you're dreaming if you think NY is actually in play right now
Campaign Silo McCain Ahead in Latest National Poll
If MacCain wins a big D state like Michigan or NY, it's over...
I'm telling you don't pay attention to polls.
They don't poll in R areas. This is done to discourage R voters from even coming out.
This is a conservative country. No way is a leftist going to pass muster. The debates will expose him for the fraud he is.
Obama is a symbol nothing more. He'll stutter and stumble like he does when confronted and it's over.
McCain wins this thing going away...
I don't like McCain. I wanted Romney or better. but you picked our candidate and we picked yours.
this election is as crooked as far as the eye can see.
Romney/ Huckabee should be facing Clinton/Richardson
Romney wins in a landslide.
Instead you're getting a Rino Republican over a socialist.
McCain wins by 10 million votes.
Not mentioning the D's are heavily divided. If 6 million of Hillary's 18 million votes go McCain, it's a landslide.
There's not a chance in hell Hillary wants a D victory this time. She wants to wit 4 years and go against the New Republican.
smokey rooms remember?
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