It's About Time

irosie91, aris2chat, et al,

I'm confused!

Hamas promised they could prevent more rocket attacks if Israel stop. The hamas spokesman said he did not know who was responsible, except it was no hamas, but could prevent more attacks if Israel stopped any response in gaza.
I find al jazeera america a good coverage of each side and hard questioning of interviews. Major news coverage is over quiet on events of the middle east.

run that one past me again..... the guy said Hamas is not responsible for the
fact that bombs are emerging from gaza and landing in israel---
and Hamas does not know who is doing it----BUT HAMAS IS CAPABLE
OF STOPPING IT......but if it just happens to continue----Hamas is not
responsible....... in law----you can be convicted of negligent manslaughter--
if you do not stop a killing that you are capable of stopping...... If you were
in a position of authority-----over the killers----YOU ARE IN REAL TROUBLE

where is our famous board lawyer

Hamas Vows to Continue Rocket Fire, Bloodshed

'There is no intention of calm,' Hamas spokesperson says, 'Israel will have to put Iron Dome on every Israeli home.'

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum vowed his terror organization will continue firing rockets on Israel Tuesday, dismissing claims of de-escalation.

"Today there is no intention of relaxation and calm," Barhoum stated. "Palestinian blood has been spilled."

"There is no place for talking about peace with the Israeli occupation," he added. "If they want to protect their entity from Hamas's missiles, they will have to put an Iron Dome [missile defense system - ed.] on every home in Israel."

"The person who determines the price of conflict with Israel is Hamas, who is doing so with its capabilities and arsenal," he added.​

Hamas Rockets Target Israel’s Dimona Nuclear Research Facility

“A few minutes ago, Palestinian terrorists in Gaza fired 3 rockets at Dimona. 2 fell in open areas; Iron Dome intercepted the other,” the Israeli army said in a Tweet shortly before 20:00 IST.‏

There are no reports of injury or damage in the first-ever strike of its kind at the remote desert facility 72 km (44 miles) away from the coastal enclave.

Hamas officials told news media that they were aiming to hit the core structure.​

Clearly, something is amiss with the statement: "The hamas spokesman said he did not know who was responsible, except it was no hamas, but could prevent more attacks if Israel stopped any response in gaza."

Most Respectfully,

...........and now hamas is telling the rocket terrorist not to post selfies and tweets that would show Israel where they are firing from. Especially from downtown buildings. If Israel can identify the building from a tweet, then hamas could do the same and stop the rocket.

two faces, two tongues, two stories for two audiences.
It'll be all over as long as Israel just massacres enough Palestinians to get them to realize that Hamas is not exactly good for them.

Maybe this time israel will go in and clean it up properly once and for all.
No country on earth would put up with this. Let us all join together & pray Israel will do it right this time & bomb all Hamas strongholds, massacre their people & level Gaza until their are no more rocket missiles to be fired into Israel to kill Israeli's. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY!

Here is how the noble innocent, life loving Palestinians operate in their quest for peace with Israel. Would you believe, even in garbage trucks?
Dream on if you like that fool's paradise, but i believe those who decide U.S. foreign policy recognize that without our support for Israel, radical Islam would lose steam. And certainly anti-American sentiment world wide would lose its raison d'etre. Muslims were Muslims for 1300 years, but only recently turned radical AND anti-American.

You do understand that Islam was committing violence since the founding of its religion by Mohammed, right? Mohammed made his living by raiding caravans. Israel wasn't around at that time so you can't blame it on that. ;)

Rhetoric is one thing, but those folks are clear headed and have told us what is important to them. #1 Israel. #2 Israel. #3 Israel. #4 Israel. #5 Everything else.
Yes, they have been very clear. Israel is the "little Satan" and America is the "BIG Satan".
Now that the ground invasion has begun, the Palestinian death toll will rise rapidly. And all Israel asked for was an end to the rocket missiles. Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.
Golly gee, I wonder why the Palestinian death tolls are always so much higher than Israel's? Can't wait to see the Palestinian supporters complain about this when all Israel asked was for the Palestinians to end their rocket missile attacks on Israeli's.

Now that the ground invasion has begun, the Palestinian death toll will rise rapidly. And all Israel asked for was an end to the rocket missiles. Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.
Golly gee, I wonder why the Palestinian death tolls are always so much higher than Israel's? Can't wait to see the Palestinian supporters complain about this when all Israel asked was for the Palestinians to end their rocket missile attacks on Israeli's.

Now that the ground invasion has begun, the Palestinian death toll will rise rapidly. And all Israel asked for was an end to the rocket missiles. Oh well, Palestinians will be Palestinians.

MJB---you do not understand the UMMAH ETHOS-----it is based on words attributed to a
rapist pig------the rapist pig said that his followers may rape and murder and pillage jews---
but he Never said that jews my return the favor or defend against the glory which al nabi
advised. In fact the "LAW' system developed from the kharahan disallows resistence to the
recommendations of the rapist pig----reisistence to the advice of the rapist pig is "BLASPHEMY"
a capital crime
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Palestinian death toll now over 300. Way to go Hamas. Keep them rocket misssiles comin'.

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