It’s looking like Trump could take back Wisconsin, Georgia, PA, Nevada, Michigan and Arizona.

This nasty Chinese - Soros - Clinton - Democrat Election Fraud software is everywhere so multiple states will have to be recounted.

In your dreams BUT votes will be counted at the midterms and it ain't gonna be pretty for the blue team. Many on the left are already questioning the midterm election results. Of course, the lefty media won't call them out for their election lies and will question the integrity of the elections. But Trump, he is some kind of scum for daring to question election results.
In your dreams BUT votes will be counted at the midterms and it ain't gonna be pretty for the blue team. Many on the left are already questioning the midterm election results. Of course, the lefty media won't call them out for their election lies and will question the integrity of the elections. But Trump, he is some kind of scum for daring to question election results.
Like Stalin said, If the DemNazis count the vote, then it does not matter who voted or who won. The DemNazis will count the vote for their man, and not for their opponent.

This is why OBiden stressed counting counting counting and hollered that like Kruschev giving a speech to The UN while pounding his shoe on The Pulpit!
Trump's had over a year. Where's the flippin proof? I mean the guy's unemployed, he's had the time. He just lacks facts because there aren't any.
Tell me something I don't know. Trump isn't the issue. His Deplorable acolytes are.
With all the information that has come forward it is stupefying that there are still people that don't realize that President Trump had more legal votes than Biden.

It's crazy.
What information, the forged documents by fake Republican electors?
He will be the only president in American history to win three elections and serve two terms

Damn are we going to have some fun
my goal is to squish the Democrat Party into the ground forever

we've got to have some fun
I am going to use every nasty tactic I have and some I don't even know about yet

Don't get mad get even what goes around comes around
How is he going to win, with Republican fake electors and forged documents? He tried that and he lost.
Every Leftest revolution believes in "any means necessary" to impose their destruction.

In this case it was the thievery of the 2020 election.
And you have zero proof. That makes you one miserable liar.
Yes, we saw the election being stolen in November 2020.
No you didn't. But you did see fake Republican electors forge signatures on fake documents in the various states to try and steal the election from Biden.
It would end up being a retroactive historical perspective just like Obama's birth certificate we just want to know what the record says

Also known as the truth..
With or without the media fake once we take the house all of Biden's past indiscretions and miscreant Behavior will be super analyzed under a telescope or a microscope whichever one I find First
:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: And you won't find anything other than make believe.
Except the evidence is that there were two days illegally allowed to manufacture votes for xiden we know that happened, you know that happened
No we don't, and as always, you are a liar with no proof.
There is no "taking back". He never lost them in the first place. The Democrats stole those states (and a couple of others) with the scam of unverified mail in and harvest ballots in Democrat controlled swing districts.

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