It occurred to me today why liberals are so concerned about "global hunger"

My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
1. You making assumptions

2. Name of products and prices.

3. Was this your first trip out the trailer park ?
Sounds like Trader Joes or Wegman' do liberals eat that shit? Sprout sandwiches and watercress soup :puke:

Not to mention the French fried popsicles and broiled butterfly livers..

You left out placenta soup. How disgusting is that?

I Cooked My Wife’s Placenta. Here’s How It Tasted.

Anytime you think a liberal has breached the event horizon of disgust just wait..there is always more.

Making Sourdough Bread From Vaginal Yeast - Zoe Stavri Tries Sourdough Starter After Yeast Infection

She has a blog called "Angry Woman" (of course) where she complains about the "patriarchal hate" she received for this repulsive demonstration.
You liberals are mentally ill.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

Thanks for giving me a frame of reference for every other word you ever type.

Some folks eat some funny things. Ppl who buy new cars pay extra to get to work also. Should we make fun of them?
Its ok to seek success but the wealth the Democrat Party represents makes them unintelligible to us and vice versa. These liberals are not just "well off". Their wealth is on the scale of nation states. Not to mention the huge powerful corporations that support them. Up until the modern Silicon Valley they seemed to much prefer inherited wealth over self made wealth but hey its a big party..they will carry water for any and all billionaires now.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
1. You making assumptions

2. Name of products and prices.

3. Was this your first trip out the trailer park ?

Looks like you are getting a few nibbles now Jgalt...word is out for the serfs to follow their script. The USMB drones seem to all buzz in together when they get word somebody is critiquing the ruling class they serve. How dare you?
I'd love to see a lib elitist eat a chicken nugget or a fish stick. It would be very traumatic.
I'll preface by saying I would never be accepted as a "lib elitist" by "lib elists". I am a 4th generation Texas country boy. God bless Texas. The elitist consider me and those like me inbred, ignorant, violent, dangerous, unpredictable, knuckle dragging, hicks and I am pround to be. That being said If you held a gun to my head I don't think I would eat either a chicken nugget or fish stick. I'll take my blood sausage, head cheese, cabeza barbacoa and pickled pigs trotters though.
don't republicans remember what they spout?

''Rich people are the ones who pay most all of the taxes collected...''

well, those people want their money, to help world hunger! :D
don't republicans remember what they spout?

''Rich people are the ones who pay most all of the taxes collected...''

well, those people want their money, to help world hunger! :D

Aren't you guys the party of the working class? When did you become an elite gang that abandoned the middle class?
I'd love to see a lib elitist eat a chicken nugget or a fish stick. It would be very traumatic.
I'll preface by saying I would never be accepted as a "lib elitist" by "lib elists". I am a 4th generation Texas country boy. God bless Texas. The elitist consider me and those like me inbred, ignorant, violent, dangerous, unpredictable, knuckle dragging, hicks and I am pround to be. That being said If you held a gun to my head I don't think I would eat either a chicken nugget or fish stick. I'll take my blood sausage, head cheese, cabeza barbacoa and pickled pigs trotters though.

Yeah, they are terrible, but a giant bag of fish sticks is cheap and will last you forever. You eat what you can, unless you can blow money on sushi and Trader Joe's. Or Starbucks.
Speaking of cheap food, Wal Mart might be in a bit of trouble. After paying people 11 dollars an hour to bring in carts, the prices on a lot of their food has gone up. Kroger and Meijer now have many cheaper items than Wally. When stores with better quality and variety beat you in prices, good luck keeping your customers. The free market is proving the 100 dollar cheeseburger argument when you artificially tinker with wages.
When you are dealing with Democrats remember you are dealing with a party ruled by and for such incredible wealth that normal Americans cant really grasp it. Nor do they grasp you.
This is a party whose ditsy leader, Hillary Clinton, whined about being "dead broke" and how difficult it was to buy three mansions and survive on only 5 million per year.

Video: Diane Sawyer's Exclusive Interview With Hillary Clinton

She contrasted herself, worth a measly 120 million dollars, with the "truly well off" in a Guardian interview.

Just How Rich Is Hillary Clinton?

So when you as a normal American say you are "dead broke" or "not well off" that party of elites, the Democrats, that means you are down to your last ten million dollars.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.
1. You making assumptions

2. Name of products and prices.

3. Was this your first trip out the trailer park ?
Sounds like Trader Joes or Wegman' do liberals eat that shit? Sprout sandwiches and watercress soup :puke:

Not to mention the French fried popsicles and broiled butterfly livers..

You left out placenta soup. How disgusting is that?

I Cooked My Wife’s Placenta. Here’s How It Tasted.

Anytime you think a liberal has breached the event horizon of disgust just wait..there is always more.

Making Sourdough Bread From Vaginal Yeast - Zoe Stavri Tries Sourdough Starter After Yeast Infection

She has a blog called "Angry Woman" (of course) where she complains about the "patriarchal hate" she received for this repulsive demonstration.
You liberals are mentally ill.

That is fucking disgusting!!!
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

Thanks for giving me a frame of reference for every other word you ever type.

Some folks eat some funny things. Ppl who buy new cars pay extra to get to work also. Should we make fun of them?

Only if they buy new cars then bitch about how fossil fuels are polluting the world. That would pretty much be the same thing as those wacky libtards gorging themselves on high-priced delicacies, then crying and moaning about "global hunger."

What a bunch of effing hypocrites.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

Yeah....we have a new Sprouts down the road we use when we need a veggie or something we dont have to finish a recipe because it's usually uncrowded and close.
I swear they hire based on the number of body piercings,tatts and who has the most ridiculous hair color.
Something else I noticed yesterday: Even though everything was exorbitantly priced, everyone in the place was dressed shabbily. I almost felt like I was in some third world country or something. It was 20 degrees outside with a dusting of snow, and people were riding up on bicycles, wearing what looked like pajama bottoms and shower shoes. I also saw many people in there who had those big round wooden or metal plugs in their earlobes that would cause them to flop around when they walked.


So now we're politicizing food?

Good God, you people couldn't be bigger assholes if you tried.

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