It is true. The fed protects eagle eggs and turtle eggs by LAW.

Eagles and Sea Turtles are endangered species.

Human beings are not.
Bald eagles came off the endangered species list in 2007.

There are some types of sea turtles which are endangered, others are vulnerable or threatened.

Regardless, just as it should be illegal to kill a puppy near full gestation for purely elective reasons in an inhumane way, the same should apply to our own kin.

The large majority of abortions are done for purely elective reasons because the mother and father were irresponsible and chose to have sexual relations and not use birth control.
Life is full of choices, and choices have consequences. Killing a human baby which has a beating heart and can feel excruciating pain, for elective reasons, is absolutely inhumane and our advanced species should provide adequate protection at least comparable to the penalties associated with eggs of lower life forms such as fowl or reptiles.

Bald eagles came off the endangered species list in 2007.

There are some types of sea turtles which are endangered, others are vulnerable or threatened.

Regardless, just as it should be illegal to kill a puppy near full gestation for purely elective reasons in an inhumane way, the same should apply to our own kin.

Except we don't... and we euthanize puppies if we can't find homes for them. Or sell them for medical experimentation.

The large majority of abortions are done for purely elective reasons because the mother and father were irresponsible and chose to have sexual relations and not use birth control.
Life is full of choices, and choices have consequences. Killing a human baby which has a beating heart and can feel excruciating pain, for elective reasons, is absolutely inhumane and our advanced species should provide adequate protection at least comparable to the penalties associated with eggs of lower life forms such as fowl or reptiles.

A whole lot of fallacies.

First, many abortions happen because birth control failed, not because it wasn't used.
Second, there really is no evidence that first trimester fetuses feel pain.

We provide protection for the eggs of some species because the entire species is vulnerable. If it isn't, we get this.


Oh, noes, a Chicken Abortion!
Intelligent humans are fast becoming endangered. Imagine other species supporting the abortion of their own kind. :rolleyes:

Maybe we should have an IQ test to decide who gets to breed. Republicans would never be allowed to procreate because they believe so many things that are false.
The large majority of abortions are done for purely elective reasons because the mother and father were irresponsible and chose to have sexual relations and not use birth control.
Life is full of choices, and choices have consequences. Killing a human baby which has a beating heart and can feel excruciating pain, for elective reasons, is absolutely inhumane and our advanced species should provide adequate protection at least comparable to the penalties associated with eggs of lower life forms such as fowl or reptiles.


This is bullshit. The large majority of abortions are done because the parents ARE TOO POOR TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD.

Another white male tells women how easy it is to keep from getting pregnant. Go fuck yourself and get an education about abortion. IT'S A POVERTY ISSUE.

Again, not wasting my time trying to convince the contaminated left of anything. Done with them.


Interesting how these virtue signaling Muppets on the left acknowledge that there are turtles and eagles in those eggs that are protected by federal law with serious consequences if you violate those laws.

However, in their typical pathetic manner, they insist that a human fetus isn't a human, but turtle and eagle fetuses are turtles and eagles.

Did you know the left also place more value on fly 🪰 larvae, better known as maggots. That's right. Maggots, which are flies in the larvae stage, get more sympathy than human fetuses. Human fetuses get NO SYMPATHY.

Here, watch this story....
One is an endangered species the other is not.

This has to be the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
This is bullshit. The large majority of abortions are done because the parents ARE TOO POOR TO HAVE ANOTHER CHILD.
Less than half (about half) are mothers below poverty level. But plenty of mothers in poverty decide to keep their babies. So it is you who is making BS and speculative arguments.

Another white male
Are you a racist or something?

You do understand that some babies are white males, and therefore by definition are not part of the woman's body since they have their own unique DNA which is a combination of the mother's and father's, don't you?

tells women how easy it is to keep from getting pregnant.
If you choose to have relations, you should choose to use contraception so that you don't have to kill a baby.

Although I personally have a lifetime of successful anecdotal evidence (both using contraception and procreating by intentionally not doing so) to support my claim, you needn't rely upon me. Any health professional will advise you of the same to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

You sound like you never got laid, or you would know this simple inarguable truth.

Go fuck yourself and get an education about abortion. IT'S A POVERTY ISSUE.

I am sorry that my post so angered you to resort to unnecessary insults and vulgarities, but I disagree with you.

I have opinions like everyone else, and I also opine that you have a foul mouth and do not seem like a nice person.

Less than half (about half) are mothers below poverty level. But plenty of mothers in poverty decide to keep their babies. So it is you who is making BS and speculative arguments.

Are you a racist or something?

You do understand that some babies are white males, and therefore by definition are not part of the woman's body since they have their own unique DNA which is a combination of the mother's and father's, don't you?

If you choose to have relations, you should choose to use contraception so that you don't have to kill a baby.

Although I personally have a lifetime of successful anecdotal evidence (both using contraception and procreating by intentionally not doing so) to support my claim, you needn't rely upon me. Any health professional will advise you of the same to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

You sound like you never got laid, or you would know this simple inarguable truth.

I am sorry that my post so angered you to resort to unnecessary insults and vulgarities, but I disagree with you.

I have opinions like everyone else, and I also opine that you have a foul mouth and do not seem like a nice person.


I am sick to death of the anti-woman misogynistic men on this site, posting bullshit about women getting abortions, including what you just posted. Your opinion is meaningless because you're so ill informed and anti-woman

You're entitled to your opinion but I find you comments about women getting abortions to be indicative of misogyny and hate directed towards women, and I find your language disgusting and vile., You get vulgarity in return because of the hate you expressed.

75% of the women are living in poverty or just above the poverty. Most are married or in a committed relationship.

Abortion is a function of poverty and lack of resources for poor and pregnant women.

More than half are married or in a committed relationship.

Every woman I know has had an unplanned pregnancy, myself included.
Less than half (about half) are mothers below poverty level. But plenty of mothers in poverty decide to keep their babies. So it is you who is making BS and speculative arguments.

Are you a racist or something?

You do understand that some babies are white males, and therefore by definition are not part of the woman's body since they have their own unique DNA which is a combination of the mother's and father's, don't you?

If you choose to have relations, you should choose to use contraception so that you don't have to kill a baby.

Although I personally have a lifetime of successful anecdotal evidence (both using contraception and procreating by intentionally not doing so) to support my claim, you needn't rely upon me. Any health professional will advise you of the same to avoid an unwanted pregnancy.

You sound like you never got laid, or you would know this simple inarguable truth.

I am sorry that my post so angered you to resort to unnecessary insults and vulgarities, but I disagree with you.

I have opinions like everyone else, and I also opine that you have a foul mouth and do not seem like a nice person.


NOTHING you've posted is correct and your whole attitude that abortion is a "matter of convenience" is so patently WRONG and OFFENSIVE that vulgarity is the ONLY POSSIBLE RESPONSE.

All of your statistics are WRONG. The majority of women getting abortions are MARRIED and POOR. 75% LIVE AT OR BELOW THE POVERTY LINE. 60% ARE MARRIED OR IN A COMMITTED RELATIONSHIP.

You seem to think you have a right to be offended by my response. But I don't have the right to be offended by your lies.

Try reading facts, and not right wing bullshit about abortions.

I am sick to death of the anti-woman misogynistic men on this site, posting bullshit about women getting abortions, including what you just posted. Your opinion is meaningless because you're so ill informed and anti-woman

You're entitled to your opinion but I find you comments about women getting abortions to be indicative of misogyny and hate directed towards women, and I find your language disgusting and vile., You get vulgarity in return because of the hate you expressed.
It is very twisted logic to equate being pro-life with anti-woman. Absurd.

Every woman I know has had an unplanned pregnancy, myself included.
You call it an "unplanned" pregnancy, but most likely it was a result of you choosing to have relations and choosing not to use contraception.

When you got pregnant, did you use contraception?

Pregnancy is an expected outcome of unprotected heterosexual relations!

Get all offended if you want. You're another post-menopausal White lady fighting for the right to kill babies because you are irresponsible.

(that last line was said in jest, because, touché).

Again, not wasting my time trying to convince the contaminated left of anything. Done with them.


Interesting how these virtue signaling Muppets on the left acknowledge that there are turtles and eagles in those eggs that are protected by federal law with serious consequences if you violate those laws.

However, in their typical pathetic manner, they insist that a human fetus isn't a human, but turtle and eagle fetuses are turtles and eagles.

Did you know the left also place more value on fly 🪰 larvae, better known as maggots. That's right. Maggots, which are flies in the larvae stage, get more sympathy than human fetuses. Human fetuses get NO SYMPATHY.

Here, watch this story....
Are humans an endangered species?

7 billion humans and counting says no.
Another white male tells women how easy it is to keep from getting pregnant.
Thinking about this comment a bit more....

Ya know, I can make a baby and you cannot. So it seems kind of hypocritical of you to say that I have no right to have an opinion about abortion of children. Why should you have a say, and not me? Because of your gender? It takes two genders to make a baby. Typically, both have responsibility to provide for care until the age of majority.

Again, not wasting my time trying to convince the contaminated left of anything. Done with them.


Interesting how these virtue signaling Muppets on the left acknowledge that there are turtles and eagles in those eggs that are protected by federal law with serious consequences if you violate those laws.

However, in their typical pathetic manner, they insist that a human fetus isn't a human, but turtle and eagle fetuses are turtles and eagles.

Did you know the left also place more value on fly 🪰 larvae, better known as maggots. That's right. Maggots, which are flies in the larvae stage, get more sympathy than human fetuses. Human fetuses get NO SYMPATHY.

Here, watch this story....

They are protected because they are endangered species.
Since you are uneducated and like all stupid Moon Bats that don't know a damn thing about Biology you didn't understand the point OP made.

The filthy ass government acknowledges that something doesn't have to be born to get protection from being killed. You idiot Moon Bats won't even acknowledge that a fetus is a human being. If a unborn turtle is considered a turtle then why not an unborn human be considered a human?

That point went right over your stupid Moon Bat head, didn't it?

Then you wonder why we ridicule you Moon Bats so much. You are all dumber than a door knob and never get anything right.

The filthy asses like you are the danger to this country. They are protected because they are endangered species. They have to be protected from assholes like you.
The filthy asses like you are the danger to this country. They are protected because they are endangered species. They have to be protected from assholes like you.
I'm not the one that advocates the murder of 500,000 - 1,000,000 American children each year, for the sake of convenience.

Again, not wasting my time trying to convince the contaminated left of anything. Done with them.


Interesting how these virtue signaling Muppets on the left acknowledge that there are turtles and eagles in those eggs that are protected by federal law with serious consequences if you violate those laws.

However, in their typical pathetic manner, they insist that a human fetus isn't a human, but turtle and eagle fetuses are turtles and eagles.

Did you know the left also place more value on fly 🪰 larvae, better known as maggots. That's right. Maggots, which are flies in the larvae stage, get more sympathy than human fetuses. Human fetuses get NO SYMPATHY.

Here, watch this story....
Turtles and Eagles are rare----people aren't..........

and I am not on the left.

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