It's Begun: Israel Under Fire From the North

meaning the nuke solution Stann?

that's mean 'Do and Die'........~S~
No like they did it before BUT this time they shouldn't give any of the new conquered lands back or allow the former occupants back in. They lost that right.
Any devils advocate here care to conject the end result of complete eradication of every Pally man,woman, child?

Israel is surrounded by terrorist states , armed with 8 billion in US weapons we left them.

World leaders are choosing sides

The 'math' is easy to see, regardless of one's stance

Fighting for one's survival against possible genocide ( again ) gives Israel the edge , plus the billions and billions of dollars the US and other Jewish people around the world have invested in their homeland. The other side only has their hatred to fall back on and that doesn't come from strength, that comes from.fear and cowardice.
Fighting for one's survival against possible genocide ( again ) gives Israel the edge
Same as the Pallies , who are in the middle OF a genocide
plus the billions and billions of dollars the US and other Jewish people around the world have invested in their homeland.
The US has 'invested' billions of arms to the taliban, who have allegiance to their people

IE> the IDF is outnumbered , outgunned & surrounded via what they see as an atrocity

Think long game Stann....

Same as the Pallies , who are in the middle OF a genocide

The US has 'invested' billions of arms to the taliban, who have allegiance to their people

IE> the IDF is outnumbered , outgunned & surrounded via what they see as an atrocity

Think long game Stann....

The first thing they should do is fire bomb all those tunnels with napalm or white phosphorus , that should eliminate most of the Hamas scum.
The first thing they should do is fire bomb all those tunnels with napalm or white phosphorus , that should eliminate most of the Hamas scum.
Sure, i'm confident a plan is in the works Stann

Unfortunately we're reading IDF's targeting is less than discriminatory

That said, sooner or later they'll eradicate and occupy, which is their long game

What would you expect the Arab world's response to be?

Sure, i'm confident a plan is in the works Stann

Unfortunately we're reading IDF's targeting is less than discriminatory

That said, sooner or later they'll eradicate and occupy, which is their long game

What would you expect the Arab world's response to be?

It doesn't matter. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place , if the sane Arab leadership can't see that then they'll reap the hardships that creates for them. No one wants war anymore. No one wins but this is a war against terrorists.
They're stuck between a rock and a hard place
One they created Stann

As to 'sane Arab' leadership , the jury is still out

They see IDF as 'terrorists' committing a genocide against arab people , a perspective of formidable conclusions not to be taken lightly

Sure, i'm confident a plan is in the works Stann

Unfortunately we're reading IDF's targeting is less than discriminatory

That said, sooner or later they'll eradicate and occupy, which is their long game

What would you expect the Arab world's response to be?

Other than for lip service, the Arab world's only concern for pallys is ''we don't want them".

Arab nations are using the war in Islamic terrorist occupied Gaza to purge their undesirables.

As Gaza burns, other countries are quietly, illegally dumping refugees

Arab nations have made it clear they want nothing to do with ''pally refugees''. They don't want the financial burden and socio-political baggage of pallys.

Why Egypt and other Arab countries refuse to accept Palestinian refugees from Gaza


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