Its hard to trust anyone


Gold Member
Apr 23, 2011
In this nation besides non rich working class people. I don't trust the media, don't trust the president, don't trust any elected officials, will never trust the dems or GOP ever This nation has hit the very bottom. The lowest of 81 years of life. Things are tainted beyond recognition and I have a disdain for everything here now involved with our awful political system. Sad. Give em all lie detectors and send em all to piuck fruit for 2 bucks an hour.
Sorry you feel dis associated from society. At 68 I trust some dems as I talk to them in their office and feel very good about what they are doing. I could never trust a republican as they are flat out liars. This even carries over to people you work with and may even drink with.
News flash Tax Man, democrats ain't all that honest either. It's more than the politicians and the media though, there's very little trust any more in scientists, academia, the Justice system, you name it and trust has diminished in it.

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Sorry you feel dis associated from society. At 68 I trust some dems as I talk to them in their office and feel very good about what they are doing. I could never trust a republican as they are flat out liars. This even carries over to people you work with and may even drink with.
if you think any politician right or left is honest, well you're fked up at 68!
In this nation besides non rich working class people. I don't trust the media, don't trust the president, don't trust any elected officials, will never trust the dems or GOP ever This nation has hit the very bottom. The lowest of 81 years of life. Things are tainted beyond recognition and I have a disdain for everything here now involved with our awful political system. Sad. Give em all lie detectors and send em all to piuck fruit for 2 bucks an hour.
I'm at the same point - once you realize a person has an ideological agenda it's tough to take them seriously. Politicians, politicos, pundits, partisans and press. So you just take snippets of what they say and search it out yourself.

It's sad to see, but at the same time I don't fret too much over that which I can't control. Our kids are off to great starts, they'll be fine, that's my only important priority.

The rest of this shit is just noise, including me.
Sorry you feel dis associated from society. At 68 I trust some dems as I talk to them in their office and feel very good about what they are doing. I could never trust a republican as they are flat out liars. This even carries over to people you work with and may even drink with.
if you think any politician right or left is honest, well you're fked up at 68!
Thanks for the compliment.
Sorry you feel dis associated from society. At 68 I trust some dems as I talk to them in their office and feel very good about what they are doing. I could never trust a republican as they are flat out liars. This even carries over to people you work with and may even drink with.
if you think any politician right or left is honest, well you're fked up at 68!
Thanks for the compliment.
News flash Tax Man, democrats ain't all that honest either. It's more than the politicians and the media though, there's very little trust any more in scientists, academia, the Justice system, you name it and trust has diminished in it.
What I said was that I talk to these people in person. I feel sorry for you and all those who have no faith in science, educators, or the justice system.
You old guys: did your Dads at one time or another tell you, "I want you to be a success, but more importantly I want you to be decent."

Our entire society has no decency.
I feel sorry for you and all those who have no faith in science, educators, or the justice system.

Interesting use of the term "faith." Exactly which science, educators or justice do you have faith in? Climate "change?" Left-wing college professors? Hillary Clinton's emails?

How about the last Presidential election? Do you have faith in that, too?
I hardly ever watch vids, Old Yeller.

Did your Dad tell you to become a decent man?
Sorry you feel dis associated from society. At 68 I trust some dems as I talk to them in their office and feel very good about what they are doing. I could never trust a republican as they are flat out liars. This even carries over to people you work with and may even drink with.
I blame you two. You voted for everything that led to this point. More socialism, more stupidity, more "free" stuff etc. now you complain?
Get off the socialism empty rhetoric. You are a cheerleader for the one percent who have a massive hatred for the middle class. If you can't see it you are not my fellow american.
Get off the socialism empty rhetoric. You are a cheerleader for the one percent who have a massive hatred for the middle class. If you can't see it you are not my fellow american.
And there's why you're to blame. Someone has it better than you the government should take some of their stuff and give it you you. Like I said, your failures in life dictated your voting patterns and now here we are. 80 something years old and you still can't get over someone else did better than you. I got news old timer. It wasn't them it was you. Thanks for the mess you left. And your SS which we are now paying for.
Sorry you feel dis associated from society. At 68 I trust some dems as I talk to them in their office and feel very good about what they are doing. I could never trust a republican as they are flat out liars. This even carries over to people you work with and may even drink with.
I blame you two. You voted for everything that led to this point. More socialism, more stupidity, more "free" stuff etc. now you complain?
Who is complaining? I am pointing out how nescient conservatives are.
Get off the socialism empty rhetoric. You are a cheerleader for the one percent who have a massive hatred for the middle class. If you can't see it you are not my fellow american.
And there's why you're to blame. Someone has it better than you the government should take some of their stuff and give it you you. Like I said, your failures in life dictated your voting patterns and now here we are. 80 something years old and you still can't get over someone else did better than you. I got news old timer. It wasn't them it was you. Thanks for the mess you left. And your SS which we are now paying for.
I have lots of money and stuff. For the people who have had misfortunes in life I begrudge them nothing and support the government helping them with taxpayers money. As for SS you can kiss it off as I paid in for nearly 50 years. If the trust fund is low go ask Saint Ronnie why that is.
Get off the socialism empty rhetoric. You are a cheerleader for the one percent who have a massive hatred for the middle class. If you can't see it you are not my fellow american.
And there's why you're to blame. Someone has it better than you the government should take some of their stuff and give it you you. Like I said, your failures in life dictated your voting patterns and now here we are. 80 something years old and you still can't get over someone else did better than you. I got news old timer. It wasn't them it was you. Thanks for the mess you left. And your SS which we are now paying for.
I have lots of money and stuff. For the people who have had misfortunes in life I begrudge them nothing and support the government helping them with taxpayers money. As for SS you can kiss it off as I paid in for nearly 50 years. If the trust fund is low go ask Saint Ronnie why that is.
So you aren't willing to help with all the money you have. But government should take more from those that made more than you and do your good works for you, right? Whatever you do don't take personal responsibility, let the government be your charity for you. Of course the government should only take from people with more than you, not you specifically. You wouldn't want to pay more obviously since you don't pay of your own free will.

You say you made a fortune. Yet you feel owed your SS checks. Not an unreasonable stance. You paid in and the investment should pay you right? Would you be making more or less today if you had been able to invest all of that money in your own account?

And here's the kicker. If all of that money you paid into SS was under your control how much more could you pass on to your family when you die? As is you get to pass all of it on to the government. Nice investment.
I am pointing out how nescient conservatives are.

Actually, you haven't pointed out anything other than your own distrust of Republicans. Your stilted use of the term "nescient" (instead of "ignorant") also reveals a certain smugness, since this term is more appropriately used to describe a lack of knowledge regarding orthodox (e.g., liberal) beliefs.
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Welcome to a career in burger flipping land, initforme, that is if you areent posting from some safe house in Syria.

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