IT'S HAPPENING: New Photos Reveal Trump Administration Preparing US-Mexico Border Wall Construction


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Isn't this wonderful? It will especially be wonderful when we will soon be able to prevent third world wetbacks and Muslims from entering our country with a magnificent beautiful barrier wall. As you know, this country wasn't created for people like them. The founders specifically created this country for people of White European heritage via the Naturalization Act of 1790, the very first legislation by the first Congress. Trump is keeping his campaign promise in turning our country back over to the people this country was intended for. This wall will stop the national security threat of continued multiculturalism and in the end, prevent the ultimate goal of the left, the browning of America. In the end, Trump will make America great again.

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IT’S HAPPENING: New Photos Reveal Trump Administration Preparing U.S.-Mexico Border Wall Construction (PHOTOS)
Trump has said all along, "ABSOLUTELY." He has been getting bids, considering every design option, etc., and over time he will figure out a way to work it into our trade deals that the money we save with Mexico will cover the cost of building it. The guy is a man of his word.
Trump has said all along, "ABSOLUTELY." He has been getting bids, considering every design option, etc., and over time he will figure out a way to work it into our trade deals that the money we save with Mexico will cover the cost of building it. The guy is a man of his word.

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