It Was Done on Tobacco. It Can Be Done on Guns.

Another dupe well versed on the ACTUAL issues lol...

so you couldnt find any fuckstick
You're a gd

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1993, Congress enacted the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, amending the Gun Control Act of 1968. "The Brady Law" instituted federal background checks on all firearm purchasers who buy from federally licensed dealers (FFL). This law had no provisions for private firearms transactions or sales.
‎Overview · ‎Background · ‎Early efforts · ‎Recent developments
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws UC Davis ...
UC Davis Medical Center
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws. A straw purchaser, the woman (center), has already completed a Firearms Transaction Record. The salesperson is requesting a background check on her while the real purchaser (right), remains uninvolved.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole ...
Jan 7, 2016 - Supporters of gun rights say President Barack Obama and others are confusing the issue of gun selling by talking about a "gun show loophole." ... Federally licensed gun sellers are required to run background checks. ... Some of those unlicensed sellers sell at gun shows.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing magazine
Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law ...
Gun sales loopholes that should be closed - LA Times

on june 26 1997 much of the brady law was thrown out as unconstitutional

as for the rest of your loophole hoax every bit of what you claim is already illegal moron

such as straw purchasing
ONLY straw purchasing, as SC said so in 2014. Dupe or liar? Always the question.

liar straw purchasing is a federal offence

claiming it as a loophole is lying liar
I congratulated you on being right on something, as straw man was made illegal in 2014. The rest holds true.
There's no such thing as a gun show loophole, most all firearms used in violent crimes are stolen or come from south of the border…

with some them coming from the administration handing out thousands of firearms to known criminals

through the fast n furious transfer firearms to felons program
ATF AZ chief said NEITHER Bush nor Obama administrations knew about the gun walking dupe.

The 2014 SC decision on straw men ended the possibility of this gun walking. There is no evidence Washington ever knew about the actual ins and outs. Of course Fox Rush Heritage lying GOP doesn't agree lol- or the dupes.

Agent who started ‘Fast and Furious’ defends gun-tracking operation
Yeah - when MEN were MEN. Your Stats? Bullshit. I don't believe it for a minute.
I guess when you can't refute the statistics, denial is your only remaining option
And yet I showed that public opinion on gun rights vs. gun control is tending UP (in favor of gun rights). It is you that ignores the statistics and uses unrelated ones to bolster a failed argument.
Who cares?

Keep your gun rights. Point is the gun culture is eroding
Now that you are the one that is ignoring the data, who cares right!
RW morons Brainwashed, liars,or just stupid? Always the question with the GOP...

A Shrinking Minority: The Continuing Decline of Gun Ownership in ...
... DECLINE IN HOUSEHOLD GUN OWNERSHIP. 55%. 50%. 45%. 40%. 35% ... By 2014, 32.4 of American households reported having any guns in the .... under 35 owned a gun while 27.4 percent of those 65 years of age and older owned a ...
Number of households with guns on the decline, study shows - CBS ...
CBS News
Mar 10, 2015 - The drop in the number of Americans who own a gun or live in a household with ... own a firearm, down from a high of 31 percent who said so in 1985. ... of men who own one, from 50 percent in 1980 to 35 percent in 2014.

Good point

Most of the gun ownership seems to be with older Americans. Younger Americans are not growing up with them and many young families do not want them in the house
Here's the problem with background checks. To refuse to sell a gun to someone who has failed their background check is a violation of the second amendment.

It is all part of maintaining a well regulated militia
There's no such thing as a gun show loophole, most all firearms used in violent crimes are stolen or come from south of the border…

with some them coming from the administration handing out thousands of firearms to known criminals

through the fast n furious transfer firearms to felons program
ATF AZ chief said NEITHER Bush nor Obama administrations knew about the gun walking dupe.

The 2014 SC decision on straw men ended the possibility of this gun walking. There is no evidence Washington ever knew about the actual ins and outs. Of course Fox Rush Heritage lying GOP doesn't agree lol- or the dupes.

Agent who started ‘Fast and Furious’ defends gun-tracking operation

stop your lying asshole

Although Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. has turned over 7,600 documents related to the case, he has refused to hand over all of the Justice Department memos and e-mails that reflect internal deliberations that took place after Congress began its inquiry. The White House has invoked executive privilege in the matter. As a result, the House is scheduled to vote Thursday on whether Holder should become the first sitting attorney general to be held in contempt.
so you couldnt find any fuckstick
You're a gd

Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Gun show loophole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In 1993, Congress enacted the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act, amending the Gun Control Act of 1968. "The Brady Law" instituted federal background checks on all firearm purchasers who buy from federally licensed dealers (FFL). This law had no provisions for private firearms transactions or sales.
‎Overview · ‎Background · ‎Early efforts · ‎Recent developments
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws UC Davis ...
UC Davis Medical Center
UC Davis report exposes loopholes in gun-control laws. A straw purchaser, the woman (center), has already completed a Firearms Transaction Record. The salesperson is requesting a background check on her while the real purchaser (right), remains uninvolved.
PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole ...
Jan 7, 2016 - Supporters of gun rights say President Barack Obama and others are confusing the issue of gun selling by talking about a "gun show loophole." ... Federally licensed gun sellers are required to run background checks. ... Some of those unlicensed sellers sell at gun shows.
Gun Show Background Checks State Laws - Governing magazine
Known as the "gun show loophole," most states do not require background checks for firearms purchased at gun shows from private individuals -- federal law ...
Gun sales loopholes that should be closed - LA Times

on june 26 1997 much of the brady law was thrown out as unconstitutional

as for the rest of your loophole hoax every bit of what you claim is already illegal moron

such as straw purchasing
ONLY straw purchasing, as SC said so in 2014. Dupe or liar? Always the question.

liar straw purchasing is a federal offence

claiming it as a loophole is lying liar
I congratulated you on being right on something, as straw man was made illegal in 2014. The rest holds true.

it has always been against law asswipe lowlife
Yes, it can - and eventually will be done because of the rigidity of the gun nutters who won't give an inch.
More mindless nonsense form the village useful idiot; people like you are why none one will compromise on their right to arms.
The average gun owner now owns 8 guns — double what it used to be



You do understand that you are "shooting yourself in the foot", right?

Backs my assertion that increased gun sales are to those already owning guns

See what's funny in that chart? Gun nuts buy into "Democrats going to take your guns" fear mongering and stocked up when Clinton and Obama were elected....remained flat under Bush
It is a near certainty that efforts to impede private gun ownership INCREASE under democrat reign, and remain flat or are reduced when a Republican is in office. Why do you think democrats start shrieking about abortion rights every election cycle? No Republican president has taken away abortion rights, but reliable as sunrise, they start shrieking.
Backs my assertion that increased gun sales are to those already owning guns

See what's funny in that chart? Gun nuts buy into "Democrats going to take your guns" fear mongering and stocked up when Clinton and Obama were elected....remained flat under Bush

It backs nothing - simply shows that many people are buying guns. To the best of my knowledge, there are no stats that show first-time gun buyers, because records like that are not kept (again, as I understand). A first time gun buyer fills out the exact same paperwork that anyone else fills out.

Additionally, it does not track guns that are bought by say, a Father for a son, daughter or Wife - because the gun is initially bought by one person and gifted to another person in the family - all completely legal. You might try reading up on the law.
Fewer fathers are buying guns for their sons

Just like fewer are buying cigarettes

That might be - a new generation of pussy "Fathers" that are too "afraid" to be men. I don't know. Now, if your claim is, the left is "breeding" manhood OUT of men, you are probably right. I see more pussies who claim to be "Fathers" who are more like "Mothers" than at any time in this country's history. Pure pussies.

So, if that is the case, it's no wonder that these "men" are happy to be "stay at home Dads" while their women go off to war.

P U S S I E S.
Hunting is down 15%
The days of buying your kid a BB gun when he is eight are gone

Our gun culture is slipping away....much like our smoking culture

So, that's your assertion - that our (gun culture) is being bred out of Americans. That same "culture" that brought us this country. That same "culture" that followed us West and kept us safe. That same "culture" that allowed our soldiers to protect themselves from our Declaration of Independence through two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. That same "culture" that fed our Ancestors? The same "culture" that has been passed down by Father's to Sons and Daughters for the last 220 years?

And you are happy about it?

You poor, misguided, sissy. I feel nothing but pity for you. No wonder Vladimir Putin laughs his KGB ass off at your president. Like taking candy from a baby.
We wouldn't have the stomach to fight WWII today, if we had to. Imagine the horror from the talking heads reporting on DDay or Dresden.
It backs nothing - simply shows that many people are buying guns. To the best of my knowledge, there are no stats that show first-time gun buyers, because records like that are not kept (again, as I understand). A first time gun buyer fills out the exact same paperwork that anyone else fills out.

Additionally, it does not track guns that are bought by say, a Father for a son, daughter or Wife - because the gun is initially bought by one person and gifted to another person in the family - all completely legal. You might try reading up on the law.
Fewer fathers are buying guns for their sons

Just like fewer are buying cigarettes

That might be - a new generation of pussy "Fathers" that are too "afraid" to be men. I don't know. Now, if your claim is, the left is "breeding" manhood OUT of men, you are probably right. I see more pussies who claim to be "Fathers" who are more like "Mothers" than at any time in this country's history. Pure pussies.

So, if that is the case, it's no wonder that these "men" are happy to be "stay at home Dads" while their women go off to war.

P U S S I E S.
Hunting is down 15%
The days of buying your kid a BB gun when he is eight are gone

Our gun culture is slipping away....much like our smoking culture

So, that's your assertion - that our (gun culture) is being bred out of Americans. That same "culture" that brought us this country. That same "culture" that followed us West and kept us safe. That same "culture" that allowed our soldiers to protect themselves from our Declaration of Independence through two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. That same "culture" that fed our Ancestors? The same "culture" that has been passed down by Father's to Sons and Daughters for the last 220 years?

And you are happy about it?

You poor, misguided, sissy. I feel nothing but pity for you. No wonder Vladimir Putin laughs his KGB ass off at your president. Like taking candy from a baby.
We wouldn't have the stomach to fight WWII today, if we had to. Imagine the horror from the talking heads reporting on DDay or Dresden.

today the media would have been embedded with the nazis

reporting how American bombers are hitting innocent women and childrens
It backs nothing - simply shows that many people are buying guns. To the best of my knowledge, there are no stats that show first-time gun buyers, because records like that are not kept (again, as I understand). A first time gun buyer fills out the exact same paperwork that anyone else fills out.

Additionally, it does not track guns that are bought by say, a Father for a son, daughter or Wife - because the gun is initially bought by one person and gifted to another person in the family - all completely legal. You might try reading up on the law.
Fewer fathers are buying guns for their sons

Just like fewer are buying cigarettes

That might be - a new generation of pussy "Fathers" that are too "afraid" to be men. I don't know. Now, if your claim is, the left is "breeding" manhood OUT of men, you are probably right. I see more pussies who claim to be "Fathers" who are more like "Mothers" than at any time in this country's history. Pure pussies.

So, if that is the case, it's no wonder that these "men" are happy to be "stay at home Dads" while their women go off to war.

P U S S I E S.
Hunting is down 15%
The days of buying your kid a BB gun when he is eight are gone

Our gun culture is slipping away....much like our smoking culture

So, that's your assertion - that our (gun culture) is being bred out of Americans. That same "culture" that brought us this country. That same "culture" that followed us West and kept us safe. That same "culture" that allowed our soldiers to protect themselves from our Declaration of Independence through two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. That same "culture" that fed our Ancestors? The same "culture" that has been passed down by Father's to Sons and Daughters for the last 220 years?

And you are happy about it?

You poor, misguided, sissy. I feel nothing but pity for you. No wonder Vladimir Putin laughs his KGB ass off at your president. Like taking candy from a baby.
We wouldn't have the stomach to fight WWII today, if we had to. Imagine the horror from the talking heads reporting on DDay or Dresden.

Most of the world would not be willing to refight WWII
And I'll fight you every step of the way.

Public opinion is turning against you.....Gun ownership is on the decline

What do you care? You still got your guns don't you?

Gun ownership is down!?!? Gun ownership has never been higher thanks to Barry. What rock have you been hiding under!?!

I've already shown where the percent of households with guns is down 15%
Number of guns has increased but that reflects more guns in your gun cabinet, not more homes with guns

As an aside.....paranoia about Obama confiscating guns and ammo has led to hoarding of ammo which has driven up the price and made recreational shooting less attractive

That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing

Yeah, Ok. You wusses that freakout over guns are a dying breed. Note to self: Your chance of being victim of some nutter with a gun is slim to none. Get over it.
Fewer fathers are buying guns for their sons

Just like fewer are buying cigarettes

That might be - a new generation of pussy "Fathers" that are too "afraid" to be men. I don't know. Now, if your claim is, the left is "breeding" manhood OUT of men, you are probably right. I see more pussies who claim to be "Fathers" who are more like "Mothers" than at any time in this country's history. Pure pussies.

So, if that is the case, it's no wonder that these "men" are happy to be "stay at home Dads" while their women go off to war.

P U S S I E S.
Hunting is down 15%
The days of buying your kid a BB gun when he is eight are gone

Our gun culture is slipping away....much like our smoking culture

So, that's your assertion - that our (gun culture) is being bred out of Americans. That same "culture" that brought us this country. That same "culture" that followed us West and kept us safe. That same "culture" that allowed our soldiers to protect themselves from our Declaration of Independence through two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. That same "culture" that fed our Ancestors? The same "culture" that has been passed down by Father's to Sons and Daughters for the last 220 years?

And you are happy about it?

You poor, misguided, sissy. I feel nothing but pity for you. No wonder Vladimir Putin laughs his KGB ass off at your president. Like taking candy from a baby.
We wouldn't have the stomach to fight WWII today, if we had to. Imagine the horror from the talking heads reporting on DDay or Dresden.

Most of the world would not be willing to refight WWII
Maybe most of the developed world that has a lot to lose. MAD was very real, and enforced a cease-fire for a long time.
Not racist at all. Also total bs.

No, it is God's Given Truth since 1950.

The old whites only unions (composed of WW2 veterans) had bent the corporations over their knees and spanked them harshly.

So the Corporate Masters of the Universe decided to destroy the white middle class as it then existed so that unions would never threaten their hegemony over western society ever again.

People like you are just useful fools manipulated to assist in those efforts. The Masters need to disarm us before they enslave us.

"AntiRacism" is code for "AntiWhite".
That might be - a new generation of pussy "Fathers" that are too "afraid" to be men. I don't know. Now, if your claim is, the left is "breeding" manhood OUT of men, you are probably right. I see more pussies who claim to be "Fathers" who are more like "Mothers" than at any time in this country's history. Pure pussies.

So, if that is the case, it's no wonder that these "men" are happy to be "stay at home Dads" while their women go off to war.

P U S S I E S.
Hunting is down 15%
The days of buying your kid a BB gun when he is eight are gone

Our gun culture is slipping away....much like our smoking culture

So, that's your assertion - that our (gun culture) is being bred out of Americans. That same "culture" that brought us this country. That same "culture" that followed us West and kept us safe. That same "culture" that allowed our soldiers to protect themselves from our Declaration of Independence through two World Wars, Korea, Viet Nam, and the War in Iraq and Afghanistan. That same "culture" that fed our Ancestors? The same "culture" that has been passed down by Father's to Sons and Daughters for the last 220 years?

And you are happy about it?

You poor, misguided, sissy. I feel nothing but pity for you. No wonder Vladimir Putin laughs his KGB ass off at your president. Like taking candy from a baby.
We wouldn't have the stomach to fight WWII today, if we had to. Imagine the horror from the talking heads reporting on DDay or Dresden.

Most of the world would not be willing to refight WWII
Maybe most of the developed world that has a lot to lose. MAD was very real, and enforced a cease-fire for a long time.
MAD is still in effect
That's horseshit. You throw up some graph and we are just supposed to buy into it. Since Barry Obama took over - gun sales rates have gone up and up and up. You think Americans are stupid!?!?! Apparently you believe that to be the case - but Americans are buying guns like crazy. Hell, even us idiots in flyover country know what's coming. Nice try, though.

Ammo - has declined recently. Why? The folks (like me) have stockpiled ammo. Prices have gone down - I know. Just bought 3,000 rounds of .45 ammo for the cheapest price I have seen since the early 80s. Jesus - you have no clue about what you are spouting.
Yes...paranoid gun nuts listened to NRA fear mongering and bought more guns and ammo

However, fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house

Death knell to the NRA ....similar to smoking, the gun culture is diminishing

"fewer and fewer households allow guns in the house". Bullshit. NRA membership is greater right now - than it has ever been. I don't know where your sorry ass lives (and I couldn't care less) but in the middle of the country and West (of course except California) there are few houses that DON'T have guns.

We know what you commie assholes have planned. It ain't gonna work.

Number of households having guns is down over 15%
Our gun culture is diminishing

Most people live in cities or suburbs.......fewer see a need for guns in their home

You just bit yourself on the ass. Cities are the most dangerous places in America right now. Thinking folks know this. Only dumbass millennials "trust" police to "protect" them...
Higher density equates to more crime ...always has

Cities are seeing drops in their gun crime
Higher minority population equates to more crime. Murder rates in major cities are on the rise. Cities Grapple With Rising Murder Rates

Backs my assertion that increased gun sales are to those already owning guns

See what's funny in that chart? Gun nuts buy into "Democrats going to take your guns" fear mongering and stocked up when Clinton and Obama were elected....remained flat under Bush
Is gun ownership really down in America?

The Associated Press and Time ignored other polls by Gallup and ABC News/Washington Post. These polls show that gun ownership rates have been flat over the same period. According to Gallup, household gun ownership has ranged from 51 percent in 1994 to 34 percent in 1999. In 2014, it was at 42 percent – comparable to the 43-45 percent figures during the 1970s.
A 2011 Gallup poll with the headline “Self-Reported Gun Ownership in U.S. Is Highest Since 1993” appears to have gotten no news coverage.
I guess when you can't refute the statistics, denial is your only remaining option
And yet I showed that public opinion on gun rights vs. gun control is tending UP (in favor of gun rights). It is you that ignores the statistics and uses unrelated ones to bolster a failed argument.
Who cares?

Keep your gun rights. Point is the gun culture is eroding
Now that you are the one that is ignoring the data, who cares right!
RW morons Brainwashed, liars,or just stupid? Always the question with the GOP...

A Shrinking Minority: The Continuing Decline of Gun Ownership in ...
... DECLINE IN HOUSEHOLD GUN OWNERSHIP. 55%. 50%. 45%. 40%. 35% ... By 2014, 32.4 of American households reported having any guns in the .... under 35 owned a gun while 27.4 percent of those 65 years of age and older owned a ...
Number of households with guns on the decline, study shows - CBS ...
CBS News
Mar 10, 2015 - The drop in the number of Americans who own a gun or live in a household with ... own a firearm, down from a high of 31 percent who said so in 1985. ... of men who own one, from 50 percent in 1980 to 35 percent in 2014.

Good point

Most of the gun ownership seems to be with older Americans. Younger Americans are not growing up with them and many young families do not want them in the house
I have 3 children. All, along with their late brother, are gun owners and all hold Connecticut concealed carry permits.
I guess when you can't refute the statistics, denial is your only remaining option
And yet I showed that public opinion on gun rights vs. gun control is tending UP (in favor of gun rights). It is you that ignores the statistics and uses unrelated ones to bolster a failed argument.
Who cares?

Keep your gun rights. Point is the gun culture is eroding
Now that you are the one that is ignoring the data, who cares right!
RW morons Brainwashed, liars,or just stupid? Always the question with the GOP...

A Shrinking Minority: The Continuing Decline of Gun Ownership in ...
... DECLINE IN HOUSEHOLD GUN OWNERSHIP. 55%. 50%. 45%. 40%. 35% ... By 2014, 32.4 of American households reported having any guns in the .... under 35 owned a gun while 27.4 percent of those 65 years of age and older owned a ...
Number of households with guns on the decline, study shows - CBS ...
CBS News
Mar 10, 2015 - The drop in the number of Americans who own a gun or live in a household with ... own a firearm, down from a high of 31 percent who said so in 1985. ... of men who own one, from 50 percent in 1980 to 35 percent in 2014.

Good point

Most of the gun ownership seems to be with older Americans. Younger Americans are not growing up with them and many young families do not want them in the house
You forgot about the young black males.
And yet I showed that public opinion on gun rights vs. gun control is tending UP (in favor of gun rights). It is you that ignores the statistics and uses unrelated ones to bolster a failed argument.
Who cares?

Keep your gun rights. Point is the gun culture is eroding
Now that you are the one that is ignoring the data, who cares right!
RW morons Brainwashed, liars,or just stupid? Always the question with the GOP...

A Shrinking Minority: The Continuing Decline of Gun Ownership in ...
... DECLINE IN HOUSEHOLD GUN OWNERSHIP. 55%. 50%. 45%. 40%. 35% ... By 2014, 32.4 of American households reported having any guns in the .... under 35 owned a gun while 27.4 percent of those 65 years of age and older owned a ...
Number of households with guns on the decline, study shows - CBS ...
CBS News
Mar 10, 2015 - The drop in the number of Americans who own a gun or live in a household with ... own a firearm, down from a high of 31 percent who said so in 1985. ... of men who own one, from 50 percent in 1980 to 35 percent in 2014.

Good point

Most of the gun ownership seems to be with older Americans. Younger Americans are not growing up with them and many young families do not want them in the house
You forgot about the young black males.
Number of households with guns on the decline, study shows

Gun ownership rates also vary by race, with 4 in 10 white Americans living in households with a gun compared with less than 2 in 10 blacks and Hispanics.

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