biased reporting are they doing?

View attachment 120065
From now on anyone without an avatar is going onto my ignore list.

Wow how DEEP you must be! Personally I think avatars are kind of childish. Which evidently you are!
From 1963 to the present , Koppel still doesn't understand the difference!

The segment focused on the political divide in America and the role partisan news programming played in driving liberals and conservatives further apart. During a sit-down interview, Hannity called on Koppel to “give some credit” to people’s ability to differentiate between a news show and an opinion show.

“You’re cynical,” Hannity said.

“I am cynical,” Koppel responded.

“Do you think we’re bad for America? You think I’m bad for America?” Hannity asked.
Koppel didn’t miss a beat. “Yeah,” he said, and continued over multiple interruptions from Hannity:

Koppel: “In the long haul I think you and all these opinion shows —”

Hannity: “Really? That’s sad, Ted. That’s sad.”

Koppel: “No, you know why? Because you’re very good at what you do, and because you have attracted a significantly more influential —”

Hannity: “You are selling the American people short.”

Koppel: “No, let me finish the sentence before you do that.”

Hannity: “I’m listening. With all due respect. Take the floor.”

Koppel: “You have attracted people who are determined that ideology is more important than facts.”
Veteran newsman Ted Koppel tells Sean Hannity he’s bad for America

How truly sad this quack "journalist" doesn't know that majority of people like me that support much of
what Hannity says DO SO BECAUSE WE HAVE THE FACTS! Not guesses. Not hyperbole. But facts.

So Koppel believes journalists are more professional and need to "teach" us.
Mr. Koppel... Some FACTS...
For someone who's net worth is over $30m, you are obviously not prone to donate money just on a whim.
Nor did these 1,160 "news people" donating 85% to democrats. How then can Koppel defend the "integrity" of the journalists?

The difference between Hannity and Koppel is honesty!
Hannity admits he's biased. Koppel would never deign to admit he's biased!
Yet when you look at the headlines that Koppel and his cohorts write... totally biased reporting!
Case in point...
Just did a search on "Trump anti-immigrant"...109,000 results!
Don't the Koppels of the world know Trump married a legal immigrant? Are these "journalists" so dumb
as to insult 41 million Americans who became citizens LEGALLY? It is no wonder that more then 60% of Americans don't trust MSM because if MSM is that stupid to insult people like me and millions of others who have relatives that became "LEGAL" immigrants what other phony biased reporting are they doing?

View attachment 120065
From now on anyone without an avatar is going onto my ignore list.
I think you will soon be on a lot of ignore lists.

Hannitty is not a reporter, only an opinionist and an entertainer for an entertainment company.

Koppel is right, and Hannity is not too bright.

What does that make Koppel because everyone EVERYONE knows Hannity is not a reporter.
Obviously neither is Koppel because he thinks Koppel is a news person when in reality he doesn't report and facts... just his opinion.
Koppel is pointing out that Hannity is a fraud, as are you for that matter.

Almost all of the Far Right and Alt Right are frauds.

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