It is not politically correct to make fun of Roma


Gold Member
One American said to me: I now see you as The Golden Gypsy, a wrestler wearing just a black vest, a string of garlic around your neck, and striped baggy Arabian trousers, in the ring with your opponent, The Singing Plowboy Richmondbread, sporting a straw hat, blue overalls and mud boots.

He basically equals me with a cowboy redneck, that other dude really does country music, really acts and thinks racist, and he really wears mudboots. I dont wear garlic around my neck, neither arabian baggy trousers. I didnt choose to act, think, or live a certain way though.

I replied

And what do you see yourself as? Do you think you are better then me or more respected character or higher race or more civilised and cultured because Im a Gypsy?

Also you make fun of Richmondbread as well. But you make fun of me for something which is inherently in my DNA and for something which I didnt choose to be and cannot change, while you make fun of Richmondbread for his redneck attitudes and cowboy attitudes, which is music genre and lifestyle. So thats very different. But I guess you dont realise it really.

Every race can get discriminated but I think the bad part is, that it is still politcally correct and mainstream to be racist to gypsies or roma. No one understands it is racist, and wrong.
One American said to me: I now see you as The Golden Gypsy, a wrestler wearing just a black vest, a string of garlic around your neck, and striped baggy Arabian trousers, in the ring with your opponent, The Singing Plowboy Richmondbread, sporting a straw hat, blue overalls and mud boots.

He basically equals me with a cowboy redneck, that other dude really does country music, really acts and thinks racist, and he really wears mudboots. I dont wear garlic around my neck, neither arabian baggy trousers. I didnt choose to act, think, or live a certain way though.

I replied

And what do you see yourself as? Do you think you are better then me or more respected character or higher race or more civilised and cultured because Im a Gypsy?

Also you make fun of Richmondbread as well. But you make fun of me for something which is inherently in my DNA and for something which I didnt choose to be and cannot change, while you make fun of Richmondbread for his redneck attitudes and cowboy attitudes, which is music genre and lifestyle. So thats very different. But I guess you dont realise it really.

Every race can get discriminated but I think the bad part is, that it is still politcally correct and mainstream to be racist to gypsies or roma. No one understands it is racist, and wrong.
I dont think its a politically correct issue Mortimer. Its just about being a decent functioning adult. Gypsies have been outsiders for centuries and still get treated badly. Worse than any other demographic if I am honest.
One American said to me: I now see you as The Golden Gypsy, a wrestler wearing just a black vest, a string of garlic around your neck, and striped baggy Arabian trousers, in the ring with your opponent, The Singing Plowboy Richmondbread, sporting a straw hat, blue overalls and mud boots.

He basically equals me with a cowboy redneck, that other dude really does country music, really acts and thinks racist, and he really wears mudboots. I dont wear garlic around my neck, neither arabian baggy trousers. I didnt choose to act, think, or live a certain way though.

I replied

And what do you see yourself as? Do you think you are better then me or more respected character or higher race or more civilised and cultured because Im a Gypsy?

Also you make fun of Richmondbread as well. But you make fun of me for something which is inherently in my DNA and for something which I didnt choose to be and cannot change, while you make fun of Richmondbread for his redneck attitudes and cowboy attitudes, which is music genre and lifestyle. So thats very different. But I guess you dont realise it really.

Every race can get discriminated but I think the bad part is, that it is still politcally correct and mainstream to be racist to gypsies or roma. No one understands it is racist, and wrong.
Well if you want reparations pick a number, and start giving large amounts of money to the DNC.
You are quiete racist for a guy who pretends to be not.
Maybe, but really I just think you're a whiny idiot. It'd be my guess other Gypsies think the same.

My guess is that you dont know much about roma, nor the discrimination or persecution they face, and their struggles. Thats why you say that. If Im black and someone comes up to me mocking me a with a "black face" because Im black and I object am I a whiny idiot? The way he portrayed me because Im roma is very stereotypical charicature type, and it is not a neutral stereotype like "japanese produce good cars" it has a connotation of discrimination and centuries long persecution, apartheid and marginalisation of the roma minority (similar to the black face). Most roma dont even want to be called "Gypsies" because "Gypsy has heavily negative connotations and meanings attached to it" and many use it as slur, at least where Im from directed towards roma but also non-roma who they perceive to be "Gypsies" (think, act or live a certain way). I think you are the idiot or racist to roma.
One American said to me: I now see you as The Golden Gypsy, a wrestler wearing just a black vest, a string of garlic around your neck, and striped baggy Arabian trousers, in the ring with your opponent, The Singing Plowboy Richmondbread, sporting a straw hat, blue overalls and mud boots.

He basically equals me with a cowboy redneck, that other dude really does country music, really acts and thinks racist, and he really wears mudboots. I dont wear garlic around my neck, neither arabian baggy trousers. I didnt choose to act, think, or live a certain way though.

I replied

And what do you see yourself as? Do you think you are better then me or more respected character or higher race or more civilised and cultured because Im a Gypsy?

Also you make fun of Richmondbread as well. But you make fun of me for something which is inherently in my DNA and for something which I didnt choose to be and cannot change, while you make fun of Richmondbread for his redneck attitudes and cowboy attitudes, which is music genre and lifestyle. So thats very different. But I guess you dont realise it really.

Every race can get discriminated but I think the bad part is, that it is still politcally correct and mainstream to be racist to gypsies or roma. No one understands it is racist, and wrong.
I dont think its a politically correct issue Mortimer. Its just about being a decent functioning adult. Gypsies have been outsiders for centuries and still get treated badly. Worse than any other demographic if I am honest.

I think it is a little bit about politically correct, just notice how this australian dude who is always against Trump and pretends to be a liberal is now against me. Seems as if he excludes roma from his liberal policies of anti-racism. Or maybe Im wrong that he is a liberal, but he is always against Trump, always in comments against the right.
Stereotyping Roma People as "Gypsies" by Greeks or Eastern Europeans or Americans, has a connotation of discrimination and persecution. Similar to the black face, or gorilla chants, or making "chinky eyes with hands to chinese". Are you aware of that? Im not butthurt, and its ok, funny and shit. But just trying to explain some things. I said that before because some others didnt realize that it seems they think it is politically correct.

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