It occurred to me today why liberals are so concerned about "global hunger"

My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

Thanks for giving me a frame of reference for every other word you ever type.

Some folks eat some funny things. Ppl who buy new cars pay extra to get to work also. Should we make fun of them?

Only if it's a smart car, hybrid, or electric.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

I'll also note that the people who shop at such places also virtue signal against the GMO foods that would help alleviate starvation and malnutrition in shithole countries.
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That folks is why they are called limousine liberals. The party of the working class my patoutee. The elite ruling class, and the impoverished minions. Has Bernie ever had an actual job in his life? He has a nice summer home and a sweet ride though. Spreading bs made him rich.

Since Jimmy Carter there has not been a single Democrat presidential candidate who ever worked for a living. Without exception they come from academia or government office. A ruling elite from the start. They spend their lives inside Washington then cause me to split my sides by all running as "outsiders".
What should be investigated however is how they all become worth 100 million dollars on government salaries.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

Damn, your life must really suck. You go shopping with your wife and what you think about is the post you can make when you get back on this forum.

Do you ever not think about politics or this forum?
Aldi's does have good food. Their cookies are a bit too good. I just gained a pound thinking about it.
My wife likes a certain brand of eggnog that she can't get here locally, so we took a trip to a large hippie food co-op in the town 20 miles from here.The newly-remodeled facility very much resembled those Whole Food Markets you find in larger cities, carrying a very wide variety of stuff you never see anywhere else.

Grudgingly, I tagged along and went inside with her, ignoring the "No Weapons Allowed" sign posted on the front door. Out of curiosity, I walked the aisles and compared the prices of ordinary items that could be found at normal food stores, and found that most everything was a dollar or two higher.

The majority of stuff I saw in there was exotic foods that normal people don't usually eat. Even the deli was packed full of stuff that I'd never heard of, and priced very high.

While looking at the foods and associated high prices, and the clientele, I came to an epiphany: Everyone shopping there was either a ruling-class elitist, a trust-fund hippie, or an academics type. Obviously they had the wherewithal to gorge themselves on exotic foods which most starving Third-world people have never heard of, or could afford.

Yet the same people who gorge themselves on such delicacies, are always crying big, wet crocodile tears over the fact that so many people in shithole countries are "starving." It must really suck to live with such a burden of guilt, I was so glad that we stopped at Walmart afterward, to shop where normal people do.

Maybe when you grow up , you could raise your own food JG

Imagine interviewing din din...

"How long have you been a chicken"

Did you have any prior fowl experience?

What would you say are your strong points?

do you have a resume'?


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