It Started With a Lie: Bruce Ohr's Linchpin Role in Collusion Narrative

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
A mystery remains: To some in his narrow circle, Ohr was upfront about the compromising nature of his connections, yet he hid that fact from officials charged with overseeing ethics at the Justice Department. Why, then, did Bruce Ohr admit to the FBI that his wife worked for opposition researchers Fusion GPS while failing to disclose it to the DoJ? The answer speaks volumes not just about how the Trump-Russia affair gained traction but about the way Washington works.

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I like this observation from the comments section:

Poor smarmy Paul Manafort fudges income on a private mortgage application and basically gets life in Rikers. Bruce Ohr hides known corrupting contacts on his ethics disclosure forms for his position as a Deputy Director of the FBI in an attempt to fraudulently spy on an American presidential candidate and gets a cushy government job, fat benefits, a high salary, and a permanent pension at the cost of the American tax payer. Yeah, justice in America is blind, all right. At least when it tries to spot DemonRATS committing crimes.
As Barr, Huber, Durham, and Horowitz gather evidence of a deep state coup attempt the conspirators will start talking to make plea deals.
This should be Mueller on steroids...
Ohr's wife obtaining a HAM operator's license is not original to the Russian probe. Clinton employee DNA was talking to Russians via HAM as early as 1994. They used Morse Code sent across the Bering Straits. The DOJ would tweak if it learned that both Ohr's wife and Clinton's employee's family were using methods apart from the intercept-susceptible forms of communication.

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