It's Biden


swiftboating is exposing the truth

otherwise you are smearing over 250 honorable vets and a MoH awardee
and i dont think you actually mean to do so
but thats giving you the benefit of the doubt

"A political ploy whereby allegations, falsehoods, exaggerations, or distortions are publicized to discredit a person or entity and have the intended effect that public attention is drawn to the ensuing controversy about the veracity of the allegations and away from some other political embarrassment. "
I know it's hard to find anyone in the Democratic party who is dirt free but Biden??? This guy's mouth has already given McCain ammo, and I'm sure he is going to say more that McCain can use against them before long.... I can't believe this was the best person available....

its hard to find anyone in the republican party too. there arent any perfect politicians

swiftboating is exposing the truth

otherwise you are smearing over 250 honorable vets and a MoH awardee
and i dont think you actually mean to do so
but thats giving you the benefit of the doubt

the swiftboaters were a disgusting bunch of liars...

they dishonored themselves.
I know it's hard to find anyone in the Democratic party who is dirt free but Biden??? This guy's mouth has already given McCain ammo, and I'm sure he is going to say more that McCain can use against them before long.... I can't believe this was the best person available....

What is going to be funny, is the Obama campaign trying to redefine what Biden really meant by saying that Obama isn't ready to be President. Especially, considering the campaign only has a little over 2 months to do so. This pick is about the best they could do, Obama has admitted that he doesn't have enough experience, his VP stated he doesn't have enough experience but somehow we are suppose to elect this guy to lead this country and learn on the job....unbelievable...:cuckoo:
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"A political ploy whereby allegations, falsehoods, exaggerations, or distortions are publicized to discredit a person or entity and have the intended effect that public attention is drawn to the ensuing controversy about the veracity of the allegations and away from some other political embarrassment. "
let me guess, wiki?

same thing
its a wiki that can be edited by any MORON
and only a MORON would trust it

not the same thing.
the problem with defining swiftboating is that the repubs who hated kerry were ready to believe anything bad said about him, even if it wasnt proven to be true (which it wasnt. for you to believe otherwise shows you have no idea about what actually happened). so they think swiftboating is simply exposing the truth. the dems dismissed the attacks because they loved kerry and assumed all the claims were false. so they define swiftboating as untrue attacks on someone. i see it as attacking someones character with unverified and exagerrated claims.

but why dont you show me how all the claims were substantiated, so you dont look like a MORON by saying everything was true
That may well be the most ridiculous thing I've seen. Let me tell you the facts of life... Obama will win NY. That isn't up for grabs in any scenario known to anyone who knows anything about politics. Now, if you were rational and said NJ, PA and FL were up for grabs, I'd say, absolutely.

Hint: If you don't want all of us laughing at you, stop posting your extremist fantasies and start dealing in realities.

Now... as of today, THIS is the likely electoral map... President, Senate, House Updated Daily

What if McCain picks Rudy?

New York is in play. [McCain is ahead in N.Y. polls]

it's also in play without Rudy. I drive in New York City for a living.

These people are tired of the socialist nanny state they live in. remember 9-11. McCain is strong on defence. Any liberal can do well in the city but McCain is going to do well among Democrats everywhere.

Pennsylvania is also in play. This is why Obomber picked Biden. Delaware is a Philly suburb.

This election is a landslide in the making.

Talk about fantasies. Do you really think a guy with a name like Barrack Heussein Obama is actually going to be president?

Reality check people.

McCain is old. Old people vote old. Do you think they don't want their voice heard?

Obama is weak. To the core. He might win 5 states. I was giving him 11. You should be grateful.

I know there are a lot of stupid people in America. But at the end of the day, there's still too many of us smart folks who out-number the empty headed spoiled brats who think they're brilliant because they went to a state college.

When you comprehend the facts you'll understand the press has to make everything interesting because of ratings and advertising money.

This was over the moment Hillary lost. There's no contest.

Biden doesn't want to win either. He just wants to be on TV when this is over. He'll be on every Sunday show whinning about every cause under the sun.

Truth be told Obama doesn't want to win either. Get real. This was about getting rid of Bill Clinton and his hag of a wife.

McCain was put up so Democrats could have a republican they liked in office.

It's a peace offerring. Remember smoke filled rooms?:eusa_whistle:
not the same thing.
the problem with defining swiftboating is that the repubs who hated kerry were ready to believe anything bad said about him, even if it wasnt proven to be true (which it wasnt. for you to believe otherwise shows you have no idea about what actually happened). so they think swiftboating is simply exposing the truth. the dems dismissed the attacks because they loved kerry and assumed all the claims were false. so they define swiftboating as untrue attacks on someone. i see it as attacking someones character with unverified and exagerrated claims.

but why dont you show me how all the claims were substantiated, so you dont look like a MORON by saying everything was true
the dems dismissed it because they were idiots
the charges have not been refuted
the havent been proven either. see the problem here?
actually, if you werent so ignorant of the facts you would know that several of them have been

like the first Purple Heart, Kerry's campaign had admitted that it was not legit as in there was no enemy fire that night thus any injury he got that night was not worthy of a purple heart
also, the little cut he got was so minor, MOST service men woiuldnt have even tried for a PH for it
and several, such as Oli North refused PH's for greater injuries
actually, if you werent so ignorant of the facts you would know that several of them have been

like the first Purple Heart, Kerry's campaign had admitted that it was not legit as in there was no enemy fire that night thus any injury he got that night was not worthy of a purple heart
also, the little cut he got was so minor, MOST service men woiuldnt have even tried for a PH for it
and several, such as Oli North refused PH's for greater injuries

several? yeah. all? no.
several? yeah. all? no.
the rest need Kerry to actually do what he said he would do, sign a full and open SF-180 and release his records
till he does, those cant be proven
and i dont ever expect Kerry to do so
he had already shown he lied about other vets i will never trust him

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