Italy announces rebound of the political right as left collapses

Italy Announces ‘Rebound’ of the Political Right, ‘Collapse’ of the Left

Great news! Lets just hope some decent folks are elected and can cleanse Italy of the third world trash that have invaded Italy.

We are sending some of our people to help our Italian brothers and sisters, we hope they get a Coalition of the Right between Forza Italia, Lega Nord-Us with Salvini (who are affiliated with Lega Nord and are running on a joint list with them) and also Fratelli d'Italia. We would like nothing more than to welcome the Italians to our growing Coalition of Patriotic Christian Governments who are anti-Islam, anti-Non-EU immigration and anti-Multiculturalism.
Italy Announces ‘Rebound’ of the Political Right, ‘Collapse’ of the Left

Great news! Lets just hope some decent folks are elected and can cleanse Italy of the third world trash that have invaded Italy.

We are sending some of our people to help our Italian brothers and sisters, we hope they get a Coalition of the Right between Forza Italia, Lega Nord-Us with Salvini (who are affiliated with Lega Nord and are running on a joint list with them) and also Fratelli d'Italia. We would like nothing more than to welcome the Italians to our growing Coalition of Patriotic Christian Governments who are anti-Islam, anti-Non-EU immigration and anti-Multiculturalism.

^^^^ I forgot to add links:


Forza Italia - Wikipedia



Lega Nord - Wikipedia


Us with Salvini - Wikipedia


Brothers of Italy - Wikipedia
When are next elections of some consequence in Italy?
When are next elections of some consequence in Italy?

This one happening in March, their general election, all pollings say that Forza Italia will win the most seats then if that happens the Italian President Sergio Mattarella will ask them can they form a Coalition Government and they will say yes and that Coalition Government would be Forza Italia/Lega Nord-Us with Salvini/Fratelli d'Italia and they could even bring in the Five Star also:


Five Star Movement - Wikipedia

All pollings say that the Left will not have enough seats combined to form a Coalition Government, the Left are the PD who are the Italian Democratic Party, the MDP who are the Democratic and Progressive Movement (they currently only have 16 Senators out of 415 Senators in the Upper House and 44 Deputies out of 630 Deputies in the Lower House) the MDP actually might be wiped out in the March election they are polling very very bad and also about four very small Leftist parties that are not even relevant to the equation.

The PD pissed off the majority of Italians when the UNELECTED Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni wanted to allow 500,000 NON-Italians to be given Italian Citizenship, these of course would ALL be Muslims and Sub Saharan African savages and the Italian people correctly were pissed off and so thank God this evil plan which is the plan of traitors will now be killed.

Italy has had three UNELECTED Prime Ministers following each other, Enrico Letta, Matteo Renzi and Paolo Gentiloni, the Italian peoples have been denied the Democratic RIGHT to a general election for FOUR years, the Italian peoples have NOT given their consent to allow all these Muslims and Sub Saharan African savages into their beautiful and Historically Cultured comes the payback and it is going to be a MEGA bitch.
Italy Announces ‘Rebound’ of the Political Right, ‘Collapse’ of the Left

Great news! Lets just hope some decent folks are elected and can cleanse Italy of the third world trash that have invaded Italy.

I say to you last year Odium that the traitors are not going to win, I say to you last year that European Patriots are going to win, we are going to prevail, Our Lord is with us. Deus Vult.

If Italy joins our European Patriotic movement it will be excellent, they add to our growing list, we are going to be unstoppable as a Patriotic Bloc united together, the list of European nations with Right-Wing Governments of Conservative Conservatives mix in with Populist Nationalists is this far: my nation, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia we would like to add Italy to this. The Left is dying on this Continent, the Right is healthy and getting stronger each day.
I think what you will see is a "rigged" election process whereby the winning party will be pro-EU. Now, I may be wrong, but if that happens, I suggest Civil War, otherwise all would be lost.

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